189 & 190 Extraordinary Visit Inside Mt. Shasta - Lowell Johnson

Lowell Johnson

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Could there be entire humanoid civilizations living inside Earth?

Lowell Johnson has seen one such city with his own eyes, and he has phenomenal messages to deliver from his encounter.

Lowell has a remarkable story about finding himself in the underground city of Telos, being invited in to a Counsel meeting of higher dimensional beings.

His is a story that sounds like legend, but Lowell is so incredibly grounded that the truth that resounds through his story is undeniable. 

Lowell's story will stretch your understanding of what is happening on this planet! Join us for his high frequency episodes, which will awaken deep knowings within you.

This is part two of two, where we dive into the story of Lowell's time in Telos. 

Some topics covered in these two episodes:

  • Lowell takes us through some of his own awakening, and the synchronicities which have guided him along the way.
  • Alchemising negative energy into light, as a lightworker.
  • His amazing journey into the higher dimensional, inner-Earth city of Telos.
  • How can fear hold you back from being able to have your own higher dimensional experience in the physical.
  • How were the pyramids constructed?


View Lowell's photos: https://40kftview.com/gallery/

Hello and welcome to the meditation conversation I'm your host Kara Goodwin and today I am so excited to welcome Lowell Johnson Lowell has spent the majority of his professional career as a hospitality executive but he always yearned to know more about spirituality and his wakeup call came in the form of a tia or a mini stroke in 2015 since then he's been experiencing life from a multidimensional perspective. His activations have been rapid and what's revealing as his sole purpose is remarkable lowell is now aligned with his gifts as a light worker and he's had. Amazing experiences including one on or should I say in Mount Shasta and we'll get into that today because it's just mind blowing so welcome. Lowell thank you so much for being here today.

Lowell Johnson
Thanks Kara it's good to be here I don't know how meditative this is going to be in the end because there's a lot of information unpacked and hopefully people that have some ideas of some of the things we're talking about perhaps this will help them give a little more clarity. Or at least identify a source that you know if you have questions I'm here to do that very thing I was prepared gifted with knowledge that I'm not quite sure where it comes from yet. But I know that it's been. Tucked away for a while and all of it's been activated so I still surprise myself from time to time with the things I hear myself say but I know it comes from a place that's not foreign to me except today.

Um, and.

Lowell Johnson
And whatever trigger it information. Whatever key was provided by somebody along my way they unlocked that and it's never meant for just me I get it. It was designed for everybody to hear I'm just like a None pass.


Lowell Johnson
Emissary if you want to see it that way and I look I didn't start out with that it. It wasn't my intent to find spiritual paths I've always been curious about it and I've held fast to my sovereignty for all my life but didn't really understand the reasons. Why.


Lowell Johnson
Now that the conditions for me to experience unusual things have lined up and the more I see myself allowing that information to come my way the more is revealed.

Well I Love what you're saying as far as the you know helping people to understand and maybe they already have a little bit of a framework or maybe this is going to provide more of a framework I would also just highlight. That there's the intellectual piece and I think in our discussion today that makes we may be stretching people into like the you know beyond the comfort zone or beyond what they think they know and there is. That's where our growth is where we start to expand ourselves and it's like okay this is New. Let me feel into it or it may not be new for people but I know when I first heard your story. It was new for me I mean you were talking about places I'd never heard of I didn't Know. You know the the even really very much the lore around your experience much less that there were that it it was reality. Um, but there So there's like the piece for your intellect where it's like okay, let's stretch the mind and let's kind of. Expand upon the knowledge that you already have. But there's the energetic that runs through it as well and so that goes beyond the linear mind and the way that I kind of feel or feel into it with this conversation is that there are the words. That you that you know you can take in and absorb and let that be like something for the intellect but there's stuff that's bypassing the intellect as well and that is just as Important. So.

Lowell Johnson
I'm glad you made that correlation because it's a good place for us to begin. There's some fundamental information that people should consider um and once you have that in place then you can build your knowledge upon that. So when you. I Don't know if you consciously did it or you unconsciously were doing it when you were telling me that you were feeling into those things that is exactly the difference and the way that you can communicate with those pieces of other dimensions that work. Totally unaware of. We always want to understand things from our human little perspective and the limitations that our brain has we've been conditioned by our family and our friends at church and school and hobbies and. All that all of our life. So. That's what we know and the people we learned it from that was what they knew so it wasn't that anybody was doing anything wrong and it wasn't that there was a direction there with their going. The people were doing the best with what they had to work with now mind you everybody whether they realized it or not.

Um, right.

Lowell Johnson
Including my parents in the realms before that which were all you know, kind of trained as a group and failed to understand that we're individuals and we were meant to have individual journeys we weren't supposed to March like soldiers like everybody else.


Lowell Johnson
Our piece of the universe is unique and we have a special gift and the day will come when you're going to be called upon to do that for the collective to you. It's the simplest thing you've ever done and to the rest of us we Marvel because it's not what we do. That is what makes all of us together when we consider what we can do as a group now you understand the culture that I've been able to visit and what I can see so when they talk about this idea of the law of None they live it.


Lowell Johnson
But there's lots of other aspects that have spawned over time for me to understand about those beings and what form they are and you know what we have to look forward to there was a lot of things that I had to sort out and over the last two years it's been like the most intense college cramming I've ever done I constantly get downloads now in preparation for the next thing and it's not that still in my human brain I still want to understand it within these capabilities.


Lowell Johnson
Well, there are things that we have at our disposal that we just don't have the capacity to do that over the last three weeks there have been new revelations and things that I understand I've heard None of all light language which I've been corrected to.



Lowell Johnson
To refer to it as star language I had heard it a few months after my None incident in Mount Asta and I was starting to talk to people about it I was introduced to a person named Cindy and she was a friend of a friend and.


Lowell Johnson
In this Zoom session. It was kind of Lisa said lowell this is Cindy Cindy this is lowell have at it and Cindy started to speak a language I didn't understand and for a while. So as I was listening to it. I didn't know what to do with it I'd never heard it I don't understand it so in my mind I'm just supposed to tuck it away and later on it'll reveal what it meant so let's go to three weeks ago now I get an unsolicited message from Cindy. And she knew that I was in preparation to go to shasta she was due to be there about the same time and she was here to deliver some messages they were in the star language again. But I could tell this time. That there were different cadences and different when she would stop to channel it. They weren't all the same now I don't know how I knew that but there was something about the vibration of what she was saying and the tone it. It was just different so I could tell this wasn't necessarily.


Lowell Johnson
The same whatever source it was. It wasn't true. Well afterwards that got validated for me when I was unconsciously preparing for an interaction with light beings. Ah, physical interaction with them and all the things that led up to that I had been shown some artifacts Amazing artifacts. Three of them were ceremonial pipes. Um one was a medallion one was um, ah, a portable time machine. But within each one of those each one had different codes and graphics that was inscribed in all of them and so I First of all rarely does anybody get to see any of this stuff much less I was holding it.

Um, and you weren't seeing it in the physical. A wow.

Lowell Johnson
I was about to use those ceremonial pipes to go on a journey to open up my ability to see more anyway I had taken photographs some of them as well which I was kind of curious because as I was snapping pictures I was just waiting for the person who.


Lowell Johnson
Possess them to say you can't do that because I had seen other images. She's shown me before and what she explained they were blew me away I'd never seen them when I asked how old they were. She goes I 30000 years old or so she had acquired them because she had been given the coordinates of where to find these things.



Lowell Johnson
They weren't all in the same place on earth so she sent people out on her behalf to find them and told them that you may find other artifacts wherever these things are you can do what you wish with those but these I need you to bring back to me. Um I think she showed me those. To get my attention. She had been at this place where we had met and I didn't know her before that I didn't know who she was but clearly she knew about me the day before she had shown up with a group of people. She has some students that travel with her all the time that assist her and then she has some colleagues that have been following her and 1 ne's a psychologist that had heard about these things that happened around Kumut and for 10 years she's been studying and following them from a professional perspective. And seeing things that you know people can't really understand and explain but Kuma also has the ability to capture these dimensional images with a phone you can point your phone at the same thing she can and she can capture things that are happening dimensionally which is what she did to me so that none friday.


Oh wow.

Lowell Johnson
Um, she had been taking some pictures that toward the end of the afternoon and um apparently had been calling in some light beings near ah some plants on this deck I had been sitting on all afternoon and um after she. Must have had this dialed in she said I want you to come over here and stand behind here I Want you to put your arms up around it and I want you to chant these eliomes and so I did until I started to feel silly and then I just stopped and I turned her on and apparently she was done Well. We went inside the house out of the sunlight. And she began to show me the pictures. She'd taken. Oh my God The first four were light beings they clearly were here inside these plants and then the pictures she took of me and there were 2 that I saw the None one this light being had entered my third eye and had come out the back clearly. And then the last one was like multiple beams of light into the back of my head showing me where I was getting my downloads now I know that all sounds silly but you can't deny pictures and that's what this was about um when she.

1 Graham.

Lowell Johnson
When I had time to digest that I went back to think about it all because she didn't explain what she was doing clearly after the fact we'd figured out that mickey who owned this property. Ah he and I were both invited to go on this journey together. So Friday when I was there when those light being showed up that was the end she left after that and I thought well that was interesting but I don't know what to make of it the next day because I had stayed that weekend I got a we got a call in the morning that she was coming back. She'd be there around noon. No one knew why. It led me to understand that Friday was some kind of a validation had I not passed whatever condition that those light being set up. There was no reason for her to come back on Saturday but she did and then when she did she took other pictures. Mickey has an ondara spiral.

And I.

Lowell Johnson
On his property and we were invited toward the end of the afternoon after she showed us these amazing artifacts to stand down there and then she photographed what had happened. Ah if you haven't seen them yet I'll make sure that you do because I'm on the website so that you could.

Yeah I have seen him.

Lowell Johnson
Um I didn't understand when she left what any of that was a ballcare and it's come clearer now that those were just preparing me for what was about to happen two weeks later in Shasta.


Lowell Johnson
I was going to be there to present at a conference and she was going to be there the week before as well. So there was a few days overlap that we would get to meet with one another and she took me on a couple more journeys where I thought I was a tag along. The none day we got to see one another it wasn't until Friday that week and she was due to leave the next morning according to her original plans. We finally had a chance to sit down for about 45 minutes and get to know one another because all this had come around and gone. Ah, and I really didn't know who she was but I learned who she was that day in 45 minutes I found out that she's a hybrid and her father had been a soldier back in the I think early 50 s and once there was evidence.


Lowell Johnson
And scientists had wherever they had harvested http://aliendnathey had an idea that these beings had abilities beyond our own and of course wanted to see you know how can we take advantage of that so without knowing. Um.


Lowell Johnson
Kumu's mother knew nothing about it and until she was about five years old and started to display some abilities that no others did these people didn't have these abilities. She had communications with higher beings that and others did not so she was put into a program.


Lowell Johnson
With other children who came from other places that had similar abilities under the same circumstances. She has kind of lived her life under the radar. She doesn't want to draw attention to herself. She doesn't work for the government. Although she's done work for them when they've come up with phenomenon that gay can't understand.


Lowell Johnson
They've asked her to come in more than once to see if she couldn't explain the Phenomena Sometimes she could sometimes she couldn't but make no mistake. She's been here Busy clearing Negative Energies. That's. Her job.. That's what I understand all us light workers jobs are and when this physical interaction between myself and the light beings that was the kind of Baton that was Passed. It was lowell understand now you're. An alchemist from way Back. You understand this is how we mutate transmutate negative energy into light. Yeah now care that capacity inside of you and it's your job not to be the only one you're the first one and you're going to show how people do it next.


Lowell Johnson
But that was that sensation I will never forget because my tell us experience I knew about as much about tellus as you did going into it what I knew about it was I had read I think on a cover of a book walking through Mochesta Other than that.


Lowell Johnson
Um I had spent some time going down the atlanan timeline in that rabbit hole that understand my role there and you can't really do that without understanding in Lemuria that kind of pre priest ah preceded it. Um now since then out.


Lowell Johnson
Last week in all of this change that was taking place I had heard from and then we'll get to your questions because this was the last thing that blew me away as time goes on your your confidence kind of wanes and waxes over time.


Lowell Johnson
Did I really see that did it really do that. Well when I was with in chasta I had heard a few days before that from a guy who had been travelling his name is Adam Rickus Adam's a filmmaker from Australia and he's been going around the world and recording extraordinary phenomena. And along his way he ran into um, a young man in India who had been channeling higher beings and lumereans among them I had seen an interview that he had sent me on Youtube he had done with Sam and what. Um, it was the none time I'd heard well second time I'd heard my name uttered by somebody else in the Youtube video and he was asking sam he had this curiosity because he understood that he channeled little murians he had questions about anyone to know more.


Lowell Johnson
That he had heard an interview done by a guy named Lowell Johnson who apparently had gone to tell us and what can you tell me about that Sam Well Sam began to explain that he realized that when he was channeling the lumereans that oftentimes they would say they were broadcasting from tellows.


Lowell Johnson
But he admitted you know it wasn't anything I can't tell you what it looks like I can't tell you I didn't ask those questions but in a future session I will Adam made his way through shasta when I heard from him he was making his way from Croatia to Mount Shasta for a None day overlap we would have so we would get to meet face-to-face and when he did he had asked me you know I'm I'm willing to reach out to Sam and see if you know he's got anything he can channel for us. Is there anything you'd like to ask. Nothing really came to mind but I'm sure curious about what they would say about me right? Well Sam um, there were 3 queries that were posted and I want to get the last part right? So bear with me while I do that.


Lowell Johnson
Adam wanted to know 3 questions he had None of them was could Adam in the next week visit Tellos and the answer that they came up with was um. Adamms permitted to visit tellus anytime astraly now it's not like just because you can get into a meditative state. You're invited to come so this was significant. Um, they went on to explain that tellus was created from a crystalline grid. Which certainly aligns with the things that I understand about it talked about um what was important to them and he had asked what their technology was like and Sam kept drawing lines between consciousness and technology. And its conclusion that there can't be any creativity. You can't have technology without consciousness because consciousness is what serves creation. So then the last part and I'm going to read this because I transcribed it from the video. It went on to say now the other query which relates to any information about Lowell Johnson and how he can assist with ascension that was the last question he asked what can you tell me about this guy and so this was the answer. The entity known as Lowell Johnson as we consent is primarily trying to work for the attainment of more freedom in terms of consciousness and free will and has been in contact with us through its inner self many times since our vibrations match it can ascend. It can assist in the ascension by transferring our information. Which primarily does not exist in the form of your language but in the form of vibration which can be transmitted and translated by its mind in a pure form for allowing the people of earth to understand fully our information. Much like this channel is performing. He was related. He was referring to sam. That's a little unerving when you hear your name come from a channel from australian filmmaker and an indian channel and all of a sudden.

Wow right? Indian Channel Yeah yeah.

Lowell Johnson
They know who you are and what you're doing here.

Wow And then just how they're talking about that vibration. You know that's coming through underneath it and the the vibrational match which I know is important for the story of how you ended up in tell us. Um, well thank you so much for taking us through that.

Lowell Johnson

I'm going to pause the recording really quickly. So let's let's talk about your time in tellus and Tellos um, because this is is it's really fascinating and you've given us some teasers. Um, tellos is a city inside Mount Shasta which is a lot to say in None sentence that that can you know be bringing people completely outside their understanding of reality. So again like let it sink in whatever level.

Lowell Johnson
And yet.

You can take that in it for those who are listening um but can you can you share this story with us. It's just phenomenal.

Lowell Johnson
Yeah, ah the more I refer back to it I have a greater and greater appreciation for what happened that day and at first it was just this miraculous thing that had happened to me out of the blue when. I was wandering around off trail in the shasta forests I was really hoping to run into an ascended master that if there's that kind of knowledge to be gained. It's not that that hadn't happened in the past. If you really understand that St Germain was no legend in that he came out and met guy Ballard when in the 1930 Sand had exchanged all this information and left guy I don't know how many books he wrote after that none maybe more on the topics of things that St Jermain had given him well it resonated with so many people that that became a society and until a guy passed along it grew geometrically now this wasn't a cult. It wasn't any kind of religious thinking. It was just. Your mind already has the capacity if you'll just allow these thoughts to enter and you let them sync a little bit because it's not like things assimilate with me immediately. It always takes a few days for the dots to connect and.


Lowell Johnson
For you to understand what you've been showing and the reasons why it just takes time and some of it takes even longer than that until you know a year later something happens and now oh my god the light comes on and you understand it not for yourself so much. But.


Lowell Johnson
In order to be able to explain it to others really? that's the challenge I get it and I'm the toughest person you're ever going to find to convince about anything I'm a capricorn by nature and I need due diligence. So.


Lowell Johnson
When I was talking about the amount of time I was cramming to learn things. It was every time I saw another rabbit hole I needed to understand it for myself and then use my discernment to decide What's True. What's not true. But here's where the vibra but vibratory nature of things comes into play. It goes Beyond language when I was talking about um Star language that I now seem to be able to understand. And those artifacts that had codes on them that now I can interpret some of that. Ah our language fails as was pointed out in that last channeling. Um they don't articulate to us. Lumerans that were being channeled in our language they do that in vibration and once you understand the vibration then you can understand what they're saying now they're certainly benevolent loving beings and they want us to understand it but we fail to vibrate at their level today.


Lowell Johnson
Now there are those of us who have awakened and we can So here's the challenge on how do we help? others understand that given the nature of their little three D structures and I don't want to say their fixation in the things that they Understand. All I can do is invite you to just be open if you believe that your dreams are just dreams I'm here to tell you differently those are experiences you're having whether you realize that or not.

It is.

Lowell Johnson
Those are timelines you're going down Unconsciously and because you're so busy in the third dimension with your phone in front of you you fail to recognize the things that it's trying to show you and if any time was important to get it. It's now we're so close to the Shift. Taking place that all this is being presented to us in preparation for that day. The idea that Earth is gone from a None dimensional kind of construct into fourth dimensional. Um, it's right around the corner. I Know people that don't understand it are feeling changes in our environment here and if you've been paying attention to solar Phenomenon You understand what's coming at us and what's about to change us but I Digress Let's go back to tellhos. Um, it's easy to do.

Um, ah.

Lowell Johnson
Um, so anyway I had spent time by the time I got there I had gone to chests with the idea I was going to be there for a week and to make a long story short ended up staying 5 I would just so.

Five weeks wow

Lowell Johnson
Entranced with what I was finding in the forest every day and I like quiet and solace it's where I find my connection to the other things that are talking to me and it never fails to show up when I do that? Um, once you experience said that. That's really all you want. There's just magic that opens up I had this particular weekend I had gone to the spot that I like there's a one road that. Goes from Mount Shasta up a road called Everett Memorial Highway and if you drive as far as you can get There are 3 levels of parking at the very top of this at about seventy nine hundred feet above sea level up on the mountain. I had visited it like the second day I had got there and just found the space I had heard about it earlier because I was checking out some crystal shops and there was None in particular that carried ondaas that I wanted to research and. As I was leaving I could hear people talking about going to scargays later in the evening up on the top of the mouth and I interrupted just enough to say well can anybody do that they can answer with well, it's a parking lot so I was up there that next night. And saw the sky in a totally light pollution-free environment and it happened to be It was a new moon. So there was no moonlight you got to see the milky way in all its glory. Oh my goodness. So I want to say over the next ten days I probably spent.


Lowell Johnson
None or 6 of them up there at least until midnight just watching the sky until I was too tired to last and then I'll come back and do it tomorrow. It was fantastic. Then you see the nature of the phenomenon when there is a fu moon and what difference that makes but. It was just beautiful I had stopped one day at the top of this place and there's only like 4 picnic tables in the whole place parking but normally the parking lots are full and people are off um, hiking I was sitting a picnic table around noon. And I was looking at Mount Shasta would have been in front of me and its sister. Um Shastina is just to the left and as I looked at her I thought I saw some cavities that could have been cave entrances. It was.


Lowell Johnson
Certainly the way that the sun was hitting the mountain and you could see shadows were being cast but to me it was curious enough that you know when the next day or so I was going to go investigate for myself because from where I was sitting. It didn't look like it was going to take very long to get there. But it certainly wasn't along a trail and there were some areas that I wanted to explore that way. So the next morning in the next day I actually chose a more rigorous hike There's a one more mountain there I think it's about sixty five hundred feet called black butte and if you drive along I five you go right around this thing he can't miss it I decided I was going to climb to the top of that and although what research I'd done on the web. Recommended that you don't do it because it's justree. It's loose rock. There are patterns along this that have kind of made natural trails but you can see where this is in 2 places especially had washed out and I had no business trying to walk over that.

I'll go.

No ever.

Lowell Johnson
Plus I was alone and I shouldn't have done it but I did it took me longer to get down than it took me to get up and the next by the time I got to my room by about six fifteen that night after I'd showered and rested it was you know my mind I was just going to take sunday. Watch Tv and chill in bed until you know I recovered I'm not 25 years old hiking the way that I was hiking anymore like tend to wake up around seven o'clock every morning anyway and I just have a routine that I meditate right away. It takes me about 20 minutes and starts my day out. Oh I did that and then I my intention was just to roll over and just chill out maybe watch Tv for a little bit but by ten o'clock something was telling me get out of bed I get your clothes on go so I did a little before noon I was back at that spot at the top of the mountain. And I began to take this hike over to where I wanted to get I had taken photographs from the car just so you could see the direction I was going to head in because I wanted some points of reference every time I've been doing this It's just. Kind of been in the background to help provide more proof I can tell you my stories all day long and there are lots of people that have them. But even when Kumu took those pictures and she sent them to me. She said these are for your portfolio and I didn't understand what the hell that meant what do you mean? it's for portfolio.


Lowell Johnson
Eventually she told me the day is going to come when it's gonna be your turn to tell your story and the difference between you and everybody else is when you talk about light beings. You're going to have pictures of the Phenomena and the day that she had taken me to um, my light.

Was that at the War Memorial Oh my gosh Those photos are are phenomenal. The starship that's above you. Let's.

Lowell Johnson
Integration experience. Yes, yes.

Lowell Johnson
Wait it.

I mean I just stared at it for a long time I was like this is this is phenomenal.

Lowell Johnson
Yes, I'm not going to be the only one I'm the first one but here is the none time that there was physical contact. Between different realms. We understand that humanity takes form through the none dimension None dimension and higher you no longer require physical form but you certainly can. They're all light beings. We're light beings. We're just cloaked right now in this carbon form. But even as this is taking place and the changes in the planet this taking place to rise her consciousness we are being bathed by that same photon energy that's coming from our central sun. The age of Aquarius was marked by the beginning of new processions. There are 3 of them and they all kind of synced up all at the same time. So as of 2012 and really more like 2016 our entire solar system now is in this. Enhanced photon plasma belt that feeds our sun which just modulates it to everything within her solar system. So the sun and if you've watched her activity is starting to spike in different ways we see results of cmes and.


Lowell Johnson
Coronal holes and if you're watching that which I've been watching it for the last two years so I could understand the phenomenon you see what this is so let's put that into perspective. We're all energetic magnetic beings if you understand your body is that.

Yeah, so.

Lowell Johnson
Then you can comprehend Chakras and when you look at the planet. She's no different. She's an electromagnetic being as well. We if you look at the way she's constructed. She was well I'm going to start down another rabbit hole and I should stop for now.


Lowell Johnson
And Describe. Ah where Earth came from what she started as and what she is now and the critters that are on her but let's go back to tell us for a minute and it's easy for me to digress. Um. When I started to hike and I got up to these areas I'd find more than one energetic. Let's call it a vortex and in retrospect now there are many of them ever there when you're aware of what they are and you vibrate with them. Oh My gosh you run across them all the time they.

And you can do them with your physical eyes. No.

Lowell Johnson
Look different you Yeah I can now but I see things in a different way now I see um those energetic signatures take form and I.


Lowell Johnson
See colors and different spectrums and my audio capacity is enhanced I hear things that clearly others don't yet yet and I don't think that I'm the only one but holy Cow It's like this trifecta has kind of come across I had found one of these and.

And a.

Lowell Johnson
Ah, it looked like there was a a rock circling and there was a tree growing out of the middle of it. So when I saw that it just drew you to it and I'm a light worker I understand that my job is to plant light here on Behalf of Gaia. I don't go to shasta seeking something It's always an energy exchange. Ah but my job is to plant my light there and then I dare you to walk through that aura and not be affected by it every time I find a little vortex like that to me I'm just opening or.


Lowell Johnson
Enabling another portal. That's just been waiting to be activated for the next person I saw that one stood there and there it's just just there's this feeling that you get that you're in the right spot until I saw another one a little bit higher and off to the left. So I thought you know I like the elevation so I'm going to move over there and. Starting to get the same sensations until I saw None more almost against the mountain and it had this outcropping a rock so one was um, a rock that was a little higher than my in scene but it was narrow so I could get up and over it. And then there was a boulder on this side and a boulder on the other side. But if you crawl over? Oh my god here's a cool little place to kind of sit so I had done that exercise. Yeah, almost yes I looked in the direction of the parking lot way off in the distance and had planted my light.

Um, like a little alpo kind of yeah.

Lowell Johnson
I sat down I was having some water and I had some grapes and I was listening to music you know through my earpods and um I had just finished putting things away and my the music had stopped I didn't understand because my phone had been fully charged when I got there. So I'd reached into the back of my pocket where I was keeping my phone I pulled it out and I could tell it wasn't on well as I was trying to turn it back on I sensed this well almost like a shadow that was moving quicker than it should have but it came along where I was sitting because I hadn't. My feet on the ground my butts on the ground and I was leaning up against you know the rock the mountain. The only thing between me and it was dried but Brush. Um. As this sensation was coming below. It almost felt like there was a similar canopy coming over me almost like a shadow and as I was trying to take all that in and now I felt like a breeze from behind me I had moved up a little bit to just kind of take in the shadow phenomenon and then I felt. A breeze and when I turned around to see it now. There was an opening behind me where there had not been nothing but solid rock before large enough for me to certainly go through and as I stood up and I turned around to take a measure of what was going on.


Lowell Johnson
You could see that there was a little rise where my feet were and then it went down and as my eyes adjusted to the light conditions I could see what I thought was somebody down there on the left hand side.

Huge success.

Lowell Johnson
And if I was to guess I would have guessed that this person would have been about my height as all that was coming into my wherewithal. That's when I heard would you like to see tellows where you kind of get excited. And yeah I'd seen it on a book.

And so.

Lowell Johnson
I kind of understood it was in the mountain. But if somebody was gonna offer to show me something I didn't know I was in so your heart races a little bit and I started to make my way down and and as I got closer to this being. He was not my size he was at least two feet taller than I was.


Lowell Johnson
Was dressed in like a ah white type of cloak and it had some colored ribbons and I still don't know I put it this way because I don't know any other way to put it I don't know if that was indicative of some Lemeryian bla or whether it was indicative of some type of.


Lowell Johnson
Ah, rank that he held. Um when I got close enough. He said his name was Alex and I said well that'll be easy to remember that's my son's name he said yeah we know about your son Alex you know, follow us or follow me so I followed him down this gateway to me. I'm in a lava tube in my mind that this is going downward to where we're going in down at the bottom you can start to see a light source coming from the other way as we got closer to the bottom I looked behind me and couldn't see any light from where I have come from.

Oh Wow How How are you feeling in these like as all of this like you. You're walking through a portal that wasn't there. Um, so like this interdimensional ah space opens up and. As much as like I would love some like as we're listening to this I would love to have this experience and I also know that in the moment if that were to open up to me that I would need to keep my fear in check and of course like if you come into fear you're going to like.

Lowell Johnson
Is it.

Probably not be able to hold the vibration that you need to hold to be in there.

Lowell Johnson
You know that's that's the quandary between those of us like you that understand all about vibration. Um, there's still that part of us in 3 d that's still affected by that.

Um, yeah.

Lowell Johnson
When I say I've put fear behind me long ago. That's ah, that's a lot to say and people don't really understand and what do you mean You're not afraid of anything I'm not afraid of anything and here's why because I've seen what comes next and if I left this moment. I know I get to go on to what's better because I've seen it and I know what's coming very few people get to see from that perspective. So. There's always a hint of fear that's been almost encoded into our Dna that needs to be dissolved before you can vibrate at the level. That you wish to so to interact with these other beings. It's unmistakable. Believe me when I tell you they're around us all now here the case of the lamerians.


Lowell Johnson
It makes me chuckle because we still spend a lot of time and now you've seen more written more revelations of people seeing phenomenon up in the sky and understanding that that had to be yeah ufos and that they can describe them with some kind of detail. And the movements which what they have doesn't suggest the propulsion systems that we understand we think that there's got to be some um give and go.


Lowell Johnson
That you have to be pushed in order to move just like on the planet here. You know we kind of crawl around on top of but but we have to be moved. They don't work that way those are light beams and they move in whatever way that they wish there's nothing that prevents them from doing whatever they can.


Lowell Johnson
And we don't have the capacity to understand the technology that does that yet. But it's coming. Um.

Yeah, so basically you you didn't have to worry about fear you were just excited and curious and it was like yep I'm in.

Lowell Johnson
I was about to see something I had never seen before and I was open to that so when we got to the bottom of this opening it opened up into an area I can cause like a staging area and across for me, there were 5 more of these what I would.

Yes, Okay, all right. Wonderful.

Lowell Johnson
Categorizes um lavtitudes. There were None but interestingly when we got into this clearing immediately off to the left hand side and we came in was a platform that I would. Guess was about None by 6 and it appeared to have what I would call None bucket seats. No console just this there was another one over there and there was another one over there. Well as I was kind of taking all this in Alex had made his way to the other side sat on that seat and indicated for me to sit on this one. And as soon as my butt hit that seat this thing levitated and off we went into that middle tube on the other side now the sensation. The none thing that occurred to me is I'm moving. But there's no sensation in 3 d like wind. Yeah I'm not feeling any of that.

How wow.


Lowell Johnson
But I know we're moving and as we got closer to the other end of this lavva tube and you could start to see light coming from the other side Now you could see if these were crystals embedded or whatever they were inside this lavit Tube. It was like going through a kaleidoscope and every just. Iota of space. You would move forward would change the light refraction in such a way that it was like a freaking living Kaleidoscope. It was so Beautiful. So when I was just getting ready to enjoy all that now we come out and.


Lowell Johnson
I see the entirety of the city of tellos from this crazy perspective. You've seen pictures of sky your city views. That's what I got to see because as soon as we got into this opening in this cavity. We went up to a spot where we were elevated and I could see the entire city laid out. It was all crystalline. It was circular in orientation in the middle of it. There's this beautiful white pyramid with a capstone on the top that that particular day was white. I gained an appreciation for the capstone and the colors and what it meant later because it was all stuff I didn't understand it answered the questions on the beings I saw that day it was a Sunday they were wearing white.


Lowell Johnson
There's a woman who's written a few different books on tellus his name's Diane Robbins and Diane couldn't be sweeter I got a chance to sit with her a couple of times while I was in chastic because that's where she lives and she had shared with me something after the none time we'd met that she'd never published in any of her books. And she said I want you to understand this because you had made references to people wearing white and it happened to be Sunday well I want to tell you what that means she said that depending on the capstone color that sets the tone for the community and so had you been there on Wednesday it would have been green had you been there on Saturday it would have been purple you picked sunday.


Lowell Johnson
That was white. So okay, these dots are connecting and that's Interesting. So when you start to hear these perspectives from other sources. You can't deny that any of this doesn't make sense anymore. It might sound like the wildest story you've ever heard. But that doesn't mean that there's something more to it. That we just have shut ourselves off from but we've been begging to understand and experience for ourselves as we made our way Around. He began to explain the nature of who they were. There is a King and queen.

Um, Henry.

Lowell Johnson
But for all intents and purposes. Ah Lameria and tell us and and maybe it's a good time to explain tellus is the city. It's part of internerearth if you understand that whole a gartha network tellus is just one city. So when you hear about tulosians they're all lumeririans. It's just like I'm an american and I grew up in St Paul so yes I'm a st paulite that's kind of the same perspective I want to help people understand so that when they hear the terms lumeriianss and tellows. That they understand the distinction between them.

Well and when I and before I had heard of your experience I understood Lameria as an ancient race and that you know predates even what we accept as mainstream history. Um. A lot of people may even not not accept lumerianss as a you know real and that they really existed even you know because it's so far back? Um, so how? how. Can you help people to under so to reconcile that like wait if if Lameria existed it was like eons ago but you're saying that this's happened now.

Lowell Johnson
Yeah, yeah. None is what I've been led to understand but let me frame that in None we measure things in linear time. They don't do that They see beyond that but they're different beings altogether.

And yeah.

Lowell Johnson
So um, ask me the question once again so that I make sure that I zero in out because we're about to go down another rabbit hole on what Earth re it was.

Okay, basically well basically so you're saying that Lumerians exist now and so how how can people reconcile that if they see them as like an ancient race that then is no longer here.

Lowell Johnson

Lowell Johnson
Okay, well maybe it's a good time to set some fundamental information here first so the None thing that we have to come to terms with is whether people understand and and believe in reincarnation or not.

How did they end up in the middle of the in the in Middle Earth or oh

Lowell Johnson
There is a good place to start because if you don't There's no sense in us having this conversation any further I know and most people sense that they've had they've been reincarnated so it only stands to reason you've had past lives and if you get that.


Lowell Johnson
You've had many of them when I resonated with the idea that I could have been a star seed from somewhere else and long ago. It was planted in that I've returned from my pleedian persona. Um, as. From a future version of myself who reincarnated themselves here for a specific purpose now I understand what that purpose was that when I was asked at the end of this trip to tell us whether I would consider being an emissary. For the day that earth's consciousness Rose to match theirs and they wanted to reintegrate with surface beings that are here that I would be on this side to help facilitate that well it wasn't till months after that happened that a friend that I had met along the way and. He's native american and he's got generations of families that have lived on the mountain and the things that they've seen and experience he said you know the reason why they invited you in he said you're one of them. Well that hadn't occurred to me until then and then it was like a freaking awakening. Oh my goodness. Yes I was one of them.


Lowell Johnson
I had had somebody help me with some past life aggressions because I had always been fascinated with Atlantis and that somehow I sensed I played a role there well in learning about atlantis you can't help but stumble over Luuria because that was it kind of led up to that.


Lowell Johnson
Um, but that was another kind of rabbit hole to go down if I was plea in to begin with which I know I was There's some other dots that need to be connected between Lauria and that state. That's when I had a greater understanding for what elysium was and what that was really the none civilization here on earth it was what was considered the garden of eden and earth in its infancy was a sense of dimensional being. We come from the none galaxy of the none master sun and we hold a sun disc from that in the core of Earth Earth is a star when she was first constructed she had that the form had been here forever. She had been. Let's say an interstellar conveyance byway where when there was travel going from place to place earth was a great bystation. Um during the wars of the heaven if you want to go down there and just allow yourself that. That had taken place that there was another planet in between Mars and Jupiter long ago called Mardu and marduk had been identified to be that life sustaining place but it also held it was about to hold all of the. Wisdom for the universe the none master sun is the sun of illumination that wisdom knowledge all comes from that place and we hold that sun disk in our middle. So when Mardu. Blew up. It was earth's turn to decide and the first beings that came here happened to be scientists from the pleiadians because they were master botanists. They created the mantle around it and made form around inner earth. Which had always existed there. This buy station had always been a none dimensional byway forever. They were about to build that out so it would sustain life and here is where humanity would begin after the pledians were done with the mantle. Well then it was time to invite.


Lowell Johnson
Um, other plant life and other animals so there were other extraterrestrial influences that came and if you can believe it many of these things have been parked on arcs that have been moving across the planets for a long time. Just waiting for the time that they were going to be implemented The scientists who came here fell in love with this creation when it was done Oh My God This was beautiful and they.


Lowell Johnson
Ah, petitioned the galactic federation to be able to colonize here that was the beginning when you hear about the lirans coming here to pop ah to populate as well during the war of heavens their native planet had also become uninhabitable. And they ended up migrating to Sirius which was a great spot for them. Um, and when they were aware of this earth experiment because that's all it was. They had petitioned the galactic federation to see if they could be allowed to colonize here too. They were given the permission to do that.


Lowell Johnson
Under this condition that you understand that earth is an experiment and we're going to try this um allow sovereignty and free will in humans and let's just see how it all works out that. Started from a none dimensional perspective. So imagine the powers that you had and your abilities to command whatever you wanted to manifest quickly. These people had that ability when the lirans got here. These were allegedly 20 plus foot beings. And they were master architects and master builders the monoliths and you see that were built and I can only imagine what's really under the earth that we haven't even seen yet these people were responsible for those things and if I told you how the pyramids were built. It would blow your mind a little bit more because you really have to embrace the idea that they understood how to manifest and transmute energy into form and out of form. Okay, so if you hold that thought. The material that the pyramids came from wasn't from this planet eventually that came from somewhere else but in light form and when it arrived here and now we have. Rules by which things happen on this planet in terms of gravitational forces and whatnot they they they had a way of circumventing that. So. The best example I have had is when you see diagrams of the king's chamber inside the. Pyramid and above it. There are None different levels inside of that and separating each level are these monolithic stones that how did they get there. How did they fit so precisely. How did that happen? Well here's how it happened they used. Um, sacred geometry to figure out how that was going to fit they placed this light form into place and then transmuted it into form doesn't that sound reasonable. It. Definitely it.

Um, yeah, yeah, yeah.

Lowell Johnson
It makes sense to me when we really is our capability to turn energy into form later and right now we're kind of stuck in a place where that's a hard pill to swallow. It's exactly what happened then.

Um, wow yeah that that I mean that does make total sense that the light was there None and then then the then the matter came in.

Lowell Johnson
They can manipulate energy in any way that they wish we just haven't been to a place where we've we've experienced that as human beings yet. But the day is coming when those abilities within us are going to wake up when they say that we're co-creators.



Lowell Johnson
What do you think that that meant when we get to be part of New Earth um we're in. We're about to ascend into the fourth dimension. It's for people that could don't understand what that really means in relation to where we are today. That's the angelic realm and. Here's where if you believe that I've had different incarnations. My purpose here is to evolve and help source learn more about itself. So the lessons I signed up for were put into place in terms of a sole contract. And in this incarnation here are the list of lessons that I signed up to learn some are good. Some are not good, but that's the whole experiment. We're here to understand the contrast between a duality. Good bad. We wanted to understand physicality here. You go. We didn't realize.

Right? so.

Lowell Johnson
Where that was going to put us for so long, especially when there are other influences that kept us from really focusing on the good parts of that So We lost our abilities. It wasn't lost. Let me rephrase. It's been tucked away in Akashic records we have and now we're beginning to open that up. Whatever triggers are coming our way are not coincidental that we've been given either words or a phrase or something that's triggered something that we already knew I'm here to suggest we're not learning anything New. We're just recovering.


Um, yeah, right right? and it does.

Lowell Johnson
Information we knew from before and we're starting to put it back at our disposal.

Think it does feel that way like the more and more different activations I've had. It's a remembrance and it's almost like things come into focus and it's like oh yes and it's so undeniable that it's like so obvious you know like as these things come together. So.

Lowell Johnson
That plasma energy that I was suggesting we're being affected by is what is cracking our Dna open. It's not that um, there's there are.

No go ahead. What were you going to say.


Lowell Johnson
Ah, changes taking place at a cellular level because of that Earth is changing because of that new enhanced phenomenon and so are we because we're just senting creatures crawling up ah on her. She is already.



Lowell Johnson
In a cosmic cycle to move to the next place she's going and when I made references to what's in the fourth dimension. It's it's where when we recycle when we finish this incarnation. It's where we return to that's the angelic room and there we see. We're all part of None just jump back into a none dimensional lesson to learn some more lessons but you already know as well as I do and most of the people that are going to listen to this our memory banks were erased and we had to go through that all over again to try and figure out who we were along the way and what.


Lowell Johnson
Gifts we had at our disposal because this incarnation is the last one for me I knew that the shift was coming within my incarnation this time and I'm sixty eight years old. It's time for this to all manifest. I know to the uneducated they see this as a cataclysmic event which for older it most certainly is but for those of us whose vibration matches that of the planet we go right along with her think of it in terms of a membrane separating three d earth. And she's moving through that membrane into fourth dimension unless what is on that part of the surface vibrates at the same level. It can't pass through that membrane so those people whose none dimension hasn't risen to the place where it matches. What new earth is moving toward. They're here to play out different lessons. They're not done with their none dimensional lessons and bless their hearts that they're sovereign beings that's up to them. But there's no room for them in a place where they don't vibrate at the same level in the same way that I see things are on me because I vibrate at that level.


Lowell Johnson
That's where other people are waking up to and um, podcasts like this are serving people to understand something that they can't really comprehend and more and more people are being drawn to this if you're finding your tribe here are the people that you vibrate with and you understand.


Lowell Johnson
That those experiences you're having that are remarkable in every way are not something silly to these people. It might not match in theirs because our Journeys are all unique, but it's something to share to just reinforce within all of us.

Um, writing them.

Lowell Johnson
That your ability to co-create these magical things is within our abilities Once we are open to it. They will invite themselves in and it's happening at such a rapid rate now because I just sense this change is coming quickly and.


Lowell Johnson
I'm not here to change. Anybody's mind we're past that I'm here to help give more confidence to those who aren't quite sure what it is that they're feeling here. Let me tell you from my perspective what it is and what my guides have told me to tell you that what I'm experiencing.


Right? right? Well and and that's a that's beautiful and I love how it's this whole evolution that we're all going through together and that um.

Lowell Johnson
Is going to be you So I'm not the only one.

You know it's so important that we have way shorter way showers who are who are kind of familiar and comfortable with these vibrations and and what comes along with it What comes with that territory So that as there's greater and greater awakening. There are there are resources to say Okay, this is what's happening you know and because there there could be a lot of confusion. Otherwise um yeah.

Lowell Johnson
There's still going to be for a while. Ah and that the conditions are how people like me and Dave Wallace who I mentioned are starting to kind of bubble up from the bottom.


Lowell Johnson
In the past I'm sure that most people would listen to either he or I and go those guys are you know from ah somewhere else and I really don't resonate with what they're saying. However, now there's too much proof that you'd have to overcome not to at least.

Woman. Yeah.

Lowell Johnson
Allow for the possibility that these things happen and once you just do that. Believe me when I tell you that these benevolent beings that are around us that are here to help us understand it as well. They're going to rally because it's crunch time.


You are.

Lowell Johnson
And they're going to try and cram as much of this into you so you understand it so you understand what's going What what you're going through.

Right? And that's one of the things I Love so much and why I was so keen to have you on because you have this a very grounded um manner to to to your experience So It is very ah, um, relatable. Even though it's It's such a far out Story. So Let's go back to let me give you the chance to continue on with your because you you were You didn't get to get very far before we we went on a tangent but.

Lowell Johnson

I Want I want to give you the opportunity to express more of what happened in teleloath.

Lowell Johnson
And I will and thank you. It's easy for me to do that and I'll just close this part of it with what I'm going to say next. My tells experience was my None interdimensional experience. It took me a while for that to kind of sink in to understand what it was and how to explain it to others. It wasn't that tellus wasn't this magical thing that happened to me but that wasn't the point of all this the point of it all is to explain to others. That those types of what we think is Magical. Things are waiting for all of us and although you may not go through the door to tell us that I did I can tell you now, especially after being there a few weeks ago. There are more portals that have been activated I took some people up there that found their own. Ways whether they got in or not they satisfied themselves with phenomenon there that I didn't get in the way up I brought them to the place here's your opportunity to open yourself up and see what happens but there were a few people that had profound things and when they explained them I'm totally familiar with what happened.


Lowell Johnson
And who they happened with because one of those girls kind of peeled off from the group and said she ran into a being and she sketched it and I'll be damned if that didn't look exactly like Alex when I saw the drawing.

Oh Wow Oh that's phenomenal.

Lowell Johnson
Yeah, so back to tell us. Um, after we had kind of hovered over the area we descended enough so that I could start to make eye contact because there were pods of people. And there were None or six that I remember making eye contact with and in every case, everyone Kara it was like I knew them and that they knew me so I kind of carried that away and then the next thing I knew I found us on this none level of None


Lowell Johnson
Before I describe that I should probably go back and explain what that phenomenon when I none saw the city it tell us I couldn't see whatever the top of this enclosure was and I had an idea in my mind I'm under a mountain but I couldn't see. Top of whatever this represented what I did realize is that it was lit up like daylight and I didn't see there was no sun source for that. So how do you explain that and further there were no shadows that were cast by. Buildings or people. So how does that light source take place I have come to understand that's a mechanism of crystal energy and that you can produce whatever energy. You need to manifest they're later fourth dimensional and fifth dimensional beings. They have all of their abilities intact their ability to manifest whatever they wish is at their disposal. So the none level is where their hydroponic gardens were. And I saw the equivalent of like seven acres in the most extraordinary technology I've seen there's no dirt in any of these. They're fed and nourished by crystal energy through the water that these plants are nourished with but they seem to perpetuate themselves in a way. That can help feed this entire population. Well that thought overwhelmed me because in my understanding that when Lumeria was prepared for the day that they were going to house the remainder of.

And you.

Lowell Johnson
Population that survived this flood this catastrophe that they had actually made space for None and in the end it was about 25000 that made it from what I can glean out of it until I heard. Sam mentioned none beings that are here on light workers behalf the other day I had kind of come to the conclusion that had been suggested like there's like none people and tell us now don't know where the numbers came from but it still made me wonder when i. Was trying to put in context whether that food would feed this entire population. That's when some other things began to make sense to me and none of all, it's that their bodies are no longer carbon based like ours is. Those are crystalline bodies which explains why they look so ageless I couldn't tell you if they were none of None sands of years old because their their bodies do not deteriorate the ways that ours do given that it became clear to me that they don't eat because they need to.


Lowell Johnson
They don't have to sustain a body they eat because they like to eat that's part of their enjoyment but nourishment doesn't come from that all of their nourishment comes directly from the sun or some remnant of that. That's why when they're vegetarians and they eat more raw food in their minds and. It certainly makes sense that that's raw solar energy being stored in that plant in natural States. We've kind of grown beyond that where you know we eat dead animals and we do things because they taste good but in the end. Um. Are they right for this physical body that we know is breaking down. You can see all the maladies that people have invited over time. Um, they don't suffer from that So when that whole revelation of their crystalline bodies and what's happening within inside of us. This is what we're going to move to asnsion and explain to me in this way which makes sense and it's still going to be a snap that one moment you're going to have a thought of what is experience is for you right now in this realm and in the next moment.


Lowell Johnson
You're going to be in New Earth as part of co-creators deciding what it's going to be like next you've now stepped into a realm where earth is back to its pristine conditions. Originally when she was constructed as that. None dimensional being there were None crystal pyramids that were placed here strategically that gridded the entire planet here's where our energy came from and it didn't just connect everything on the planet get connected to rome's beyond that. Um.


Lowell Johnson
The none lumerianss were none dimensional androgenous beings and when you understand the story of how all that dismantled and how atlanteans played a role in that it'll all become clear on where the fall really took place. We are so busy thinking about the transition from our none dimensional mindset to fifth we neglect to remember that where we're trying to get back to is none dimensional. That is where we're actually going. That's what inner earth still is to this day. We just don't vibrate at the levels that we can but when I tell you when the art consciousness rises to the next level. Fourth dimension. You're either going to can.


Lowell Johnson
Sign a new soul contract and play out some more 3 d lessons or you're ready to ascend. You don't stand the fourth dimension for very long. It's just a place that our karma gets balanced out and once it is you move into None dimensional awareness immediately now that's humanity's last.


Lowell Johnson
Physical form with all this accelerated knowledge and the things we've been tucking away those are Koshic records that over all those lifetimes you've been storing away are all now at your disposal and because your journey was so unique to the rest of us imagine how that. Threads in with the fabric of all the rest of us when we come together. Oh My goodness Winland Lumerians get to share the technologies that they have with humanity whose emotion drives their creativity watch what happens. It's going to be Crazy. So um, now that I've seen the None level toward the end of this tour were being brought up to the None level and when I'd come in I had definitely noticed off to the right hand side there was kind of a circular room or.


Lowell Johnson
Building I guess I call it back then? Um, what I'm going to learn is that's the council chamber and when we got close to it and stepped off this apparatus we were floating around on I noticed that there were some inscriptions. That were coded into the crystal they were kind of flat panels and turned this building into a ah round composite. But I recognize these codes I had seen them before. The first day I got to shasta it was too late to go hike so I checked into my room and I thought I'd go down main street and I would check out some stores and None of them that drew me in was a place called blue star child gallery. It's run by a delightful little japanese girl with gifts that we can't even measure entirely yet. This was herruko's star. The first day I went in I was drawn in by some colorful things that she had drawn that were in the windows and when I went in I could see that there were shoe covers everywhere which I equated to your covid. It turns out she's japanese and this is you either remove your shoes or cover them with this I get that now and so I decided then I was going to come back and explore it in greater detail. But before I left I had looked on that wall over there now. She's got None foot ceilings in this place and there are. Illustrations of what I believe are light coats. they're ten feet high and they're three feet wide she draws them by hand. She uses no rulers and no curvature tools. So these things take months to draw none and then to go back in color. Oh my god they're very powerful. She's got when I went back the next day and I saw more of these through her shop and then the creative side of her that comes out. She's got None final room in the back that has 5 of these and they're so powerful that. I'd seen a little round pillow in the back and I had carried some crystals with me and I thought well maybe I'll put them in front of these and I'll charge them while I'm sitting in here so I went out and asked permission if I could meditate back there for a little bit and she said that what's the room's for. You can actually close the door and take as much time as you did well 20 minutes later I came out and I was in tears. Whatever had I had absorbed just came out in such joy the doorway to this room on the left hand side.

In the Chamber Oh in her play.

Lowell Johnson
Had the in this room in her place had an illustration of New Earth and its light code and the other one was called the new angelic blueprint. It's the new human blueprint these were the same. Images I saw on those panels and when I mentioned Alex I said these look familiar to me. He goes. Yeah, those are Heruko's work and they're accurate which is why we inscribed them outside the council chambers. Oh my god so when we entered this room. I.

It's how.

Lowell Johnson
I see there's a round table. There's None chairs around it. This is the council chamber. There are None feminine None masculine beings that are there based on their spiritual level. They're there to guide. The rest and when they were here they were responsible for helping the lumerianss increase their spiritual load and then a dama is the main priest who oversees it all when I entered the room I felt the sensation. That felt like the most loving hug you've ever received I've been on some ayahuasca journeys and one of them when mother ayahuasca gets a hold of you and that love expression comes out the whole time I was in the room. It was like it just it kind of. Perpetuated and beat into my heart core entire time. So it's kind of hard to focus on anything else when that's the sensation you're getting as that's taking place I can see None more people entering from that side of the room.

Yeah, so.

5 more colossians. Ah.

Lowell Johnson
I can see that there's None more toloians 2 None females flanking None male who I recognize from photographs that's a dama and he's a good foot taller than all the rest of them. So I was invited to take a seat and then they situated themselves 3 on either side of me and they began to tell me who they were and you know what I was doing there. They each introduced themselves and for the life of me and I apologize. I can remember who a Dama and Alex was and I remember the first woman who spoke shiama because when the meeting began it was she that seemed to chair the meeting and she was the one who created the dialogue between us she went on to explain that they were preparing for the ship. Ah, this was prior to winter solstice in 20 and everything that I had read and all of the things that I had been exposed to led me to believe that the shift was imminent and that for some reason it wasn't the date wasn't the hard date so much. But the time around winter solstice was when this was about to take place. Well when it did the time came and went and people that I had some conversations with about it said well you know it came and went nothing happened said oh something happened.

6 and.


Lowell Johnson
If you don't feel that something's already taking place and that more people aren't being awakened then you either need to dig deeper or open yourself up wider because that's exactly why we're having experiences like this and at such a rapid rate. Then the phenomenon just began because that was just Teos was the none multidimensional experience and then cumu came along in August and opened up a hole in other can of worms from somebody I didn't know had no experience with but certainly knew who I was and had. Some things to exchange with me so when she described those conditions. My heart started to race because man I I believe the same thing and if this is really what's going to happen then man I am here on a cosmically historic occasion.



Lowell Johnson
Here is where it's Said. Humanity's finally going to rise to None dimensional awareness for the None time and since then you know you have to think that Willylanans had that but whether we would consider them humans back then that would really be the question. Maybe I'm overthinking it but the kind of that's the way I need to process and understand things for this 3 D construct and that's when you conclude there are some things I'm just I don't have the capacity to understand yet but remain open and you'll see the assimilations in the dots will connect sooner or later.

Running either individual brave.

Lowell Johnson
Then they told me why it was me one I could demonstrate that I could already hold none dimensional awareness. So I understood their perspective and I could overcome duality in all of just the 3 d construct 2 they said they knew I was the protector of Gaia. They uttered a phrase I had heard mother ayahuasca told me in a journey two years before that and had put that away for I'll figure out what that means later on and then the third was that this whole idea that. Um, when earth's consciousness was right that I was asked to be an emissary on this side of the chasm so that when they were ready to integrate with surface beings again I would be on this side already. Well now that has come into more focus.

Need a minutes.

Lowell Johnson
Because it was a lovely notion to hear but now that I understand through my incarnations I came back here intentionally for this very purpose.

To be that kind of intermediary between Tellos and humanity when when because and the purpose of that would that be.

Lowell Johnson

For once the shift has happened and then everybody starts to like it becomes common knowledge about teleos and about other cities such as that that we're sharing dimensional space with.

Lowell Johnson
Yes, yes you we know that if you're here during that time here's evidence that you vibrate at the same level and that your consciousness has grown and all of a sudden.


Lowell Johnson
You're no longer limited by the things you think you know from our 3 dimensional perspectives because now you're in that fourth dimensional realm you're working out whatever karma needs to be worked out if there's any that needs to still be worked out but your wherewithal of things and powers. That you had before that have now been restored is what's going to make you a co-creator and those are results of changes in our Dna I've had accelerance along the way ethereum is a conversation we can have another day on what that's all about. But I can tell you.

And. And.

Lowell Johnson
That that accelerated my awakening and it's nothing you can buy it was gifted to me along the way of the same way most of these things were but it helped crack my Dna open faster and wider. I'm not saying it's necessary for everyone to ingest it the way that I did you'll get there None way or the other this was just another thing that just helped me get a quicker so that I'd be in a place to help others faster again indications to me that this.


Lowell Johnson
Transitions happening quicker than we expected and all of us that are aware are being wrapped up as fast as we can be those 10 strands of junk Dna are no longer junk. We know that it's a matter of not.


Lowell Johnson
Unlocking our existing 2 strands to be wider. It's opening up the rest of those strands that are holding all of that experience from our past incarnations that now is going to come back to your ability to understand and use. Those are kashik records in time when we understand we're all connected to None another now serve the collective. So. It's beautiful when we realize that the lessons you're learning are not like anybody else's and thank you that they're not.


Lowell Johnson
And thank you for the lousy Lessons. You had to learn on our behalf because we didn't have to but over time we'll all benefit from them Now. What does that mean it means that when humanity gets to that level and we take our creativity with it along with the technologies that they're going to teach us. That our evolution is going to happen more rapidly when we put that into perspective here and we think Beyond what our world has to offer that people like me and other people that have been here going through the shift.


Lowell Johnson
Knowledgeably are going to be of great value in other places in the galaxy that are going through the same thing I am not I've made a conscious decision to stay here with new earth I know my role as a protector of Gaia.


Lowell Johnson
I'm here to assist her with her ascension and what all that means it certainly resonates with me because nature and that that it resonates with me like crazy. Um, my responsibility. Is to the planet None and it's not to say that I don't love humanity. But you're all secondary to what she needs None? It's her rise in consciousness that's happening. Regardless if the rest of us are aware of what's going on and we match her vibration. Then we're all going with her as Well. There are some that aren't going to make it and that's not a good or bad thing. It's all their particular choices on whether they're done learning their three dimensional lessons. It's funny when this began I had this conversation with my son. Which wasn't an easy one to have and back then he said you know dad I'm not done you know enjoying the things that are here and what can I say to that all I can do is allow it in a loving way because those are his lessons to learn and actually if you think about the conditions with which we.


Lowell Johnson
Decide our next incarnation we choose those circumstances we choose them. We've made soul contracts with people that are going to play roles for us along the way as well and in that regard our children choose us. We chose our parents in those constructs.

Writing it.


Lowell Johnson
So knowing what my son is capable of I'm very proud of that he chose me it wasn't my choice Certainly we perpetuated the physicality here but we had nothing to do with the soul that resides there.

Right? right.

Lowell Johnson
Knew them all before we all came from that platform before so it's it's somewhat I don't want to say distressing. It's just unfortunate when people see their loved ones pass on. And they grieve for so long, not understanding that they really didn't go anywhere that you're a step away from reconnecting with all of them again. You just in this particular incarnation. You're unaware of all that again and it's It's hard. It's the same with the animals you've had your dogs your cats and and all they're all you know Sparks of source that broke off as well and all ascending in different ways. Um, it's just a perspective we need to. Begin to explore a little bit more for ourselves anyway, after that meeting was over um and she had asked whether I would consider being an emissary. Yeah I stammered a bit and they're all always thoughts of you know why? me and.

You yeah.

Lowell Johnson
Why? yeah gratitude. Don't get me wrong humility. Um I was uttered I'd be honored in with that the meeting was over. They got what they needed and and stood up and they left and we left the room and made our way back to the staging area.

Really, they're like okay that's it.

Lowell Johnson
And by now I'm taking it in I really didn't have much to say I didn't have questions to ask I just wanted to take it in and I'll sort it out later but I did have None questions one of them is will I be able to return and Alex kind of giggled and he said. Um, yeah, you'll be able to return before the shift I didn't know what that meant none question was can I tell anybody about this and again he laughed and said well the console is unanimous, understanding that the shift is imminent.


Lowell Johnson
And you can tell anybody you wish it's not like they're going to find their way down here because you didn't without our assistance and secondly um, we want them to know that we're here. We want them to know that we're real. That's going to be a. Ah, tougher challenge moving forward, but there are those that want to believe it and there are those that are just kind of stuck on the outside I'm here to tell you what I experienced and then you have to use your own discernment on whether you think I'm crazy or whether I. And really, there's some truth to it.

Yeah, Wow. Well thank you so much for sharing that that experience because it is so powerful and and it's interesting because since the first time I heard this this experience.

Lowell Johnson

Then I have been able in my meditative state to kind of tune in and to the the vibration of Tellos and the vibration of a dama I can never remember if that's the right is a dama addma a dama. Yeah.

Lowell Johnson
A dama That's right.

Yeah, so um and I haven't had any like really clear experiences where I'm like oh I can see it or I can see him or I know he's andro androgenous Her whatever um.

Lowell Johnson
Well, they're not any longer. Originally they were None dimensional androgenous beings and he is now but you have to understand what happened between when Lamuria was thriving at that stage.

What is it. He isn't it.

Lowell Johnson
And when Atlantis kind of tricked the Lu muianss into thinking that they weren't as perfect as they thought that they were because if they were then source would have allowed you to enjoy the physical union. Well that got inside the heads of the Lumeriians and that's when.


So and.

Lowell Johnson
They agreed to be separated into male and female so they dropped from None dimensional to fifth dimensional like the atlanteans now here is the crazy part of all of it.

Our interest.

Lowell Johnson
The atandians were trying to ascend to None dimensional awareness. That's what they wanted from the luurians but this dark energy if you want to see it that way had convinced them otherwise and now we've all dropped not just from 5

Um, the front.

Lowell Johnson
When Atlantis was going to go. She was going to drop even further than that so we can enjoy and understand physicality here's where we were does that it's reasonable now isn't it.


Lowell Johnson
When I had heard that it was crazy for me to understand who little miriams were put Christine um forms into shape light bodies. But when I was given more clarity on the history of things and learned that they were 7 dimensional beings with superpowers back then.


Lowell Johnson
That that all kind of unraveled because they were duped into thinking something that wasn't true but they did.

How about that? Wow Well I I feel like we have. Um, we've covered a lot and I think that we might be at a good place to let people digest and let this integrate.

Lowell Johnson
That's a lot to unpack. Yes.

Yes, right? but I would love to carry on this discussion. Um in the future and because there are so many different I mean you've left a lot of little bread crumbs of things that we can explore further and I know just through your experience. And that there's more and will will yet be more too. So Um I I yeah.

Lowell Johnson
Well I thank you and ah I agree. Ah I know it's going to spawn a lot of questions. So here's my suggestion I would be delighted to do this again. It's my job to help people understand a little bit more about what's already inside of themselves. So it's not like I'm going to tell you the way things are for me my journey's different than everybody else's but clearly I triggered some people and they weren't here watching this by accident. There's no coincidences they're on the other side of the screen today because they were led here.


And page.

Lowell Johnson
To understand something that is been nagging at them for a while and they didn't quite understand what it was Anyway, my point is if we do these again and I would love to do that If there's a way for them to exchange I Love that kind of dynamic that way they get to ask questions in real time.

I Want my.


Lowell Johnson
About things that have happened to me and helped them put it into perspective if there's a way we can accomplish that you let me know but I would love to do this again. That would be great.

Okay, well thank you I will look into that I don't have the capability at the moment but I'm sure something will will develop to enable that. Um, thank you so much. Thank you for your time today. Thank you for the light work that you're doing. All of the guardianship of Gaia the work that you're doing to help through this shift and the preparation. Um, it's really really such a blessing and what a blessing to connect with you today.

Lowell Johnson
Thank you for inviting me I enjoyed it.

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