199. Otherworldly Soul Family Reunion - The Zenith

It was a joy to reconnect with The Zenith from Ireland. The Zenith and I have come together a couple of times previously - once on his podcast, The Spirit Channel, and in episode 177 of The Meditation Conversation. The Zenith was excited to come back on and share his experience of his consciousness expanding and rising into the spirit realm. He shares a fascinating and unique perspective on this profound soul union. Some highlights of our conversation include:
- Zenith shares an amazing story of being in a spirit realm of light and dark and coming into unity with his spirit family.
- The witness and experiencer aspects of ourselves, and how we can tune into each as a sort of training for more expansive experiences.
- What do visions and extra dimensional experiences have to do with your spiritual growth?
- The importance of fully understanding and accepting yourself, including integrating your shadows.
- Previous episode with The Zenith: https://www.soulelevationpodcast.com/177-traversing-multidimensional-planes-the-zenith-collaboration/
Hello and welcome to the meditation conversation I'm your host Kara Goodwin and today I am delighted to be joined again by the zenith from the spirit channel welcome zenith.
Ah Kara well welcome. And yeah, I'm very very happy to be a part of your show and this is our third collaboration and it's always exciting and always interest to catch up. It's like catching up and long lost friend. So I'm really really happy thrilled and delighted to make your acquaintance once again.
Yes, thank you I I've been looking forward to this. So um, I'll but have to put in my show notes about what are previous. Ah we had a ah previous one back in the spring of this year um and then like you said we we had met once before that when I was on the spirit channel with you. Um, and and you and I have along the way realized that we have some overlapping experiences and um, interests and things like that. So um. I was listening to our last recording this week and just enjoying kind of the the overlay the over overlapping um experiences and play off of each other and so we just kind of wanted to come together again here and catch up because.
We like to keep in touch and sometimes it's like Wow This would be great for um, other people to to be able to kind of um peek into what's going on with you. So so why don't we start with that because I know you had a ah.
Um, yeah, absolutely. Um.
Beautiful experience recently a profound experience and and you are saving it until we record it So I don't even know what what it is, but.
Okay, well yeah, absolutely Kara um, thank you and yes, thank you for highlighting that we've had you know a few um, previous conversations and and thankfully this time I haven't had to introduce my channel as i. Forgot it last time. So ah, you did. And yes this this experience and I don't want to get bog dying into the oh you know the mystical aspect of and thing and what we're trying to.
I did it for you. Ah.
Hopefully convey here as these experiences are not unique to me. They're not unique to you. They're open and available to everyone with maybe just the right tools and the right practices. Um, but what we're hoping to do today and what I hope to do is kind of show you how far? um. Some of those experience can take you high they can transform your life completely. This experience actually happened to me um, not long before our last conversation. So that's how long I've been holding this in check because we agreed.
A while.
We agreed that we would mean up at least 1 more tank because we felt we had better funfin bit and so I've been holding on check I've never talked about this before in public. So this is this is something which is going to be public for the first time on your show. So we talked about. Our experiences you would somehow reach those astralans or those dimensions or densities. Um on your way to sleep not in the sleep state maybe necessarily bit can of in between that state whereas I'm a bit different mind hopping normally through deep meditations. But. I think when you look at brain wave have patterns. You know your deepation and kind of sleep brain wave patterns are kind of the same almost the same frequency. So there's really not much difference in this even if maybe you're experiencing this and and a kind of wagging. Realm or daydream you'll find if you look at brim wave patterns. They're fairly consistent. So this experience happened to me one night it was about four thirty four a M when I woke up completely rest couldn't get to sleep. And a fantasy thought I'll get up and I'll do aion and I know that some of these inhabitants in these higher realms and have said that the best having to contact them. You know the time that they're most active. However, that works is about three thirty four thirty a so I get up on I went into.
Kind of 11 prepared fortion and I said okay I'll I'll get into the trance that'll you know, bring those guides and beings close to me that will help me develop my channeling trance. It wasn't working. And didn't work so I've completely abandoned that idea and just thought okay well I'll do meditation and find that I was able to really sync down into a deep meditation. Um, surely enough I was able to leave my body a physical body I'm kind of. We're kind of. Conversed in that experience now that we know exactly what's happening so I lay my physical body within into what people may call space out or space. Um, fairly bland and the scenery just changed to 1 of this space illuminated by lights orbs everywhere I looked. And it was like a creation of lights or orbs some were small. Some were enormous some were but I came to recognize to be actual planets planets the planetary consciousness as a being of pure light and then there were other kind of what I got to understand were groupings of lights and. 1 of those groupings I recognized as my sword group as my um, actual actuality beyond this physical um dimension that we currently in hoit and I know who my sword group is I've got that information.
So I kind of traveled if you like towards that and once I became simulated into that once I became drawn into that it was as if I was home I was like a missing brick in a wall. I just slotted completely into that and that became no sense of me. There became no sense of me and others we were just this one unified being on it was this welcoming like you'd returned home to your family. Um. After a period of a couple of years in the wilderness. It was this this feeling of overwhelming joy overwhelming bliss and you could just feel the appreciation and gratitude from these other members who were your exact self and to have you return home as a kind of long lost. Brother sister. Whatever you want to call it and it was an amazing experience. I just felt so overwhelmed and so completely uplifted with comp compassion and empathy and it was a beautiful, beautiful transcendent experience. The experience didn't stop there and the experience continued on. Um, I've begun to look at these other pockets of light shall. We say these other you know entities within this pipe bras in this dimension and thought I could travel you know towards them I don't need to remain on this fixed location and there's no kind of um sense of you know.
Foreboing or you need to stay here completely free to do what I want So I began to envision traveling. It was almost as if you were traveling through a gibbery like ah like ah a transparent waterslide at ausement park or ah like a water park. We go down those slides.
So it was like it was like that it was like a vortex of light. He began to travel down these pathways and sure enough I did go and you know visit some of these other groups these other kind of beings and I was welcomed there but you know what it it was not my home. It was not my home and so I explored that event. Um. Just began to travel amongst different places within this realm and I became aware of pockets of shall we call them darkness which were not welcoming and so I stayed clear of that I did not want to gu anywhere near that you know there was danger. There was a sense of darkness. There was a sense of. Negativity. There. So I stayed clear of that and began to explore in this austral form this atral um vibration you know this this place that i' was in I begun to wonder what else can I do here. You know what what? What can I do you've traveled. In these directions if you like you know I've interacted with other beings I've you know met my own kind of so gri. What else can I do here and the thought struck me I wonder can I travel back in time can I go back in time. So I I tried to do that and I was somewhat successful in that and that i. Did travel to a planet I'm not too sure if it was planet earth but the sense to me came that I traveled very very far back in time perhaps a quarter of a million half a million years the earth was very thick and heavy there I had a sense of that.
And I was with all these pyramidal structures and I just was a aware that this was largely uninhabited Sphere. There was no kind of civilization as we would know upon it then I didn't stay long in that place. They're the only images that I can remember of that um event and once again I was back in that. Atral travel and I became aware of all of these entities around me that we were in this kind of glo even though it was this this dimension. There was a sense that the what you want to say that the the makeup of this dimension density or Astra plane. Was composed of something much greater than each individual that being within this kind of a sense of you're looking at a snow globe right? and do it and you can see all of the snowflakes within it. But when you. Zoom out of that you become a aware there just a structure around that and that structure was this underlying creation of all things this source of all things. It was just manifest throughout this dimension. This density. Whatever you want to call it. Um, when I thought about that you know it filled me with joy it filled me with enormous gratitude to have that experience and all of the other beings in planetary consciousness and soul groups within this all the and begun to sing if you like they began to vibrate. Theyve begun to sing.
And it was gratitude towards me and it was love towards me and it just it was almost like being hit with an electric current I just I was completely overwhelmed by this upliftment this song of love from these kindness millions and billions of souls of. Planetary consciousness all directed towards you towards you as an individual even though you're part of this group. It was this harmony this harmonic resonance in which you were part of and all you could do is throw back that gratitude ah and love and feel it come back upon you like waves and waves.
Um, and.
It was a truly amazing experience and I ah kind of never forget that one of the kind of last things that um I felt that I wanted to do was I thought I wonder if my 2 guardians the 2 masters who have been. Sort of guiding me along my path in recent times are are present enough is this vibration of Yesshua Yahashua who we know to be Jesus Christ and also Magdalena I've come to call Mary Magdalene who I feel of maybe. Symbolic and representatives of divine feminine divine masculine energy along with being aspects of these 2 real and entities and I kind of search them out telepathically and I find them somewhere I find them. It's hard to describe but I find them I home then on their signal. Home in the nurse signal and I just remember saying I find you I find you I find you again because I are and when I done that I've just begun to feel overwhelming joy the combination of everything just begun to get to me and even though I was in this astral realm so deep in this. Unconscious experience. My were my physical body began to cry and I on to feel tears ruling down my face with this joy and happiness and elation and I kind of felt like they were a big brother and a big sister to me and they were just happy for me.
Um, and.
And the way that an older sibling would you know have happiness for their younger sibling for something. They're just happy. They're just wise and content that it was a beautiful and transcendent experience this whole idea and I thought I need to leave Now you know I need to go back down to Planet Earth and.
Cameber where I don't have to I don't have to just yet I can stay here a little bit longer so that pool and become apparent for another few minutes and I I thinking it a few minutes I just felt you know, just be able to take in that you know. Betifying radiance and love and joy and peace and happiness and healing and tele eventually I felt the poe back down into my physical body where I began to sat in the darkness on that chair or on that kind of poufffet in the lotus pose and. It took me a long time to readjust it up. It took me a long time to readjust to my body to begin to say okay I need I need to move this physical form in which I'm now highs within once again, but I didn't want to move because the feelings of healing of comfort of. Joy of elation kind of like if you're sitting at a park on a summer's day or on a beach and you feel that sun beating dine on you and hear birds in the trees and you just feel a peace at peace I felt healed on every level.
And eventually I did kind of lift myself from that state in a very slow and gracious manner and lifted my phone and realized it was about five thirty a m maybe 6 a m and put in bed just feeling that elation and happiness and began the liar and thought cal fall asleep. Before that could happen. Um I began to fall under this twilight state that we were talking about and which is a state between a week and sleep I just begun to sink deeper and that that scene changed I began to have this new experience and the experience was that of a heron. I began to take on the form of this heron bird I began to I was this heron bird in this smaller kind of world maybe instead of this cosmos I was in this world I was this heron bird that landscape was de deserted. There was only kind of me there. I began to fly kind of land among amongk the reeds had begun to as herons do go into the water live this life as a heron and the sun was kind of hazy in the sky and it was flying up to the sun then. Kind of tas my boundaries in this place and I became a aware of this music this hum in that state this music I begun to wonder what it was and it began to sound like a flute like an oriental flute and I they a begun to notice that there was like a a figure in that state got a mom.
An Oriental Man a monk of some kind and he was the one who was blowing out this harmony on this flute while I the heron was kind of circling around him and I kind of landed beside him and he was speaking to me in this calm can of muler and I don't know what he was saying but it just felt so comforting. Felt relaxing and once again I was just healed and you know fulfilled on kind of every level and then I became became aware of myself. Oh My God My physical Shell's beginning to Snore I must be sinking into this sleep and the experience kind of faded and just kind of.
Fell into this this physical um sleep and it's it's very strange now because I've can move from between houses and the place that I'm in Nih and hazardous use canal which I do many walks along and.
What I find in that along that canal is heron lots and lots of herons along on and I kind of looked up the symboly of heron's and it you know means to one who's very patient. 1 who is solitary.
Um, and then.
Waiting on the right comment I felt that that really spoke to me at that time and still does. So I think in a way that experience was also prophetic of saying you know this is where you'll where you'll kind of be while you're waiting for these changes and to manifest in your life and it's a constant reminder.
Um, and.
Have that patience about me so it was a very very extreme experience. A very intense Experience. It lasted about an R in our time I've never had an experience. It's ever lost it like that and from everything that happened in it. It's just it's an experience that I'll home dear to my heart. Ah, never forget.
That is remarkable. Thank you so much for sharing that I mean it's it's It's really beautiful and there's so much to it because you've got the the sole group part that. The lights, the orbs the the manifesting you know the the creation like being ah aware of creation and then the sound and the frequency and um, the Symbology. That's just really, really beautiful. Um, one thing I'm curious about is when you were experiencing. Oh no, where'd you go there. You are okay oh ok.
Um, sorry just changing thing changing onto my heart's spot.
Um, so 1 thing that I was curious about is when you were in that meditative state. How much could you become aware of your own physical body because I know when I've had things like that. It's like oh i'm. In this this place. Um, or I'm with this light or these geometries or whatever. Um, and then I I there's this play that I have with myself where it's like wait but am i. But like am I physically did I physically move am I still in my room and so I'll like come back I like I'll check in on my human self and it's like nope I'm still in my bed or I'm still like on the cushion or whatever. Um, so did it feel like like it just kind of. Opened up to you because that's the other thing a lot of times. It's this remembrance like oh my gosh. It's always here. It's just depending on what I focus on like where my frequency is of what I can access but it's it's this like.
Oh it's all around me. It's just right here and I'm like dissolving the veils right now type of thing. How was it for you.
And well as you know there's always a sense. We're always attached to our physical body some say by Golden Thread some say by a Silver Silver thread. So There always is a connection to the physical Body. You haven't completely left and. Your body and as you say it depends where you focus your awareness you can focus your awareness back on your physical form and go Okay, well I'm here. Um and then kind of leave that attention span to you know, have your consciousness expand once more within this astral. Clean and it may feel like there's no difference because sometimes we go I'm just imacing this because it doesn't feel like any difference. It's only when that consciousness begins to retract. Back down from that into your physical form. Do you really feel the difference of that you begin to go? Oh My God You know I back in this shale this house and I don't have that expansion anymore. So It doesn't feel like anything when you're in that state because it's your natural state of being.
It's natural to use. It doesn't fail. Oh this is this overwhelming I'm in this dimension. That's how you normally are between lives so you're just experiencing something that's natural to you. It's only once that experience begins to recede your consciousness begins to. Retract into your physical form that you will really know the difference and you can you know times really have a hard time of um, like the 10 man and the wizard of oz beginning to trick in the movie again. So there's always a awareness there and as I said you know that was even amplified and heightened by.
Tears falling down my physical face even though I was in the attral form I could still feel those tears running down my physical face and just to briefly a pan that or a tats up to another sort of experience where it speaks about being in 2 forms. You know had an experience when I was out walking recently and I was thinking about something I could hear police sounds in the background. It was ah an event or a face over here which can be quite contentious and I was thinking about the police you have to attend that and all of the emotions they go through you know with maybe a bang crowd and then. Leaving that and returning home to maybe this policeman's life and a completely different set of emotions that just this strange experience began to take over me I thought well that person is experiencing their emotions their experiences and and I'm this observer. Watching them and I thought well we can do that to ourselves we can be in 2 places. We can be the experiencer of our experiences simply going along our path reacting to emotions and feelings but not really doing anything with those and then we have this higher aspect of our sales which is watching us. Go through those motions and taking those emotions and experiences and processing them which is kind of like your higher aspect so in a way we can't be in 2 places at once we can be the experiencer who is in the physical form who's experiencing the 3 dimensional.
Um, and.
Reality that we have but we're also the experiencer who's or sorry the observer who's outside of that who's detached from that who takes all of that stuff that's happened in processes with that within you know their their form to to um to grow and learn from that.
So it's in a way in which you can try to understand that you can't have these 2 aspects of you and a way to maybe you make it a bit clear.
Yeah, right? I Love that and I actually have been recently kind of encouraging my students to invoke that in their meditation deliberately or even outside of meditation just when you're walking around Or. Or whatever where you tap into like your human consciousness like where you're aware of the body. You're aware of your personality. You're aware and you're just feeling the the things just a regular like how you normally are and then being the witness. Of What is happening. So if you're walking Around. It's like oh bring your awareness to the top of that tree and imagine you're just watching yourself walking from that vantage point like oh now she's going to turn left. Oh Now she's Stopped. She's waiting for the dog or whatever you know and it's I think.
Here it's.
That that helps us to kind of build those pathways that where these experiences can start to um, find their their way to us you know because we're we're kind of training ourselves to feel what that's Like. Um, where we we witness ourselves. Um, so I Love that explanation. That's Beautiful. Um.
Um, yeah, it's amazing how it just ties in with what you've already been doing with what you're with what you're speaking about. You know it's It's I Just completely got blown away by these things. You know there's me talking about an experience and you. Talking about something in which yeah, this is what I'm trying to teach my my students.
Yeah, well this is the thing because um, because of where we are with humanity right now for for a while you know I think I've been teaching now for four or five years four years five no five I don't know anyway. Something like that and I ah feel like I'm just starting to sort of turn this corner where I am less um where I talk about things like this a little bit more. Because I don't want it to be like um people think that you're not meditating correctly, if you're not having visions or whatever or you know that you're not a spiritual person if you if you're not immersed in a field of light and in reaching these higher dimensions. There are.
Um, yeah.
Plenty of amazing people who are making amazing progress who are not going to.. That's just not part of what they want at the human level or the soul level. It's not part of their experience. They're here for something else and that's perfectly Fine. Um. So. It's not like oh if you haven't achieved this then you're still on level Blah. It's like no, we all have our own unique experiences and they and some people just have different pathways in their visual cortex where they can perceive things that.
Um, then.
Probably your consciousness is experiencing on a subtle level that you're just not able to yet bridge with your conscious awareness your human conscious awareness. It doesn't mean that your grander consciousness your higher consciousness is. Not busy in these same realms or similar realms. Um, and with that I think it's important too. I love how you brought up Yeshua and Mary Magdalene and how you feel this connection with with them and. There are a couple of things with that one being that we all have masters who are accessible to us who are helping to guide us and who we can tap into and that can be.
Um, you know, kind of take that for what it's worth as you as you kind of keep developing and growing you start to be able to perceive energies and call in energies and and you kind of get to know what those energies ah feel like or how to sense them? um. But it is one of those things that it's available to everybody. So sometimes I I don't think with this audience we would have a problem with this ah problem. But but it is just to say that you know again, it's not this.
Achievement or and I don't have that sense when you're saying it but I just feel like it's important to clarify so that it's not like well who does this guy think he is. You know it's like no you to you too. You know all of us.
Have this and we may have connections to different masters and this is part of the journey. It's part of the process. Most people don't come here just knowing like oh Yeshua you know we we usually are born into a family and that's kind of the the starting point and we may have. Spiritual exposure as we're growing up and we may not and it may be something that develops over time. But for the vast majority of people. All of this is a discovery practice. It's all a it's all part of the journey is this and this discovery. So. Um, that was just one of those things that it's like yes we we all have this within us and not to be confused that like oh my gosh seeing it is so special. You know it's like that is really really special and it's. You know there for all of us as well.
Absolute absolutely current. You know I I do not consider myself special whatsoever. You know I'm nah hosting live talks in an up call wisdom audio on one of the things that they can do is people can ask you questions. Cons Sandi question and someone said to me they asked me at the other day like what are your biggest fears right now kind of move. How did I answer this you know like what thought way should I answer it I'll answer it as honestly as I can and I say one of my biggest fears is that I'm not um. Equal to my peers that I the the people that I you know are in my circle that I interact with and that I'm not on their level so that goes to show you high level that I consider myself to be special and that I'm going good. You know. Car is teaching for 5 years This person here is a healer this person here you know this person's had this experience. You know maybe I'm not. You know, good enough. So I don't think that I'm special whatsoever and I'm always as you know a pains to tell people look if I can do this anyone could do it. Everyone's experiences are valid. I mean currently in a group as we were talking about just before the start of the show in which you know I have my experiences one of the ladies um sees these beings in the flesh. Another one sees orbs. You know everyone has different experiences my experiences.
Are somewhat unique to me but not unique to me as in their my own experiences but they're not unique. Anyone can have experiences anyone can you know ah have meditations and meditation on these Experiences. Don't happen all the time. They're few and far between and because if you would have them then you wouldn't be learning anything. They're only like kind of sign post. They're only kind of like little bread crumbs to keep you hungry and along your path and say well I want more of that you're right? It doesn't It's not something that.
You know happens overnight. It's something that I've been fortunate enough and very lucky I I consider myself to you know, had this deep meditative practice in which I've can I developed that and I've worked myself at times up to an hour um but like I've gone meditating the next day or the day after and nothing has happened.
Absolutely nothing does that mean the meditations be in Failure. Absolutely not the very fact that you're meditating means that you're having a success even if all of those thoughts are rowing around your mind like happened to me this morning and I just blew a views and and I just went up to on I'm getting annoyed and getting frustrated even that is. Good meditation because you're experiencing something you're getting in tune with your feelings and your emotions So these experiences and meditation and all the things that we do. There is no you know sign post. There is no ladder to say you've reached long 66 or Level 66 and I got the corporate Covid card which enabled you to take you know the floor that was unaccessly. It's not like that at all, it's ah open and and anything all we're trying to do is let people know that you know these are the types of things that you can't experience if you want them.
Ah, right.
And it's as simple as asking for help As you said we all have these beings around us. We have a whole host of beings around us who are there to help us and most of us never ask for that help. It's a simple matter of going hybid like help could you show me some hint some advice some way in which I can.
Develop myself or further myself along my path so that potentially one day you know I may be open enough for how my consciousness expanded or have the V purred back to have my own experiences my own unique experiences.
I Love that and I think it's important too for us to remember that in the asking there is the release of any expectation so being mindful. What is it actually that we want.
Because I would even argue that as much as I have loved having multidimensional experiences. It's not that's not the point you know it's not I'm not meditating for that. It's like this amazing byproduct. Ah, But what I want is growth. What I want is my sole development and evolution and the expression of the highest the very highest expression that I can have in this form. That's the point.
And so yes, we can. There's nothing wrong with desiring you know, certain things and and feeling that connection but just being open that um at the end of the day. What is it that you really want is that.
Is it is it the experiences because if it's the experiences then you know maybe psychedelics are you know, Maybe that's like you just want a psychedelic experience and that's then then that's like maybe a quick path that's not you know because.
Um, you know.
But it's this remembrance of like actually I want the highest the fullest the apps I want divinity to flow through me at such a rate that it impacts the external you know that it just floods my whole lifestream with that light and it blesses everybody. That I am connected to and that I come in contact to so it's and then if along the way these other things come up to kind of give me like ah ah, a taste or this a remembrance or reignite.
Some power.
Ah, something or to accelerate something or to expand me deeper than than thank you. Thank you? Thank you? But but we do get these. Ah you know we have. They're all different we. You may as a listener have it. Identified with a particular awakening experience that has happened in your life that was sort of this trigger moment where the moment before it happened you were 1 thing and then it happened and then you were like whoa something just clicked and now I'm kind of like.
Um, was.
I see things differently. Um, that doesn't yeah I'm going to Well I'm not I don't think I have the authority to say how that usually happens but I don't I don't think that it's necessary that there was a multidimensional or visual or any kind of. Experience that that sort of happened sometimes it does happen that way where somebody's just walking down the street and it feels like a lightning bolt hit them and suddenly they can see patterns in the trees or something that definitely can happen but for a lot of people. It is more subtle. For a lot of people. It's happening through conversations they're having conversations with people and it's triggering something within them or it's waking something up within them that is that they might that is subtle. You know it's not so much this like lightning bolt.
Moment. Um, so again, it's like yes, ask I love that and hold it very lightly with how it comes to you because it may come through overhearing a conversation at the table next to you at a diner or something that's like.
Triggers you on to you know where it is that you're supposed to know or go um you know I was having a conversation with a friend not too long ago and she was talking about how she has this sort of block where if a human is going to give her Intel. She doesn't that's not a trusted avenue for her and I was kind of encouraging her to to kind of broaden that and be like well the divine can work through anything so I wouldn't close it off to be like it's got to be this way.
If I'm going to receive a message.. It's going to be in this trusted format. It's like it's a creative vast Infinite Universe So Don't close yourself off because very well there could be people who come into that's a pretty easy way for. Divine to work because you're around people all the time. So. It's kind of like well if if we've decided that humans don't have anything to offer for Us. We may not have you know there may be another um, something for us to consider there that you know this is part of the human experience and so.
Um, so anyway I think I think that that's just that point of like it's amazing for these things to happen and you know just stay open and let like keep your eye on the the big picture and what it what it is that you want like. Big picture wise and and don't get lost in the Minutiae or or the expectations of like oh if I'm going to I must not be making progress I mean it was a long time for me before I ever experienced anything I mean I would have some light here and there in my meditations. But.
Um, yeah.
Um, you can.
To really start to break into like oh my goodness there are symbols or codes or like flashes of like actual you know Mandalas or whatever. Ah, that took a long time I had to stay patient and I had to keep my I had to. Think big picture you know and not try to be like Wow, let me compare myself to everybody else and see like what is the legitimacy of my path if if I'm not just like you're saying how do I How am I stacking up that can be like a really.
Um, yeah.
Um, yeah.
Ah, fruitless endeavor because we are having these unique experiences and and our and and our souls have set it up so that we have our own version of what we're supposed to go through. Um.
Um, yeah, yeah I think um I think it right just to and peggy back on your point there you know I think ultimately what having these experiences are it's not the experience. It's the feelings that you're getting within them.
It's a feelings of connection. It's a feelings of unity What you have to do with is if you want more of that it becomes a time in a seeker's life where it becomes less about the external and I think this is what these experiences are pointing you to it becomes less of the external.
Cosmos on the internal cosmos howi I read so Heidi I get those feelings once you have had that feeling of unity of love of joy of bliss and then you come back into your normal steel being you become more were your own emotions and feelings become more heightened. Things that set you off things that trouble you your fears your worries your eco playing against you. So then it becomes and in order for me to try to have those feelings. Maybe not the experiences for me. It's what was talked about in. Create a channel work the law 1 the disciplines of the mind the body and the spirit it's working upon yourself know yourself accept yourself and become the creator become this being. So it's about knowing yourself. It's about knowing who am I what am I what are all these feelings. What are all these things but me that I've just been doing subconsciously and not thinking about like we were talking about the observer and the and the experiencer under knowing yourself and then. Accepting who you are accepting while I have these aspects of me which you know it's great to be in this light and love in these fields of joy. But I'm a human being I have aspects of myself which may be called shadow self that I can't ignore you know because ultimately they're holding me back. They're stopping me. They're prelumeta in the only way that I can.
Ah, Sand if you like is by paying attention to what is stopping me. It's about integrating those within you as an equal part within you and saying Okay, you're a valid and equal Part. You're helping me Grow. You're helping me Learn. You're helping me understand you know that I have aspects of myself which are not harmonious. So It's about knowing yourself on accepting yourself and they talk about you know to to try and Ascend. You know do these higher vibrations without doing that Baseline work upon Yourself. Can you can become very very imbalanced upon yourself. So for me, it's not La night about these.
Experiences or to understand if I want to get there in a way which is more consistent I have to understand myself I have to know who I am and what it it is. It's making me tick I have to integrate all of these different aspects within me so that I can become more Imb balanceanced with myself. Integrating the masculine the feminine The the negative the positive that light the dark understand yourself and then accept yourself and then you can start to move forward unified.
Yeah, thank you for that. That's so true this balance I mean this is another really important thing is not trying you know sometimes we might become interested in spirituality and it's like I want to all right now. And without this understanding that that there is and you can really overdo it and like fry yourself and and become very imbalanced. Um, and there are a lot of different ways that you can do that. Um, you can do it with physical practices. You can do it through drugs you can do you know where you just overdo it and and the damage is very hard to undo so it is like being patient. That's a big part of it and allowing this complete integration so that it's not like wow I want to have a level. 1000 experience to you? Not that there is a level one thousand but to use your analogy that love that the 66 you know the layer? whatever. But it's like I totally get that where it's like oh my gosh I feel like this whole like all these possibilities are here and I want it all and I want it now and um.
But it's like understanding that there is an actual energetic ah like literal energetic integration that needs to happen so that these things can happen safely. Um, because we are energetic beings and when we have not had like every time we have a new level of awakening it helps our energetics to align to be able to hold it and to contain it so that we don't like blow a fuse in our being. So that we can be like safely holding it and expressing it and um so again, there's this you know there's everything that you talked about in terms of like acceptance and shadow work and clearing things out. You You know we can't It's just not compatible to be trying to integrate super high frequency. You know, high dimensional energy or light. When we're still in the gunk and we haven't excavated and we're still like denying parts of us and we're not.. We're not clearing it Out. We're not looking at it. We're not accepting it. It's like Nope that that part of me never happened or I don't have thoughts like that or.
Um, it happened.
You know I don't feel guilt about that or shame about that because it didn't happen and I am just light I am just a being of light and that's it you know and then it's it's like well that stuff doesn't go away if you just stuff it. It's still there in your energy.
Yeah. I think.
Um, and it's very literal I mean we're Talking. It can be easy to talk about energy and think like oh it's this woo woo like um, you know, maybe maybe not type of thing. It's like very literally you are storing that in your physical body and in your energy field and it's.. It's there as a density and as a block so it's that that acceptance that neutrality that shadow work where we see these things and again like depending on our life that we've lived like that may not be something that you want to do like.
Yeah, it's hard work.
You know in a short amount of time you know it's like kind of let yourself be patient in this metamorphosis this transformation and remember that that is part of it This whole thing. It's not about the end. It's not. Someday I'm going to become enlightened and until then everything else doesn't matter. Yes and there's this whole journey and that's the whole point is this journey and all the different choices that you get to make to be able to become. Who you're becoming and then the the how you change over time and it's a really really beautiful and amazing process. It's not just about any sort of end. You know.
You know it's the journey it's the journey itself you know I wrote about this on my website. It was called the ascent where you start off in this spiritual journey and it's a long and arduous journey and it past rocky and stuff like that and eventually you reachs the base of the mountain and you realize. That's the end goal I have to get up there. It's it's easy going at first. It's like spiritual growth. It's easy at first to get into you. Everything's flowing. Everything's fantastic. You want more of it and you're beginning to say the more you begin to let more light in the more you begin to transform yourself and the more that you begin to do that shadow work. Let's It's hard work. Do not you know, be under any illusion that you know spirituality and spiritual growth if you're listening to Kara if you're listening to me if you're listening to only other people talk about these experiences shadow work in self work is the hardest work that you will do upon yourself to accept that you have. Flaws and character traits the cleaner dot gunk that is maybe been fasting for a lifetime 3 environmental concerns upbringing. You know your relationships with your community and stuff like that there. It's hard hard work and to do that. So look if you want to can it. Do this work if you want to can't get there. You have to be in this for the long haul. It's a lifetime of work but the more you begin to climb that mountain. You know metaphorically the more you begin to share things that are becoming cumbersome I can't use it anymore. It's too heavy I don't need that and Ted you reachs the top of that mountain and there's a treasure chest there and you guys.
Finding got it I have climbed the mountain I a sand at the pick I have become enlightened that you open that treasure chair some to take your treasure on what's ah nothing nothing and you feel cheated and you feel cheated and you go What was all this about and you lower that. All that journey and all that hardship and you look back along your path and enlightenment comes in. You realize that it was the journey that was the important part. It was the growth along the journey not the end. Go. That's what the enlightenment came and then you turn and you look and you realize there's more Peaks you had ahead of you.
Um, yes, yes, yes yep, Oh so beautifully said I think that's perfect.
Growing never stops. It never stops. You think that you have got it. You realize oh my God I have more and more ascent.
I Um I can't think of a better way to to wrap a bow around this whole conversation. Um, Well thank you so much I'm really honored that you saved that um that reveal for our time together I yeah. I Very much could feel it and and enjoy it and thank you so much for all of the work that you're doing and um I hope we can do it again.
I'm sure we will Kara hopefully it'll not be as long but and it's it's always a pleasure connecting with you, you're you're my soul sister. Um, we headed off from the first moment that we um that we you know work for all my interview and it's just been this. Deepening and ever kind of long connection and if we fall out of and conversation for another of months I've just found that we pack it straight back up again. So it's it's an honor to work with you I am always happy to work with you I'm always happy to have a conversation with you. It's always a pleasure and I look forward to it and i. Like and like an eager child Christmas rolling down the stars to see what presents he got I wake up and say oh good carris emailed me I can't wait to see what she said so but.
Ah I love that Thank you. That's beautiful. Oh.
You're so welcome. You're so welcome. Thank you once again, Kara thank you for letting me be a part of your show and continue doing the good work that you're doing.
Thank you.
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