

175. Awakening to Higher Consciousness - Adam Apollo

Adam Apollo

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How can you experience your human energy body? 

Are the chakras more than just spheres of energy along the spine, as is so often explained?

What does quantum entanglement have to do with spiritual awakening?

What role does DNA play apart from containing your ancestral lineage?

In this FASCINATING episode, Adam Apollo dives deeply into these questions and more. Adam has presented at the White House, the United Nations, and at international conferences and festivals. He is a we…

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173. Dreams Become Reality - Sharon Coleman

Sharon Coleman

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How can you bring the life you are meant to live into physical creation?

How does your subconscious mind keep you locked in unhealthy patterns, even when you are trying to improve?

What is a Near Death Experience like?

Sharon Coleman is a Dream Building Expert. She has experienced huge transformation in a variety of ways, and she shares tons of great wisdom on this episode, as we talk about manifesting your highest reality.

Hello and welcome to the meditati…

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172. Losing It All to Gain Everything - ZofiaRennea Morales


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She started to lose her mind. She couldn’t remember things, a 30 minute meal would take her 3 hours to prepare, she couldn’t hold a job, she became bankrupt. This sounds like the framework for tragedy, but for ZofiaRennea it was fertile grounds for a massive transformation.

ZofiaRennea Morales is an intuitive, healer, and mystic, and she helps others learn how to lead their lives from their soul. Some topics we get into:

  • Spiritual transformation and awakening.
  • How her healing c…

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170. Beyond the Veil - Modern Mysticism with Michael

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What is it like to see beyond the veil? 

Michael Massey returns to discuss this intriguing topic. There is definitely a reality beyond our regular sensory perception. What is it like to access those planes of existence? We have a lot of fun diving into the different facets relating to veils of consciousness. If you want to work on your own abilities to pierce through the veil, consider joining Michael and I at what will be a very powerful and activating retreat, October 27-…

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169. ET-Human Hybrid - Jacquelin Smith

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Are there human-alien hybrids walking among us?

Not only does Jacquelin Smith believe so, she has clear knowledge/memory of her own incarnational origin from before her spirit entered the womb which involved multiple off-planet species. She knows herself to be a hybrid human. This episode is a must listen! Not only does Jacquelin have fascinating experiences to share, she radiates a high vibration which comes through in her voice. She even speaks some light language to amp the vibr…

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167. Mystical Bees - Jacqueline Freeman and Susan Knilans

Susan Jacqueline

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Are honeybees tiny mystics? What do they have to teach us?

Does conventional beekeeping have it all backwards?

Is beekeeping as we know it actually harming bees and our entire ecosystem?

Susan Knilans and Jacqueline Freeman are beekeeper pioneers who have tapped into the mystical nature of the honeybee. They have co-authored the new book, What Bees Want: Beekeeping as Nature Intended. This conversation is less about the practical application of beekeeping, and more about the dyna…

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162. ETs and Extra Dimensionals - Reuben Langdon


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Reuben Langdon, creator and host of Interview with Extra Dimensionals, pick up where we left off in episode 149. Reuben has been connecting with extra dimensional entities for many years through different channelers, and he shares much of the wisdom garnered from his continuous search for Truth. Some of the topics we hit on this episode include:

  • Various interactions he’s had personally with extra dimensionals, specifically with mantis beings.
  • This “training ground” of the densit…

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158. Modern Mysticism with Michael - A Great Shift

Michael shift

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In episode 154 we talked about how there was this sense that we are on the brink of something… This episode is an exploration into what has happened since then, namely in terms of breakthroughs for many people. There definitely seems to be a collective experience as so many people are having similar experiences simultaneously . We talk about unpleasant physical symptoms (which could be referred to as ascension symptoms) which have been shared experiences among many - from anxiety…

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157. Modern Mysticism with Michael - Supernatural Power and Predictions

Michael Supernatural

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Michael Massey joins again, bringing his unique shamanic perspective to the important topic of how we can idolize supernatural power to our detriment. We must use discernment to realize that not all who wield supernatural powers are using a benevolent force! This can be unexpected by Truth seekers and taken advantage of. In this episode we give some examples and provide some watch outs so you can shore up your powers of discernment.

  • John of God, spiritual powers, how supernatural…

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151. From Rifles to Roses - Iva Nasr


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Iva Nasr grew up against the backdrop of wartime Beirut. Her childhood is weaved with stories of being nurtured by a loving family - buoyed by a supportive international community and exceptional education - and also contending with the very real, ever-present threat of violence as battles from the war erupted regularly around her. She shares the remarkable stories of experiencing the oneness of Creation, not only in spite of such a dramatic childhood, but perhaps even (at least par…

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