192. Multidimensionality Through Plants - Michael Thornhill
Do you need to ingest plant medicine to reap its benefits?
According to Michael Thornhill, the true medicine is available whether you ingest or not.
Michael is the co-founder of Casa Galactica in Peru. He is a traditionally trained plant spirit healer, professional channel and advocate of trauma-informed care.
In this episode, we cover much essential ground, such as:
- What triggered him to go from a successful career and a life of anxiety and depression which centered around money, sex, and drugs to one deeply entrenched in Spirit.
- The multidimensional nature of plants. Do they have to be ingested to be healed by plants?
- How are perceived negative beings potentially teachers?
- What is the importance of having trauma-informed care in multidimensional healing?
- Why is it important to believe in yourself and to come into your own abilities instead of just following a guru?
- Is it possible to learn to channel?
Hello and welcome to the meditation conversation I'm your host Kara Goodwin and today I'm excited to be joined by Michael Thornhill Michael is the co-founder of Casa Galactica causa Galactica probably has a.
And a Galacica Yes, correct.
Causa galactica I love it in Peru he's a traditionally trained plant spirit healer a professional channel and an advocate of trauma-informed care and causa galacica offers ayahuasca healing and evolution retreats as well as programs dedicated. For inner truth seekers and multi-dimensional healers. So welcome Michael it's such a joy to have you here.
Kara thank you! Thanks so much for having me on the show. Absolute pleasure. Very excited to connect appreciate it very much.
Wonderful and you're joining from Peru um I'm guessing by your accent that you are not from Peru.
Correct I am originally from from North Wales but I am here in the sacred valley of Peru in a just outside of a small town called Psat which you can see a little bit more behind me once I move to the side.
Oh my goodness. Oh wow that is amazing. Wow it's called key Scally oh black. Ah.
That's the and and that pisac is a small town in the sacred valley of the kuska region of Peru which is home to the Machu Picchu a lot of income ruins. That kind of area of the world to kind of paint a picture so matching peaches is just a couple of hours away from here through.
What a magical place you found yourself in how how did you get there? What took you there and how long have you been there.
Um, good question I've been in Peru I've been in perus for about just over five years and I originally as I mentioned I was from wales from the Uk and.
I was working in headhunting recruitment did a chemistry degree trying to find my way and.
Oh well I completely see how you ended up in Peru then doing you know, plant healing and and it's a very natural transition say no more no joking. Oh no, you you paused.
That's what the career advisor the camera should beve retold me like afterwards you're gonna ignore meditate be a plan spirit healer. Sorry yeah, can you hear me.
Are you still there Michael hello hello okay I can't hear you can you hear me? okay.
Um, yeah. Ah.
Yeah, so the career advisor at the university that's exactly what he said he said after a chemistry degree you want to go to Peru and you want to be a plan for a healer that's a natural progression. That's the graduate program that we have for you though I didn't really know what I was going to do I just felt like that that was a good career choice that was the right thing to do. So I did a chemistry degree. Um, it was difficult and challenging but useful, um, in some way but I found myself working in recruitment I was heavily depressed anxious heavily addicted to drugs money sex work. The whole thing you know, just trying to numb out life and. Trying to find some sense of peace and happiness that was never there and I felt like that recruitment job with the kind of the promise of success the money the freedom that I felt like okay that's going to be what's going to help me and eventually I I started my own company which was also very successful and we were just starting out.
Oh Wow What an amazing story culminating and that love letter. That's beautiful. So tell me about Causa Galacica As far as.
The big catalyst in my life was about six years ago my mother passed away and she'd been she'd been ill all my life so I was like a caretaker for her on some level although I wasn't necessarily there all the time but emotional support and often physical support in the hospitals and when she died it made me look at my life in a.
You know I Love this multidimensional aspect to it and then you've got the galactic part of it and then we've got like the plants which are very like um you know, earthy. Um, so how does like the the.
Different way because I was I was suicidal suicidal ideation and I didn't really care about living so I was very depressed and I just didn't care about my body. My mind my spirit so I just didn't even believe in half of that so I was just on this path of self-destruction and when I saw death in the face. It made me start to awaken.
Earthiness of the plant medicine and the galactic with the you know the multidimensional which you know traverses time and space and you know it it goes beyond the terrestrial and the galactic and it includes it all and so how.
And to question is that really what I want and that was the None time that I got into meditation that was the None time that I then started to meditate and for me the path of starting meditation was trying to not have a thought for at least 2 seconds and it was impossible.
Can you go into a little bit about that galactic piece and the and how it all fits in.
And it was just so difficult and so tough. But ultimately that led me on a path to then working with a sound healer and then I found ayahuasca and to help with the addictions an incredibly transformational process enabled me to really put all those things down pretty much immediately which in a way that I'd never been able to. But never have been able to have done before and yeah, there was more integration of that more layers of trauma healing and and addiction healing to come but it it sent me on this path and trajectory which I recognized and realized that I was just beginning and I knew that if I went back to my old life. All those programs patterns behaviors. All those things. The friendship groups were all still there and I wasn't strong enough yet to break free. So I went to India I went straight to India and I I booked myself into this reiki masters one month immersive course I had this amazing indian teacher. Who was teaching me all about spirituality about reiki about meditation about other things and I was supposed to be there for four weeks but then I decided to stay I went to nepal and back to India and was studying yoga and continuing my reiki practice and then directly from India after being.
And that side of the world for about three or four months found myself going into the amazonian rainforest in Peru to study with the indigenous teachers here in the plant spirit healing tradition of ayahuasca which would been such a big part of my healing and evolution that I wanted to go deeper at the heart and and learn from.
People in the rainforest who'd been passed this down for generations and generations subsequently. I stayed there I got a job working at a retreat center and then I continued apprenticing and studying and training and going into the jungle for long periods of isolation and fasting and learning with the plant spirits and then my wife now. To be arrived in the jungle we met. We fell in love and we were working together for a few years and then eventually we we broke away because the medicine the truth of our own inner truth had a way that it wanted to come through which is where we formed. Casa galactica a multidimensional center for healing and evolution which really for us is a place for people to come to access the multidimensional self and Jamie and I as channels are here as conduits for spirit to work through us. So we're a hub for multidimensional beings plant spirits to come work through us to be in service to all and and this is our.
So that's beautiful. Do you have a specific so you know I am completely um on board with what you're saying with the spirit teams and and everybody being a multidimensional team. Um.
Ah, life our passion our work together and yeah, we look back when we werere doing some kind of legal documentation. We had to do some admin work the other the day and I look back and our company was actually started on the 14th February and I turned to my wife and I said look ah our company casag galactic is a love letter to each other in service to.
Do you have access to where your guidance team kind of hails from or you know or or who you're working with on the other side.
Service to others to be able to help people heal and evolve.
Absolutely, it's a good question because we wondered how it all fit together at None as well and it kind of culminated over the years of like oh this is the perfect tapestry of combinations for the work that we do in our soul's expression. So first you just want to talk about the plant.
Beautiful. Um I wonder about like so one of the things that comes to mind for me too as far as like when you start to open yourself up to things like that if you don't have experience.
Aspect the plant aspect and you mentioned the earthy plant aspect and that's there for sure like the alkaloids the the biochemistry the the healing properties of of the physical plants which everyone knows you can take different herbs and plants and they have effects on the body.
Um, and you're especially I would say maybe if you're using something like ayahuasca if that's like a new thing for people. Um, you know we don't necessarily it doesn't benefit us to just open ourselves up to just anything.
But what the multidimensional aspect is and this is what the the working in the the plant spirit healing tradition in the Shapiro tradition which we've studied in is then beginning to recognize acknowledge plants as multidimensional beings and it's actually the plant spirits the spirits of the plants which are doing the healing work which are doing the awakening work.
Because there are a lot of people who a lot of beings that want to come to the party and they're not all benevolent. Um, so how do you help people to protect themselves and to stay in alignment with their highest good.
Straight away. You can see that the plants are multidimensional because we've already acknowledged the the physical component of it and then we've acknowledged a spiritual component of that and these plants even further outside of that have multidimensional worlds of medicine which open which these spiritual beings live in which they traverse. Which these transmissions healing transmissions and openings and awakenings can be channeled and brought through into the physical plane in ayaasca ceremony outside of ayahuasca ceremony and all the different types of programs. We work with so we work with plant spirits even in our online trauma healing sessions or online channeling sessions. We channel that. In a way that's multidimensional that you don't have to ingest the plant to be able to do that now. The other side of the work that we do when we talk about the calactic, the galactic aspect or our spirit teams is We're very very passionate about helping empower people to recognize that everyone has their own spirit team. Everyone is a multi-dimensional being everyone can access all of this medicine. All of this knowledge. All of this wisdom and it's available here and now so we work with our own spirit teams which traverses to different galactic realms as many of everyone who's listening here. It also has these spirit teams available. So we communicate we bring through messages from spirit in a way that helps people. Ah, ah, activate their intuition empower their healing and embody their truth and at encompassing all of that we help people heal and evolve. So we work with people in physical context when the people come down to Peru and we also work with people online accessing. These multidimensional realms and medicines to help people awaken.
To text and we found that to.
Yeah, for me I do a lot of work with the plaianss actorians syrian beings orion beings and then Kuan Yin Magdalene Jesus different spirit teams and other extraterrestrial beings that I don't really know the names of these places where they come from. And and then my higher self and then the interesting thing that we really want to mention here as well is though that's one way of working that we work with multidimensional beings and then the other aspect is is just connecting to the I am to the infinite consciousness to the infinite beyond form to that infinite intelligence so that can often be seen as. Working with these different spirit teams and beings which I've mentioned are part of the I am part of the None which can be very useful and have a very specific flavor message tone ah type of medicine for someone but then also the medicine is is learning to connect to that infinite I am the None consciousness. Which everything is a part of in allowing that unconditional love to heal all wounds.
And so the way that the way that we work is from the non-dual realm recognizing that everything is an infinite one consciousness so we work with people depending on the level of experience or level of understanding that someone is coming to us to work with.
I Love that Thank you and it just brings to mind I don't hadn't planned on mentioning anything like this but it's just very strongly coming So I'll say but I don't have experience with ayahuasca. So this is like a ah um.
We will work with opening to channel in a very safe and effective way working with different Meditations tunnels of light very different invocations of of spiritual beings to help open that space.
You know? and ah I'm familiar with it. But I don't have personal experience but I have had I've traversed multidimensional realms and I have experience with um with different dimensions and things like that and.
In a loving unconditional way and the invitation is here is that we're hearing at highest service and alignment in love light and truth only and it's just a very very straight conviction polarization. This is the type of work that we're here to do now what gets interesting What gets interesting is the the deeper in the level of understanding that we go to.
There was something that you said that just triggered it and I was thinking about it last night based on something somebody else said, but sometimes the images that come forth are like cartoon characters and when you were talking about trauma and things that we.
We start looking Beyond the idea of good and bad of a good being and a bad being or something like good and evil light and dark and we can still see the flavor of that but the invitation and the work that we do with advanced students who do our learn to channel courses Our intuitors of mentorship is to be begin to see all beings as teachers that doesn't mean that we're gonna allow some.
You know that it can be hard for us to see and so we see them as the external it it just I've found it weird because I don't watch None of cartoons but and they kind of for me, they come through almost as like not even modern day cartoons but kind of like from when I was ah.
Some energy to then start messing with us or into our field. That's that's negative that we don't want there but we're able to start moving beyond that field of fear of okay um I need to be very careful that I don't get these. It's like Okay, what is that? what's arising what feeling's coming up for me What energy is that What does that remind me of how can I heal the trauma that's underneath that because.
Kid you know back in the 70 s and eighty s um and I don't know I I don't even know why I'm bringing this up but it's kind of like this like it might be something that could look scary.
When we're interacting with other being spiritual Realms Ayahuasca Realms Any of the other things that we've just talked about it's important to recognize that the healing of trauma can often come when we see something that is perceived as outside of ourselves that shows us.
But but something happens to sort of transform it into this animation and I don't know if that's like ah a way that that's softening as it's coming through the layers or or I don't know. Do you have any any thoughts or do you have experience with things like that.
As an entity or ah, a dark beam or energy that shows us as something outside of ourselves. But it's actually a manifestation or a reflection of something that's within our own self that wants to be brought to an attention and if we shine that light and if we were to first see that as something inside Ourselves. We might see that as something that we wouldn't be able to accept Handle. It would be too scary I Can't believe that that's part of me and that's definitely been my own path at the beginning. But what the what the most powerful work in my transition and and trauma healing and trauma-informed healing has been. Seeing those opportunities as something as a reflection of something that perhaps is repressed within myself that I can then love and heal because those energies those entities are are magnets from a resonance which is within inside our own being so by doing that inner Work. We're unable to heal. Whatever that reflection is bringing back to us So those entities and energies are no longer necessary for us to be here so to kind of bring it back down and ground it back down is through the process of of healing learning to Channel opening your connection feel like it's very beneficial to.
To work with a trauma-informed teacher that can help bring you those steps that can help you navigate those rounds as you're opening up because you do open up your consciousness to these other things and of course all of everything is always fine in the end and you can open yourself up to all of these. Negative interactions and that's going to show you all of your stuff at None time but that might be a little bit overwhelming so we don't necessarily need to kind of dive straight in the defense so having someone to metaphysically hold your hand through that process show you different techniques working with that unconditional love but to share one here is just.
Left to.
Very very simple, any spiritual work that anyone's embarking upon whether it be doing a massage session whether it be doing a yoga session or something is just opening the heart and visualizing a white light emanating from the center of the heart and just opening up beyond the Heart Center Beyond the body Beyond the Shoulders Beyond the head beyond the mind.
And just filling the room with complete white loving light and then setting your intention from there. That's something very grounded and practical that that everyone can implement here today to start connecting to a deeper sense of truth in any metaphysical work that anyone's doing.
Yeah, very much I can feel that in my heart Actually So. So thank you? Yeah,. It's really interesting. The things that come up that don't feel necessarily relevant in our conscious mind you know because it's like you say it's coming through the subconscious and it's rising to where we get conscious recognition of it. But it's mysterious or you know oftentimes it like I will also see like um. Things that look very carnival like or um or casino like and I don't spend much time in either you know I've been in both I've been in a casino I've been in Casinos I've been to Vegas I've been to carnivals but I don't like seek them out or spend a lot of time in them. So when I start seeing like those the like the patterning the the lettering looks like it the the whole like dimension looks very, you know, bold and playful and kind of cacophony.
Just information the difference normally being with plant medicine medicines. It can often be stronger. It can be more visceral. It can be a prolonged experience and you you're not necessarily have to sit as concentrated to experience it. So it's more automatic in that sense. But the imageries that can arise.
That you would get from like a carnival or a casino. Um, but a very very much looks like that kind of design you know. So again, it's funny just like oh okay I mean if it was something like animals that come in. You know where it's like okay that I can relate to more on a conscious level.
Can be a manifestation of the subconscious and um, we have an opportunity to take that as literal or we can look at it as as something that is more of a metaphor. So the invitation is to be open to whatever it means without adding any meaning to it but the direct. The.
But when this stuff surfaces and it's like oh that's not very relevant to my conscious awareness. It's very it's just very mysterious and like you say it can be um, unlocking or ah triggering us in a way that we need that is kind of hidden.
Direct truth it feels like to me when we do. This work is inviting. What's coming up for me when I'm seeing that image so it doesn't matter if it's a cartoon or if it's a real person and perhaps the cartoon is in your own consciousness that.
From us.
Perfect way for you to be able to access that state of feeling without necessarily invoking an unnecessary amount of fear which would then perhaps put you outside of your window of tolerance for actually working with that and it feels like that that cartoon energy with it comes a level of Curiosity. That's very beneficial for an internal. Process for an inward dive rather than if it was a scary monster or or a person in your life or something like that that would actually make you tense up make the nervous system kind of repel it a little bit so the invitation is okay what what comes up for me here when that arises. Simultaneously without holding onto the outcome without necessarily needing to dissect it to understand it just what's coming up for me when I'm seeing that allowing that breadcrumb to take you through that next part because it might be another layer that wants to open and ultimately in my experience so of working somatically. People in trauma heing sessions and in Ayahuasca ceremonies Direct Catalyst is allowing those things to come up without holding onto them as everyone here is listening is practiced in meditation knowing that that non-attachment of that letting go but just allowing the body to relax allowing the nervous system to relax.
Allowing yourself to feel the connection to the earth through your own root system or energetic connection to the earth and then just allowing that to relax and then should another image arise just be curious about that again and allowing that to move through. But yeah, be careful. The warnings are kind of or the the tip is.
You've said a lot there that is really worth like taking deeply just as far as like that that need that desire to want to know like what is there to learn here. You know what is there for me to see what does it mean.
Don't become too literal about what those meanings are allow them to manifest because spirit your highest self is a very beautiful way of taking you into that internal process and and a cartoon today might be the best way for you to remember something from when you were a child or how you felt or whatever happened.
What does it mean? what does it mean but rather you know letting that process through us energetically without getting attached to it but the other piece that I love is talking about where we feel that in the body.
In a way. That's the most perfectly aligned way for you to process that level of repressed energy or emotion or trauma or whatever may be arising in that way. How does that resonate for you.
Because this is another thing that I have noticed over time the more this happens is that there there is an accompanying vibration or activation or just like. Ah, part of my body that is Active. You know it might be the sacral Center. It might be the solar Plexus. It could be the throat. You know, whatever, different different times. It's different things but it it has seemed important for me to link those 2 things to be like okay this is. You're having this visual and and there's a vibration through this band within the body. You know this like section of the body and so like you know, be aware of this bring awareness to those 2 things and let whatever is wanting to happen happen. Um, yeah, Thank you? That's Wonderful. So Let's see where do we want to take things I want to talk about everything I Want to talk about channeling I Want to talk about the the Andean Mountains. Um. Want to talk about trauma-informed care. Let's um, let's go into how do you feel about talking about channeling. Yeah, so did you deliberately because you are a channel correct.
So did you deliberately set out to become a channel or was that something that kind of developed on its own.
Um, yeah.
Okay, move.
Yeah, and I think I think thanks for sharing that I just add to anyone who's having those types of experiences it might be relating to to what car is saying and to yourself car is when that when that's arising the invitation would be to notice where's that arising in my physical body. Where's that arising in my physical body.
Yeah, it's accessible. Yeah I Love that.
And any invitation for everyone who's who's fairly advanced out there would be just to surrender that to the I am just completely surrender it to the I am just completely allow it to come through allow those movies to play through with just a complete audacious releasing of all of that that no longer serves you to that I am and allowing those images to be the. Visual representation of the energy moving through your body without necessarily becoming attached to what that movie who the characters are in that movie. What the storyline of that movie is just completely surrendering all of it to your highest self or your highest good. So your spirit team to your guides in highest alignment or whatever it may be. But if you can go straight to that I am. And then just dissolve yourself into that and allow that to be cleansed and then come out of that experience and then perhaps Journal find out how you're feeling notice the openness and then just become aware of how you're expressing yourself in life if your triggers are perhaps still there. Perhaps they've lessened and then repeat the process as that arises just that.
Yeah, so empowering.
Without that we sometimes I think on the spiritual path the ego wants to know everything What does that mean what? what happened here? what happened and and that can be useful to a certain extent but I think the invitation here to everyone listening is are you ready just to let go of all meaning and just dissolve it into the I am.
That's so important I want people to really take a moment to consider this because we whoever you may be listeners may be working with people who are who.
And then see how that works for you.
You don't realize you're becoming dependent upon them and they may be helping you? Um, but ideally you are being guided toward your own empowerment and that is incredibly important in your development so be on the lookout and. I Just honor the fact that that is so important to your work. So I Just want to highlight that.
Beautiful. You are welcome.
Um, absolutely yeah, correct. Yes.
I was determined I was definitely determined I if anyone's seen the channel basha through Darrel Anchor I was watching when I was coming on my spiritual path. Someone was like you need to watch this and I watched it and the teachings that were coming through that were amazing and I was and i.
I think I just had this feeling of like if this guy can do it I can do it. There's just just this kind of note not it didn't really feel like an arrogant. It was just like there's a human being doing this this means it's possible you more? Oh. It's just like Okay, how do I go and do that and. You know I was working with plant medicines at the time doing a lot of trauma healing work going very deep into my abuse and other things like that and that was creating space and simultaneously that was creating space. I was also feeling more openly connected with Spirit. So The thing with plant medicines and Ayahuasca is that that you can. You can kind of catalyze and but have a very visceral experience of connecting with spirit because you're drinking a plant medicine and and this is very very beneficial for the healing and evolution work that we do. But what we frame all of our work that we do in our plant spirit healing retreats and our Ayaascar retreats. Is that we frame that the plants are showing you the power of your own Consciousness. So we frame that as okay, this is this is a catalyst for you to recognize that you can do all of these things without the need to have the help of the plants which I think is quite unique because it's not always.. It's not always framed like that. But for us. Thanks we we we love to empower people Our absolute goal here is that you'll work with us and that you'll never need to work with us again that that would be that would be the best thing.
Well thank you Kara it's it's it's our soul's passion to help activate people into their own truth because a lot of the work. A lot of the traditions. A lot of spiritual practices will often need you to depend upon a guru or a teacher. Or a certain philosophy and here's the thing is that every human has a distortion I e every human has a filter of whatever that truth is and expresses itself perfectly in that individual because that's what that individual is incarnated to express but person a versus person b has a different soul blueprint. So if person a is trying to b person b or vice versa. It might kind of fit but it's not It's not necessarily the truth. So what the world really needs is we transition from none to fourth density is everyone to believe in themselves everyone to be empowered with tools that they can connect to their own higher self that they can connect with spirit directly.
Um, oh I love that now. Do you channel 1 entity or your own higher self or does it vary depending on who you're talking to.
They can channel through exactly whatever it is that is to be expressed in this lifetime for healing evolution for whatever that path may be and it might not be a spiritual path. It might not be a traditional spiritual path. It might be an actor a musician a hospital worker a carer a teacher a lawyer a musician whatever it is but what the world needs. You to believe in yourself and to be empowered to recognize the truth of who you are and recognize that the most important thing for you in this lifetime is to recognize the truth of who you are to recognize the true you and beyond any labels or or marginalization or judgments. Just be completely empowered to recognize the most important thing that you can do is be you and no one's goingnna agree with it. Not everyone's going to agree with it for sure and people are goingnna tell Youtube to be doing something else. So the work that we really do at Casa Galactica is we create a container and I'm getting back to the channeling question but we create a container that. Is safe is trauma informed is empowering and it imparts tools within our programs whether it be online or our None day healing evolution retreats that gives you the tools that are going to help transform you for the next period of your life or even a lifetime. Because these seeds that are planted are going to continue to grow and you're going to water them and you're gonna tend to that garden and it's going to grow in the way that you've magically planned in this incarnation so we want to help you recognize that and give you the tools to recognize everything's here and now everything's possible. You can do it? okay. You've experienced some trauma that trauma is not who you are these are things that happen to you. Okay, we can actually heal that we can talk about that you can learn to do that. Oh guess what when you do that? Magically your gifts are also gonna come online because that's been the path and the part of the process that as you heal that trauma you're gonna come.
And is that spontaneous or are those songs that you've learned.
Online into your multidimensional abilities which is how I came into channeling as I was doing that healing work I was then very much interested in in doing the channeling work and I knew my wife Jamie I didn't know her. But someone said that she was coming to the jungle she was coming to train. And then I knew she was an intuitive and medium and I was like oh I can learn loads from this woman and I was really excited and I was like oh great and you know Lo and behold a week later we fell in love when she arrived. But she's she'd been such a great mentor to me. She'd been so much further down the path of intuitive work. She'd been working as an intuitive medium for None ars before we'd met. She gave me some really cool pointers and tips which helped me to connect in my own way. Which then I continued to develop and I read some books and honestly then I just practice practice practice practice practice and then eventually you know just continue to open and continue to do it just perseverance and then was able to work in my own way and then felt comfortable and confident and then start offering work for other people and you know. Anyone who wants to learn channeling it continues to develop it continues to learn. It's a continuously evolving path and and then we've mixed all that with our trauma-informed care and other things like that. But everyone can channel if you're interested in channel we have our learned a channel intuitive mentorship courses which we help accelerate that process but it's very important. You to recognize if you just sit and meditate and pray and put that intention out. You'll get there without anyone else's help without anyone else's help might take a little bit longer. You might have a few kind of lessons to learn along the way or you might just be there. Wow straight open into that process that was how Jamie that was how Jamie opened up to channeling. Intuitive she was just praying having kind of a dark night of the soul was praying and then spirit started talking to her and it developed there. So everyone has their own path.
Yeah, great question so in in the trauma healing sessions that I do with people which are working with people from you know abuse, history addiction Ptsd all these different types of things quite often I'll be talking to you like kind of similar to as I'm talking right now.
Okay, wow, that's so powerful. Thank you, thank you for taking us through that. Let's talk about the special vibrational energy states within the andean mountains in Peru.
Because you know I'm connected to spirit as we're speaking just like allowing energies to flow through show the energy to share what to speak about and then I'll be connecting to the higher self of that person their own spirit team and everyone will kind of kind of talk through me in varying different ways and not necessarily becoming individualized.
So you showed us a little bit is that the the andes behind you Wow! So can you talk a little bit about why this part of the world is so special.
But I'll be there as a human compassionate support team because that's often what people need as we're healing trauma we don't need to speak to an extraterrestrial although that can be beneficial and that can be the path often. It's quite nice to have someone who's there sitting with you taking you through the feelings and the emotions taking you through past experiences helping you to release that helping you to discover that love again that joy again. Happiness that piece and then on some of the other aspects of what I do is the channeling work is then in those traumaking sessions and the other sessions is channeling spirit which will sing through me through different healing songs which are the Shapibo Icaros The language of the the Amazonian tribes here that we we studied with.
And those are different channel transmissions which help help go into the field of someone help to clean the cellular level of the body help to open the mind help to connect people to the truth of who they are and that's very very powerful work which is which is taken from how we work in Ayahuasca ceremony. But we just do that in an online format. So that'll come through then in singing. That's the second way. And that's really pretty beautiful. Well the the Shapibo language is ah I've learned the language to sing the language so that is sung in a specific way that spirit will come through and do so very different things. It's like okay we want to help clean this person's mind we want to.
Um, yeah, yeah.
Get rid of the the negative thoughts you want to clear the kind of brain fog. Okay, we want to help open a person's heart. Okay,, there's some fear in the Heart. We'll clean that here. Okay, we'll connect that to the truth of who they are or we'll open the Non-dualal Realms of Experience. We'll so will will sing a direct transmission of what it's like to be in that non-dual Field. Quanin will come through Blue Lotus will come through in different ways and then we'll have their own worlds of medicine and open that and show that and then going to different worlds of forgiveness releasing pain. So All these different types of things that we would talk about in ah in an English language.. It's done in a poetic and it's it's done in a language which is the Shapibo language which is passed down from the plants.
Which in my experience has passed down from different extraterrestrial beings but within them similar to Sanskrit. There's very different transmissions and codes which are in them and then on the other aspect. There's different light languages which will come through which are more these are. Just spontaneous. It doesn't necessarily have a ah direct meaning in the tones in the language that comes through but and these are different extraterrestrial language light being languages that come through for the same intention of helping heal and evolve connect people to their higher self to the infinite truth to the oneness because when people recognize that connection to oneness.
Isn't there kind of like scoops taken out too where it looks like there's just like an ice cream scoop or something that came through so it wasn't chiseled or you know but like like it's like cuttings that have just been almost scooped out where it's like.
That is the the love the knowing the truth that heals all wounds and that's ultimately all we're here to do is to help people connect to their own truth then the None aspect what we talk about would be kind of when I sit back and do more semi-trance channeling which is where being an entity or or guide will come through and my consciousness will kind of sit back.
How on Earth could they have even done this. It looks like it looks like how you would scoop ice cream out of a Carton you know it's so clean and curved and so on you and.
And then my voice will change and then different transmissions answering questions these types of things will will occur which help people to gain a greater understanding of perhaps why they're here on Earth What their purpose is why these certain events have happened in their life. What the lessons are how they can kind of move beyond that lesson. How can they can open up and then through those.
Isn't that weird. Yeah.
All of those things that we've just talked about we can do we can focus that into the context of trauma healing. We can also focus it into the context of spiritual evolution learning to Channel self-recognition you know, improving relationships, general happiness and wellbeing So that's kind of how it works.
Absolutely, it's probably probably 1 of the most beautiful places on earth that I visited um my wife and I we've been very fortunate to to travel around on motorcycle through a lot of the ridges and planes.
Wow having 4 mountain ranges right? there I can't imagine that's got to be amazing I'm sure you've seen some amazing things around there just magical. Wow.
And the Valleys Just it's just there's so many different microclime its going from Mountain Jungle to to arid places to beautiful snowop mountains and winding roads to offroad treks and trails and then of course you've got the home of match you peach you here and.
Well I could talk to you all day. But but maybe you want to come on again. Um in ah in a little while and we can pick back up. But um I think this is a good resting point for us. Um, such amazing wisdom and.
And many many different archeological ruins. So Mapachhu gets gets all of the credit. But that's just one you know and it's marvelous, but it's just one of the many many archaeological ruins so behind us on this mountain here. There's actually psac ruins the archaeological site which has a sun temple.
And knowledge that you've brought through and vibration I mean even just when you've talked about the mountains you know there was a specific vibration I could feel while you were talking about it that carries through in your voice. So um, it's really really been such a joy to be here with you. Um.
Very very sacred site. It's a four or five hour hike and so where it's absolutely beautiful. You can just go around explore. There's many that there's many archaeological ruins which are actually on the on the maps and and then there's many that are just kind of like.
Thank you so much for all the work that you're doing to help people advance along and come into their own power and to tap into that mystery that is within them so that they can be on their own path to self-discovery.
You know if you were in another country and they had this site there. It would be a thing but because there's so many here it's kind of like oh this is just this is just one of the smaller ones and so you can find these undiscovered ones as well really or or the path. Not so well Trodden yet.
Um, in such an empowering way. It's really really powerful and important work that you're doing so I thank you? How can people find out more about you and Casa Galactica and connect with you.
There's a very interesting vibration when you go to these ruins. There's a vibration there. That's very very interesting and there are these rocks and stones which are there and you can perhaps you may have seen some of these if you look online, you can you can find these and there's no gap between them at all. No gap between Them. It's completely and they're not exactly square they're all just complete. It looks like they're laser cut and it feels to us technology from different multidimensional beings that lived here that you know that history has forgotten. It's not been documented.
That were present in these ancient civilizations that created these similar to kind of how we look at the pyramids and the kind of like oh how was that made. It's a similar. It's a similar thing So this is.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, it's just precision. That's not it doesn't make sense because then you have you can see the the the stones on top of these when you can see different eras as it gets closer to present date. It's like the technology decreases. It's like like it's more simple. It's like it's very interesting. So there's something there and when you go to these sites for everyone who's able to tune into energy and meditate. It's very interesting. There's very interesting energies there now. We're also surrounded here by where I'm in our house and our. Our center retreat center is just next door. So we're we're surrounded by 4 mountains. We got the sunset behind us over there and there's so we're at two Thousand Nine hundred meeting a meters beautifully perfectly fresh and absolutely amazing scenery and it's just magical and being here in Peru.
Thank you so much. Michael.
Plant Medicines like ayahuasca are completely legal. It's it's part of their national heritage which is one of the reasons we're here so that we can invite people to come to experience this marvelous culture. But then also participate in these miraculous transformative healing ceremonies. Which can transform people's lives in a way that's completely safe and and legal and yeah, it's just it's just a beautiful place to be.
Yes, absolutely.
Well Kara thank you for your kind words and yeah, absolutely pleasure to be here. Thanks for holding such a beautiful space to to dive deep in this conversation and be more than happy to return a future date if you would like to so thank you for that invitation. The way you can find us is go to http://casaalacticica.com and what I'm going to invite you to do firstly is when you arrive at our website on a homepage just subscribe to our mailing list because we have some free gifts for you that can help you heal and evolve straight away from home where Jamie my wife has a amazing beginner's. Handbook to strengthening your intuition which you'll just get into your inbox and then we have a fundamentals of 5 hour fundamentals of healing trauma workshop I did online which I also channel some of these healing songs which we talked about in a multidimensional healing ceremony. You get the recording to this which works beyond space and time so you can get to access some of what we've talked about here today. This is all completely free and then you also get 20% off if you want to do an online session with us. So just invite you to join our community if you feel it resonates and just have those no no strings attached things in your inbox to to help your heal and evolve. And then yeah you can browse our website. We have so much information on there Jamie and I are both Capricorns. You probably tell by our website. It's very very thorough. We try to give out as much information out as we can yet. That being said, if we if you do have some questions that are unanswered or some stones that are unturned. You'd like to know more about your own personal process of how we can help you either online through any of our courses or if you're interested in coming to experience the plant spirit healing work. We do in Peru you can you can book a free 30 minute consultation with us so you can just do them Jamie or I will be happy to to answer any of those questions. So yeah. Please feel free to reach out Cassa Galacticica Dot Com thanks so much everyone wishing you beautiful day. Thank you.
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