206. Helping the Blind to See - Nate Zeleznick

Is it possible for visually blind people to energetically sense their surroundings as if they have sight?
Nate Zeleznick is the President and Co-founder of Vibravision®, which merges ancient energetic martial arts with modern science and training technology, to offer the most advanced personal energy management system on the planet. Over the past 20+ years he has mastered the energetic arts, co-founded the only U.S. school allowed to train these capabilities, has received validation from medical and scientific professionals, and established the Vibravision® Foundation which teaches blind people to energetically sense their surroundings as if they had sight.
It was so wonderful to connect with Nate for this thought-provoking and fascinating conversation about the incredible power of our conciousness. Some of the topics we explore include:
- Does the draw of movies featuring people with superpowers, such as the Marvel and Star Wars movies, come from true hidden capabilities within each of us?
- The types of superpowers which can awaken through this work, from remote viewing to incredible healing gifts, to deep emotional intelligence.
- Spontaneous out-of-body experiences as a preteen.
- Every cell in the body has the ability to perceive light.
- The different ways the intelligence of the human body can experience the same frequency - as a vibration in a certain area of the body, hearing a tone, seeing a color, etc. One can be experienced or multiples at once.
- What is the importance of asking “what is this?” to understand what we are experiencing.
Hello and welcome to the meditation conversation I'm your host Kara Goodwin and today I'm so excited to have Nate Zelesnik on he is the president and co-founder of vibravision which merges ancient energetic martial arts with modern science and training technology to offer the most advanced personal energy management system on the planet over the past twenty plus years he's mastered the energetic arts. Co-founded. The only us school allowed to train in these capabilities received validation from medical and scientific professionals and established the vibrovision foundation which teaches blind people to energetically sense their surroundings as if they had sight. So I am so excited to dive into everything that you've been up to so welcome Nate. Thanks so much for being here.
Nate Zeleznick
Thank you so much Kara I'm very excited to be here that gonna be amazing I'm looking forward to this next hour with you. Thanks for having me.
Yeah, wonderful. Um, and just to mention you know how we even got connected because there was synchronicity. There. So I love to you know, present these fun ways that the universe speaks to us. Um you and I were both. Panelists on a summit recently with neopositivity which was the the thoughts become things. Love attraction summit and you know there were several people who were who were panelists on that. Um in that discussion. And as we were going through it I kind of had recognized your name. It. It rang a bell but then Neo started talking about how you are featured in the movie superhuman and this is a film that was created by Caroline Corey and um I was in talks.
Nate Zeleznick
Um, you.
With her in that like just the days like a couple of days leading up to that I had started to um, plan that she was going to come on the podcast and by the time this episode is released that episode will be out. It's not out yet. But um and I'm like oh my gosh. What a small world. That you were featured in that film which is an amazing film that talks about our superhuman capabilities which you're like you know deeply immersed in that world which I find fascinating. But anyway just I thought that was really fun how we kind of like. It was just like okay got my attention here and and you know it'll be great to connect. So so anyway, super fun.
Nate Zeleznick
Yeah, and so it's funny that you mentioned that because I was just I'll tell the listeners and viewers a little bit later about the panel for the love event. But she's one of my panelists So that's kind of interesting. We had that already.
Um, so funny.
A hat.
Nate Zeleznick
Ah, into works and then you talked to her and then we met on Neo's summit and yeah, it's so so it's amazing. So it's it's really been an honor to work with Caroline. She's ah definitely I consider her a good friend. She's an amazing human.
Yeah, absolutely so I would love to hear your story and how you got to where you are now with vibravision and just your your work in general.
Nate Zeleznick
Sure, awesome! Well you know every person out there. Well not every person but most people out there wish that they could have some kind of a superpower right? So now if you look at the Marvel franchise and how many billions of dollars that they're raking in worldwide for. Everything from the avengers to ironman to everything that they do and look at let's see the the highest growing so grossing film of all time which was a star wars film. Well there's a reason it's because people really wish that they could have something beyond their normal 5 senses I'll call them a super normal. Ability right? and for thousands of years we've heard of yogis or shaolin monks or sages or wizards and people that could do things that the average person just isn't able to do and. You know some people have been afraid of these things and other people have been very enchanted by them because they knew somehow deep inside we all have the ability to do things like this that they're godgiven or just intrinsic abilities in us. But. Finding somebody who could reliably help you open those and has a method and can actually walk you step-by-step that's been sorely missing for a lot of people and now you know you have a lot of gurus out there that are like I have the key because it worked for me. But.
Nate Zeleznick
It's not just about working for 1 person. It's about working for people and mass and that requires a method that you you do it. You go from point a to point holy crap and you in this journey and having the right support network there. So why that's relevant is because I didn't have any of that.
And then that.
Nate Zeleznick
Ah, my brother and I my co-founder Mike Ah and we didn't have any of that. However, we did have a lot of determination to make sure that this came to light and became reality and how this all started was. When I was about 12 or 13 I started having out of body experiences I was ah you know sometimes I would just sit down and I would connect with the earth and I would feel like I was melting into the earth this is when I was a kid and then when I was about 12 or 13 I started like lifting up out of my body when I was going to sleep at night. My body would be like it was like my sheets weighed a thousand pounds and they were weighing me down and I would float out of my body and I thought I was dying but it was also it didn't hurt so sometimes I would travel and sometimes I would snap back into my body. Well fast forward.
Is me under.
Nate Zeleznick
Few years when I got my first job. The first thing I ever bought with my own money was a book on out of body experiences because it kept kept happening I didn't know what was going on I couldn't really talk to my parents ah growing up in a very ah religious small community in Utah.
Nate Zeleznick
There ain't a way I'm talking to anybody about this. Um that that's like that would shunning would be what would happen so correct most likely at that time with this this ah community. Yes.
Would it be interpreted as like demonic or something. Okay, oh.
Nate Zeleznick
Yeah, what or something wrong like psyche like a psychiatric issue so because the outbody experience and meditation really wasn't talked about a whole bunch, especially not in Utah and especially not in a small community in Utah. So.
Nate Zeleznick
When I started realizing that other people were having experience. It was like this and there were ways to actually duplicate it and train it such as like the Monroe Institute training Cia agents to be remote viewers and spy on the soviets. Okay, that really piqued my interest. And so I was very deeply involved in meditation and spirituality but not woo woo it was more along the lines of process. So when I was 23 years old. Oh also I should mention martial arts. Oh growing up. Ah there was nothing I wanted more than to be a jedi. And a ninja across so like a ninjedi I wanted that so bad but not having any kind of access to a martial art school that made it a little bit difficult so my brother and I wound up practicing a lot of ninja moves and weapons tactics on each other brothers.
Oh yeah.
Well, what.
Nate Zeleznick
And well when I started martial arts when I was 17 and he started about a couple weeks after me, he took to it like a fish in water and he lived the lifestyle of a martial artist becoming an undefeated fighting champion and earning several different black belts in different systems. I did not I was interested in college and snowboarding and women and skydiving at all kinds of fun things that martial arts was yeah I liked it but it wasn't all consuming for me that said when I was 23 I ordered a course out of black belt magazine. That it promised me and I mean carra it guaranteed me in her power in two weeks where I got my money back. Okay, sign me up I'm um, I'm a westerner I want things fast I don't want decades in a month I want Che I want two week che not week tea but two weeks and have she right.
Yeah, know a yeah right right.
Nate Zeleznick
And so I ordered this item and it came with a tape of vhs tape now the booklet was completely bogus but on this video tape. It showed people from Indonesia doing martial arts now I knew I had some shirts from Indonesia but I had no idea where it was I mean almost like it's in Asia. Then I found out. It's actually the third most populous nation in the world. It spans a lot longer area than the United States it's huge plants giant which like 13000 islands and so.
Really I didn't wear that. Um.
Nate Zeleznick
It was really cool to find out that they had martial arts there because I was very familiar with Korean Chinese japanese martial arts a little bit of russian martial arts but never heard of Indonesia turns out they have over 700 different recognized systems of martial arts there and I'm like okay but it wasn't just that they had martial arts. It's what.
Nate Zeleznick
These people were doing so started off on the video and it showed these people running around and they were breaking like stone. They weren't breaking bricks and little boards they were breaking so big like four or five inch slabs of stone and steel and iron and welp like a.
Not William why.
Nate Zeleznick
Like Leaf Springs from trucks and I'm like oh my god what is this I've never seen anything like it. Nobody said anything like this this these people are nuts but that's where the nuts just started. That's not where and it. It culminated with these people in a white tunic and a black pair of pants and everybody are wearing a red belt men and women senior citizens all the way down to children that were able to see blindfolded and by that I mean.
Nate Zeleznick
Running through obstacle courses with their eyes completely blindfolded and just running like flat running through obstacle courses and breaking some of these crazy materials and riding motorcycles and driving cars through traffic in Jakarta now. If anybody out there has ever been to Southeast Asia and seen how they drive you know that's that's that's an experience that's special. That's not like anything we have here in America at all. So.
Through now My love.
Nate Zeleznick
I was thinking to myself that's incredible. But when I saw military members who had blindfolds on and then hooded and they were shooting tarts out of people's hands with a gun and then it showed blind people and their eyes were as white as you wall behind you and they were able to read. Things that people had written on a whiteboard or drawn on a whiteboard they could duplicate it and the sultan of oman on this this documentary that I saw the sultan of voman his assistant was going. This is the most amazing thing I've ever seen these people could do things you and I would have difficulty to do with our eyes open. This is going to change the world and I thought this is going to be a trick It's got to be magic right? because David Copperfield made the statue of liberty disappear like that I saw it when I was a kid so I had to watch this video a few more times ago because this is really cool and I've wanted to do this stuff my whole life. And then the very next day for those people out there that are fans of the law of attraction and understanding that the universe and our higher self puts things in our path as science for us to follow and I call them secret destinies not just secretities but secret destinies.
Nate Zeleznick
Well, that was the next day after I got the video and I watched a blind woman almost get killed crossing the street in front of me so she her guide dog was doing what it was supposed to do it was going to lead her across the street but it led her face first into the light pole.
Oh my gosh.
Nate Zeleznick
And this is right in front of my bumper and I'm like oh my God and then it hit me like a lightning bolt I was like I wonder if those Indonesian people can help her now previous to this I had never met somebody with a visual impairment I have no blindness raitar a family nobody who's blind.
Nate Zeleznick
But I knew in my heart I had to do something to help her because I was paying attention to the science. So I went to the local library here. This is back in the dial up days and they had high speed. So ah I went there and ah I was able to find the organization that is.
No one. No.
Nate Zeleznick
The vibra revision foundation which is 1 aspect of a much larger martial art called Merpati Puti now I know that sounds funny but marpati puti means white dove. So I thought that was really interesting that it was a. Martial art where most of the things are like red tiger black Dragon Mauv scorpion or whatever kind of aggressive type things here's the white dove representing a martial art where they're able to do the most insane old things that I've ever seen in a martial art like for really reals.
Um, and.
Nate Zeleznick
Well I reached out to them and it turns out they had been looking for a US representative for a couple years but nobody had wanted to step to that plate but prior to me they had never allowed a non-indonesian person to learn this ever even though.
Nate Zeleznick
It was at the time I believe the third largest martial art in the world like a largest single school with over a million members so they just kept it ah a cultural heritage where no one was not.
But my. No hitting Wow Just jump.
Nate Zeleznick
Ethnic Indonesian was allowed to learn any of it and so I was able to contact somebody there who spoke english and I arranged and helped fund the very first demonstration of Marpati Putti and vibervision in the United States here at Weber State University and the Utah schools for the deaf and blind and. We were on all the different news stations and the world just was not ready for it at that time it was too early that was 1999? Yeah, that was fall of 1999.
But what year what's this. Okay.
Nate Zeleznick
So when the team first arrived this is back before 119 right so you could actually go out on the jet like to the jet way and greet people as they got off the plane. So I'm standing there waiting for these indonesian people to get off the plane and here comes this indonesian guy up to me and says hi and i.
Nate Zeleznick
Talk to him a little bit and he's like my name's Dr. Haroo and I'm a postdoctoral masters student at the hugh university of Utah right here and I'm like okay that's awesome. We start talking and then here comes to contingent and the people come off the plane I said hello to them and. Then they took me on kind of a whirlwind of an a mind blowing adventure where they block and they brought 2 blind men with them and so I got to see firsthand people who cannot see and then I blindfold them and they're able to write. Bicycles they were able to drive my car without crashing into anything they walked into my house and they just literally scanned through the drawers knew where everything was and cooked us all dinner as if they owned the house. They could tell us what was on the Tv um, what color.
Oh my gosh.
Nate Zeleznick
We were wearing what was not written on our shirts I mean everything that you and I just take for granted having eyes plus more plus more one of the people who is a vibrovision trainer who has passed away in the past few years but a very good friend of ours. My younger brother was involved in a very bad. Accident long time ago and he so broke his femur and he had to have a big metal rod a big titanium rod foot in his femur you know he'd healed. He was good. He was back to running and riding bike and skiing and everything. But as soon as he walked in the door. He walked in the door and he went to close it and. This fibervision and instructor. He goes. Why does he have metal in his leg. So across the room. He could tell that my baby brother had a big titanium rot in his leg he could he could see it. He could body scan through it which is part of the fibervision skill as well. So.
Nate Zeleznick
I got to see all these things and started to really blow like blew my mind away but I just wanted to help right? So we went to the indonesian embassy in Washington dc they did a demonstration there I had dinner with the ambassador and then we came home and. When they were leaving they said Dr Harrow who and Dr Harry who is going to be your trainer and I'm like wait a minute what Willis I don't know what you're talking about because that was not under deal I don't want to do this and they're like listen if you're going to represent us. You have to be able to know what we do.
Nate Zeleznick
And so we're going to allow you to be the first ever. Non-indonesian person to ever learn this? Okay now my brother he really didn't want anything to do with it at that time because you know he already had numerous black belts. He was fighting champion forums he did all the things all the stuffs and things. But it only took about two or three weeks of me training and going. Oh my god Mike this is incredible. Dude you're not going to believe this that he was like okay sign we out, let's go and so we really started our journey walking as peaceful warriors together.
Nate Zeleznick
At that time at that they put us on a very extremely like extremely fast training regimen now. The only reason we were able to do that is because we had so much martial Arts backgrounds ourselves and so we had to go through the different ranks the beginning ranks. Um.
Nate Zeleznick
About half the time in about half the time as anybody else so that was the beginning ranks not the advanced Frank Sal 1 years and years. But after about a year we were able to bring over the two eleventh generation royal family heirs of this knowledge to Utah.
Um, wow.
Nate Zeleznick
And they personally tested us inaugurated us and they basically christened the opening of the very first ever. Non-indonesian branch of marpatiputi now we started off just training the martial arts just martial arts. Fibervision is usually not taught to anyone in this system until at least 4 to 6 ix years of not joking the most brutal difficult martial arts breathwork training breaking stuff a lot of times as you might you you can imagine. Um, that's why.
Nate Zeleznick
The marpati puti breath work is standard training for every single every single branch of the indonesian military because of its improvement physically and mentally and energetically for people so quickly that they use it for their military forces vibe. Revision. However. That skill is used when I said on that video I saw people shooting things blindfolded those are people from their most elite commando paratrooper group which use vibrovision in live fire missions. But also in search and rescue so they find buried people after landslides of volcanic eruptions and things like that they call them in. All over the country to go find people under rubble. It's it's pretty awesome and so once we were inaugurated then we opened our school up at the start of 2001 and we started training adults in the martial arts and then in 2005 we went to Indonesia to test and to train.
Nate Zeleznick
And after we came back after we attained our new rank. We started training kids and all along teaching women's rate prevention workshops and then ah in 2006 we started also training in health and fitness because the breath work is just next level from anything else in the world. You don't have to be a martial artist to be able to breathe right? So we have the health and fitness class and vibravision. We didn't learn a lot about that until like 2005 and we were able to go to Indonesia and start learning things.
Nate Zeleznick
We went back again in 2007 and brought a team over there and we tested again and reached another rank and the real pivot there though was in 2013 my mike went over to Indonesia and lived with the royal family for six months
Nate Zeleznick
He got to live in their house and he got to train with them every single day got to learn a lot of these secrets of vibrovision and how it works and how to do it and learned with a lot of these trainers and special forces members who use it like for real and. That was a difficult thing though because he lived there for six months I only went over for like a month but it was seven weeks and six weeks but when he got home. He started a pilot project with some of our most advanced students to teach them. Vibervision and c okay is this possible for westerners to do because try as he might and try as I might it's not really our biggest skill we medium to moderate. But when it comes down to riding bikes and shooting things duck if I have the gun duck I'm just gonna say that um it's not my.
Yeah, and.
Nate Zeleznick
Biggest skill I have other talents but just like everybody in the movies have the house a different superpower right? But for the people that do have the natural proclivity for Viber vision and seeing without their eyes. We wanted to see okay how ah does this work. So. 14 we started this pilot project and we had some amazing success with people that were able to do everything that we saw from the ngen people and sometimes more and then it was really important for us that a we put this in front of optometrists people who are like specialists envision. Is this really real Can you say it on camera did it neuroscientists and what's really going on in the brain here and we have ah we worked with one of the most well-renowned neuroscientists in the world who did almost all of Joe to spend Dr Jo justpes his neuroscience on brain scans.
Nate Zeleznick
He was the chief scientist for Dr Jill and he's like well I've never seen anything like what I'm seeing now in 25 years I've never 4500 brainskins never seen this. This is amazing I'm like oh alright, um, quantum physicists and finding out how okay is this a localized phenomenon or is it non-local. For the consciousness and are we doing something on a quantum level rather than just on a physical chemical. Um I guess you would say a multi yeah multisensorial sensory or a um, synesthetic level like a synesthesia where people smell colors and things like that.
Um, moment.
Nate Zeleznick
What's going on here. We're still not quite sure because it seems to be different for other for everybody but the cool thing is that we know this is what we do know is that the marpati puti method helps unlock whatever somebody's superpower is so some people they find out. Oh my god I can actually heal people and they do amazing healing. Other people start having remote viewing experiences where they're able to find things from thousands of miles away like during our workshops. These are things that have happened. They're not typical but they've happened in our workshops other people a deep emotional intelligence where they realize because our um. Meditations in our energy work is so deeply embodied. It's not an out there as much as it is an in here technology that they find out who they really are and that's one of the main things people come to us for is to tap into that deep intuition that inner knowing to be able to trust themselves.
Um, and.
Nate Zeleznick
Some people is to actually find themselves to connect to their higher self to be able to open their energy centers and feel their energy lines and actually be able to move these things in a way that is reliable for them. Not just a peak experience like a peak like PEK. it's a peak experience like you're peaking.
Payment and.
Nate Zeleznick
Into your real human potential or I should say your super human potential and so that brings us to where we're at now where covid really shut us down as far as martial arts from what I read in the industry publications over 8000 martial arts schools closed.
Low kidding Oh my gosh.
Nate Zeleznick
And the first three months of covid luckily we were able to make it through but unfortunately people didn't want to spar with the mask on they didn't want to ah try to do their weapons forms in Zoom and it was a lot of hey stop hitting your sister kind of thing. Ah or and why are you eating your peanut butter and jelly sandwich. It's.
Nate Zeleznick
We're doing forms right now. What are you doing kids? Um, and so we really decided we were going to focus on our 1 thing and that one thing fibervision and once we did that the universe really responded and it started to send us people from all over the country and now all over the world.
Um, ah.
Nate Zeleznick
People are coming to Utah but we're also taking our we're all going on the road. So we're taking our adventures and our our workshops to different places. We're looking at Miami we're looking at at la and then a Cancun coming out very soon. So there are different places we're going to be going and bringing it to people who want to hold private events. And then for the people that really want to come to like the motherland or the place where this actually was developed um for westerners they can come here and we have plenty of events coming up 1 coming up end of October and 1 level 2 following that just couple weeks afterwards in November. So.
Nate Zeleznick
We've got all kinds of stuff Carrie you asked a loaded question like what your story is like how I I was born and here I am it's a little bit more involved than that. So.
Ah, yeah, it is yeah well that there's some amazing information in there. Thank you so much that I'm just so curious thinking about the vibra vision and what I saw what I have seen.
Nate Zeleznick
Yeah, you my pleasure.
Um, because you talked about some of it with um you know the the more the elite stuff where they're you know, doing obstacle courses and and shooting things and um, but I've also seen where people and I think what I saw they were actually kids.
Nate Zeleznick
Never more.
But they're blindfolded and then they're sorting things by color or they're like just going yep red and draw you know red blue like you know they're being tossed these like beanbag things or something and then they're just quickly like firing off the color accurately.
Nate Zeleznick
Right here.
Or they're counting money with ah you know, just like adding everything up and and sorting things out. Um and you mentioned that. From like a brain imaging perspective. It's It's a unique thing so there is it that different centers of the brain are active for different people which is why they we don't really know how it like when you were saying it's on an individual level is that what you mean that from a brain imaging perspective.
Nate Zeleznick
It happens different ways for different people or.
Nate Zeleznick
Correct well and not just brain and say brain imaging because when you look at the physical structure of the body. We're talking about much larger than that we're talking about something that has to do with consciousness which.
Nate Zeleznick
We now know that consciousness is non-local. It is not housed in our body I've talked to Neurosurgeons and they're like we don't know where it is I'm like well why are I cutting people's brains up so much. Yeah I Obviously if there's a tumor we remove it right? So with that said, what I mean is some people see.
Nate Zeleznick
Like in their mental screen like I'm seeing you right now. Other people. It's more of a 3 d blackness like if you can imagine. You've seen those things that you like push your hand in and makes the pins go out and it makes ah it know what else there was a pin pin toy.
Um, yeah I know what you mean? yeah.
Nate Zeleznick
Thing and you whatever of course everybody does the obscene 1 right? The first thing you do but with ah some people see it like that like it's morphing out other people. It's a feeling a deep intuitive knowing but we have light sensors in every single cell in our body. So every single cell in our body has the ability to perceive the light so without going 2 down too far down the scientific rabbit hole I was reading a um book that was citing some scientific papers a couple weeks ago and they were talking about the penio gland. And the penal gland is in the center of the brain right? It's in the middle of the brain. So it actually has not seen physical actual real light for billions of years right really according to science because it's in the center of the mass. So. There's no light going in there but it does. Perceive light as it comes through our eyes. That's why it produces serotonin then goes into Melatonin Sarah wakes you up in the morning and mel puts you to bed at night. Well when that happens what findings have shown and I have granted I just work here. And so as I understand it I am not a scientist and I am not the person who discovered this but when light goes in it touches and it goes into your eyes the way that it goes to the pinialal gland to be perceived it immediately goes to every cell in your body. So the pino gland is an amazing radio. Receiver.
Nate Zeleznick
But also broadcaster. It's doing both things simultaneously on a quantum level catching frequencies but also broadcasting frequencies into reality. So that said some other people you know one of our elite athletes who's now in the us marines and he's doing them extremely well. He's got an unfair advantage. He used to you shoot targets out turning his head and he shoot him out blindfolded with his eyes his closed up. It's nuts. Um, but I asked him once I was like Colton when I throw this bean bag at you like you were talking about What do you see and he's like well I see.
Um, Hannah.
Nate Zeleznick
Me from the bean Bag. So I'm blocking my own vision. So That's what he perceives his father. However, he gets heat sensations and then flashes of images other people they can see his clear as like if you have your eyes open. So What that tells me though and that tells I mean it should be pretty obvious at this point is we don't see with our eyes we see with our mind and there have been numerous cases of people reversing blindness because of this mind site that they just automatically developed. So.
Nate Zeleznick
With vibra vision and or patiputci we go far beyond just the mind site though because every single cell in our body basically can be an eye if you will so. It's a matter of turning every single part of our body into a big lens if you will. So some people perceive with their butt cheek their people perceive with their third eye other people perceive but the palm of their hands. So um, that's another interesting thing for people who are interested in history if you look at the hamsa. The hand of god from Judaic tradition.
Um, ah move.
Nate Zeleznick
It's got an eye in the center of the palm. It's the alleeing eye. Its interesting I'm like huh what did they know because the ancient egyptians said we had over 365 senses not 5 365 so what did they know probably.
Nate Zeleznick
They didn't know how to use a smartphone but they knew some things about you know we knew they do brain surgery. They knew we knew they had the light bulb they know with chemicals they've wiring. They had light bulbs pretty yeah hieroglyphics shown that they had light.
And well.
I didn't know that Wow So wow.
Nate Zeleznick
The ability to put light buildings so you know they knew a lot of things back then that we don't We're just catching up and so that's why I really feel and call vibravision. The ancient wave of the future because it's ancient technology that's been really kept secret for a long time. But.
Nate Zeleznick
Now it's time for so many ancient traditions to become known we there's ah, an old saying that in information age ignorance is a choice. It's true. So when we have the option to.
Nate Zeleznick
Go all over the world is a pressing a button if all we do is watch cat videos and tech talk influencers. It's kind of a waste of an amazing resource If you think about it I not talk about the internet I'm talking about the amazing resource that is your brain and your human potential and so I hope that answered you.
Um, yeah.
It it does. It's really interesting because I was ah because I was wondering I mean I just kind of assumed. There's like a method that you're teaching people that it's like okay you know periscope out of your crown and now you have an omni you know.
Nate Zeleznick
Vision where you can see three hundred and sixty degrees but you're seeing it from above. So I'm really curious that there are different ways that people perceive it and that it's so unique. Um, which is really exciting. Um, it's really funny.
Nate Zeleznick
Thinking of like sinker destinies I like that a lot um a couple nights ago I I was for for like an unrelated reason I was wearing this you know I think they're called buff like um scarves or like neck wraps or whatever. Um.
Nate Zeleznick
Nate Zeleznick
Okay. Sure.
I put one on my head before I went to sleep like I just needed to um, have something kind of over my head and it had a very like busy pattern to it. It was like this paisley purple white um swirly Pattern. And I put it on and I closed my eyes and I was like I can see it I'm like I could see ah the pattern and it wasn't like clear as day but it was there I mean it was like I can and I could see it like. Everywhere and and eventually calm down because because I was going to sleep So Otherwise it would have had to take it off but I was like oh my God I can see it. It's like I can see it in my in my mind but it was wrapped around my head. Um.
Nate Zeleznick
Um, repeat.
But I was fascinated by that because I hadn't really had that experience before but it reminded me I think it was in I think it was part of the Viber vision part of superhuman where they were putting was that where they were putting the colored cards behind the head in. And so you know it's like okay and I know like that the pineal gland has like a cellular structure that has like rods and cones such as the physical eyes and I guess behind your head would be more the pituitary gland logically but.
Nate Zeleznick
True correct.
Um, well I mean the pineal's in the middle of the brain right? So oh it is okay I thought it would I thought it was further back like around the me Dola Bla gotta Okay, so.
Nate Zeleznick
Um, or the pituary is in front of the penal. Yeah yeah, pituitary smack dab in the middle actually the pineal gland is slightly back. The pituitary is more smack in the middle. Um. Right in front of the third ventricle or the cave of brahma and Yoghic traditions was like a call I am yeah but's um, you know that's an interesting thing that you mentioned there Kara is that a lot of people think that it will be 1 way or another way and that's actually the thing that holds a lot of people back is they want it to be.
Nate Zeleznick
It must be like this and if it's not like this I'm not happy and the thing is is some people and there have been even people in Indonesia that were trained by the eleventh generation. He tu mar pattiputi who created Viber vision for the special forces and for the general public who released that knowledge from their family. Well, he actually had worked on a vibra hearing program for deaf people and he just never released it and it it passed when he passed so but their frequencies their waves their information and the same thing that's with light.
Um, yeah, you.
Nate Zeleznick
And everything in the light we we know that now even that our human body it emits to like visible light in the visible spectrum. It's just about a thousand times less than we can see with our eye but university and Japan discovered that and they can actually photograph it. It's not your aura. It's actually your light. So.
Wow wow.
Nate Zeleznick
Yeah there's there's so much cool stuff that's happening with science. But there's also a lot of cool things that are happening as far as pulling back the veil on these ancient traditions and how they work but 1 thing that I can tell you is that. Like the placebo effect right? So the placebo effect has an amazing pharmaceutical companies hate it because it skews all the data right? because how can somebody be ah rid of this disease when they didn't actually take the stuff. It was a sugar pill and they got better than.
I learned.
Nate Zeleznick
More people got better not taking their dos and our stuff please Well anyway, well that said even ah, a drug or pharmaceutical or curtical procedure. There's no guarantee that it's going to have a certain outcome for you. There's hope and there's a you know you have.
Nate Zeleznick
90% chance you're going to live but there's no guarantee like it will do this and not have any side effects. So the cool thing about what we're doing is that no matter what you play, you're gonna win. We just don't know what your prize is gonna be. We can't.
Um, and.
Um, and he.
Nate Zeleznick
Ah, profile somebody and say yes you will have the halo of light where you 3 see 300 and ° as if you had your eyes open or you'll be able to add a body travel and bilocate while you're still in your physical body to another location. That's gonna be yours. We don't know that so that's one of the coolest things though is it allows people to come. Do what we're doing have breakthrough experiences after breakthrough experiences after breakthrough experiences but then it really comes down to and I won't sugarcoat this nobody's going to walk out of virovision master after 1 of our 5 day immersions. Nobody can I mean you can't become a master violinist by going to a Violin concert and taking a couple of lessons. It's going to require years of diligent dedicated practice in order to really hone that and I mean that they would be irresponsible to say yes, we guarantee you're going to do this in five ways. But what we've been able to do is compress decades of information into days of instruction.
Right? The next.
Nate Zeleznick
And in Indonesia they still don't allow the training of 9 indonesians to this day. So even if you went there a they won't train you b you'll have to go through 4 to 6 years of brutal training to go up through these ranks or you can come to Utah or have us come to you and we'll just.
Who howled.
Nate Zeleznick
Help you from day one because we did this to help blind people. That's really our main mission is to help those people that lady that I saw and the amazing blind individuals that we've met since then and the 12000000 blind people that are in this country. That's always been our passion project our real mission for wanting to do this that said.
Nate Zeleznick
There are just a handful of people in the world that are not blind. We're all blind in some way and so that's this helps to unlock those things but it's not us digmatic like it doesn't.
A hint? Yeah, right right.
Nate Zeleznick
Put you into a certain box of belief system and so it really unleashes people. So.
Nate Zeleznick
Um, so it's ah one of those things that it's like the Swiss Army energy work that just makes everything else that you do better I like that and that is.
I Love that? Yeah,. It's really fascinating what you're talking about in terms of us being light and how everything is frequency and I've had my own experiences like activating experiences. Um. Sort of you know mystical in nature where I have felt like combinations ah different expressions of vibration and so you know an example would be like feeling a part of my body vibrating. And like really active and you know it might be aligned with a certain Chakra or the high heart. Um, it could even just be my legs like parts of my leg sometimes like bands you know where it's a whole horizontal band. That's all vibrating. Um and then I. Might subsequently see a color at the same Time. So I recognize like okay I I have this physical thing and I'm seeing a color or I might see a geometry or I might hear a tone or it could be a combination you know, but it's a multisensory. Experience and what I understand from it is this is this is these are all physical expressions of the same frequency. So It's like seeing a light and hearing it.
And it's like just 1 thing that's happening but it's like me as a filter or as like a tuner like experiencing it visually and audibly or. Through like okay well this this frequency affects this part of my body like when I'm in this frequency. It activates the heart or the high heart or whatever. Um, and it makes it like it was you know I was receiving so much of it that it was actually physically vibrating. The body and then there's also a tone and I'm like oh okay, well that's what this frequency sounds like and feels like in my body you know, but it's really fascinating. Um, how we get these? um. How we experience these and you know so it's it's amazing. What you're doing with vibervision and and listeners may also be experiencing this to a certain level through their practices and so I would just encourage like if you do notice hey I feel it. Like you might be in meditation hey I fear I hear a tone you know, maybe maybe also bring your awareness to like do you feel anything. Do you see a color. Do you? you know, like because we it's this amazing way that the technology of the human being is.
Is ah responding to these these kind of invisible you know frequencies. So it's really amazing.
Nate Zeleznick
Yeah, and yeah, something you touched upon is so important Kara is so important a lot of people think that meditation is prayer and it's not so the way it was explained to me actually by a catholic priest is that. Prayer is asking god for an answer and meditation is listening for that answer. But here's the thing when you have these experiences and those are all fantastic. I love having? Ah, this is such a cool trip that we get to be on is amazing. Glad I chose to be here. Ah.
No, absolutely. Yeah yeah.
Nate Zeleznick
So when you have those things if we're attached to them that this means this one thing that really helps for me is to ask a question. What is this and then listen because our mind just immediately wants to find an answer if we're told something. It will either rebel or accept that answer. But if we ask a question it will find its own answer and so that's a big part of the vibration training is when we're say perceiving and okay I'm detecting with my hand or I'm seeing it with my mind or I'm intuiting that it's there or I so. Mel Lemons because there's a yellow beanbagger. Whatever it might be asking the question. What is this and that way our mind comes up with that answer and it starts to form those new neural pathways and right off the bat. It's going to form faster than if we just are told over and over because repetition could take anywhere from 4.
Nate Zeleznick
Three hundred to four hundred repetitions for most people to actually get something in hardwire inner neurology. But if it's done in the state of play research has found that it's as little as 10 to 20 repetitions. So we have a lot of fun. We've gamified this thing.
Nate Zeleznick
So we took the torture out and we put the fun in and that's 1 reason why we're able to get such quick results faster than they do even in Indonesia right? off the bat for people that maybe even have never meditated before and yeah and so deep. But you're absolutely right.
Um, with Adam for.
Nate Zeleznick
That when you have these things come through and we I love that word multisensory that's a term that gary zookov uses a lot in his book the seed of the soul. Um I don't know if you've ever read that. But he's ah 1 of Oprah's favorite authors I think he was on the Oprah show like 38 or 39 times like.
Um I think I did yeah Wow yeah.
Nate Zeleznick
Holy cow and you're like live there so but becoming moving from a single sensory human to a Multi-sensory Human is just a natural evolution of our consciousness as we climb the scale of living in fear or shame or apathy or you know the lower. Um, slower emotions up to the realm of say reason or love or peace or oneness the faster vibration emotions and staying in these places that it's just kind of ah part for the course like normal that you would have.
Nate Zeleznick
The ability to perceive more because you weren't standing in your way so much if that if that makes sense if you follow. So yeah I loved what you just said? That's fantastic and it's It's totally true and so we that's what we? yeah we help people become multisensory.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Nate Zeleznick
And the fact that there's so much yoga and meditation and breath work and different. Um quantum healing modalities is so freaking amazing that didn't happen twenty years ago that's 1 reason why it was so hard to get a foothold in here in Utah because a we chose Utah because that's where our family lives here.
Um, yeah, ah.
Nate Zeleznick
But ah b it just wasn't really time for this to really explode and so mad props and thanks to Wim Hof for really bringing breath work to the forefront. It's been around for about 3000 years or more but he that guy you know set numerous growth records and made everybody go home.
Nate Zeleznick
And to Joe dispenser for his research on neuroscience and on meditation and how it affects the brain or states of consciousness are huge thanks to the heirs of Marpatiuti who released this knowledge but also to the people who. Through trial and error over five centuries figured it out. Ah this this actually work and channel have downloaded this stuff because the breath work is not based upon hyperventilation. It's based upon hypoxic work so holding the breath and pressurizing the whole pulmonary system in very specific ways to create.
How do I need.
Nate Zeleznick
Ah, huge energy generation in the body by if you can imagine aligning and charging the iron molecules or iron atoms in our blood ah molecules irons are MIron is in yeah and so it's just that's why we get results of people have a body they're going to get a result.
A real hot.
Nate Zeleznick
Because you have a body and now if you don't have a body I'm sorry I can't help you but need this and don't really need this and so yeah and I just love what we get to do what we're doing you what you're doing what I'm doing so many people in the world are doing to help elevate all of humankind.
Um, a yeah yeah yeah, wow.
Nate Zeleznick
Because there is no one road to Rome and yet all roads lead to Rome. So the fact that we're not just like it must be catholicism. It must be protestantism. It must be buddhism. It must be islam. It's not just that one road that you have to take you get to find what works for you and so I like being.
Nate Zeleznick
The one of the proprietors of a system that supercharges Whatever somebody's path is however they choose to find it. It's pretty cool.
Oh I love how you say that supercharging the individual's path I mean this is so important today because we have so I mean all the different you talk about a lot of different dogmatic religions. We've got a ton of different. Modalities and um, and yeah and then people who are emulating other people's paths because I mean you kind of touched on this earlier too just where like the one we kind of see 1 thing and think that. Okay, here's the the 1 thing and I'm going to follow the footsteps to just like exactly emulate somebody else's path and it's like well we are all unique. You know we're all here and with this divine expression that we are that is and the importance of our uniqueness.
Nate Zeleznick
There always hate. No.
Not that we can't learn from each other or that we're not supposed to learn from each other. We absolutely do and are but it's also so important to honor our own path our own gifts. Um. And so I Love the the complementary nature of the work that you're doing where it's like okay, let's just get this dogma out of here. This is like whatever you you know?? whatever your inherent gifts are and whatever you want your belief system to be this can just be an augmentation.
Nate Zeleznick
It's not like you you know? Okay, you've got to shift your whole philosophy philosophical outlook on life and so forth and I think that's really really important and I think it's important for people to stay open to and not to you know, get so like.
Nate Zeleznick
Absolute like.
Laser focuseds on 1 path because you can get those blinders on and miss a whole bunch.
Nate Zeleznick
Right? Absolutely and the the cool thing about all the paths go and experience them because in 1 lifetime you can't experience all of them. not even close not even close and
Yeah, right? Absolutely yeah.
Nate Zeleznick
You know, do your due diligence as well too I would highly recommend people do that and not just believe everything you see or everything that is out there. Um, but you know that's also the thing as sometimes people come to us and they're like well I need to see clinical studies from Stanford before like that's okay, it's not your time. Not your path.
Nate Zeleznick
Because the people that come and do this they feel it therefore they know it. It doesn't have to be a belief structure because they've experienced it. So therefore it's no longer a belief. It isn't known and when it comes down to life. It's always better to know than to believe but the only way you can know is to experience So that's why.
Nate Zeleznick
You know like we have that free gift like I was telling you about earlier on our website so you can actually get a taste of what this superhuman method is is somebody going to be able to see without their eyes after doing our free gift. No let's not let's not be but with that free gift. Um.
Um, yeah.
Nate Zeleznick
We've seen one woman with long covid she did this in 5 minutes she was able to take her nasal cannula out and not use her oxygen egg. It was the first time in nine months she had breathed properly after having severe covid and being hospitalized on a respirator another person who was paralyzed on the left side of his body from the stroke.
Nate Zeleznick
After four or five minutes of doing the exercise on that free gift. He was able to move his arm and start feeling in his hand for the first time in a decade so neurogenesis immediate repair of lungs I mean I make no medical claims. But what I can say without a shadow of a doubt is.
My don't.
Nate Zeleznick
That we can do and be and have more than society and what the physical our physical observations have ever told us we can.
Yeah, that's amazing. How can people find that free gift.
Nate Zeleznick
Well at vibravision dot com so vibra like the first part of vibration vibravision.com and you'll get a pop up so up the thing for the pop up and next thing you know you have that free course and it's ah me and my brother mike both co-teaching a webinar.
Okay, and.
Nate Zeleznick
Where we're going to teach you the most the first exercise anybody learns in marpatiuti everybody every single person in the entire system who has ever learned it does this. It's first thing anybody learns, but it's extremely powerful where we teach people how to start to build but then to. Move and flow and perceive and project their energy in a way that even ah, people who are experienced massage therapists energy healers are like oh wow, my god it's it's really that much of a no pun intended eye opening experience for a lot of people and some people are like yeah okay and other people are like.
Nate Zeleznick
I Can't believe it. It's really real I have to know more and then we also have other online offerings that people can actually start to learn the basics of this and the energy work and the importance of breath at home. But when it comes down to it if you want to have the real. Full experience. You'll also be able to find that all on our website at vibervision.com.
Oh amazing. Well Nate. Thank you so much I have I've had a blast. This has been amazing. Um.
Nate Zeleznick
Thank you.
Thank you so much for all of the work that you're doing to to help those who are unable to see and for all the rest of us who can see with our physical eyes but still are blind as you say so many blessings to you and thank you.
Nate Zeleznick
Thank you so much Kara. It's been a pleasure and an honor have a great day everyone.
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