
Law of Attraction

386. The Surprise Addiction She Couldn't See - Mary Beth Schrudder

Mary Beth Schrudder

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Navigating Spirituality and Addiction with Mary Beth Schrudder

Exploring the Intersection of Addiction and Spirituality

In episode 386 of the Meditation Conversation, we embark on a profound journey with Mary Beth Schrudder, a beacon of inspiration in addiction recovery and spirituality. The conversation unveils the intricate dance between addiction and spirituality, delving into how societal norms around alcohol often obscure the journey to self-discovery and spiritual awake…

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385. Dream Big and Make It Real: Powerful Transformations - Aneta Ardelian Kuzma

Aneta Kuzma

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Embracing Transformation: Aneta Ardellian Kuzma’s Journey from Corporate to Mindful Leadership

Embarking on a journey of transformation is never easy, yet it is often the road to a more fulfilling life. For Aneta Ardellian Kuzma, leaving behind a demanding career as a burnt-out bank executive to embrace a life rich in purpose, service, and flexibility wasn't just a step—it was a leap. In the episode 394 of the Meditation Conversation, I am joined by Aneta Ardelian Kuzma, as she…

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249. Unlock the Power of Your Mind-Body Connection: How to Overcome Stress & Anxiety Naturally

JJ Flizanes

Are you ready to reduce stress and anxiety in a more holistic way? Today, I loved talking to JJ Flizanes in episode 249 of the Meditation Conversation podcast, who walked us through her inspiring journey of utilizing the incredible mind-body connection to achieve lasting peace and wellness. JJ's experiences resonate with many of us who are navigating daily stressors, making her story all the more relatable. So, be prepared to learn exactly how she integrated mindfulness and creativ…

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168. Manifest What You Truly Want - Neo Positivity

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Neo Positivity put the law of attraction to work, and you'll be amazed at what he has been able to draw into his life! (Super) early retirement & moving to a tropical location for starters, and most importantly empowering others to manifest their dreams. In this episode, we talk about the law of attraction, manifestation, and so much more:

  • The science behind how thoughts become things.
  • What is the role of Law of Attraction in the undesirable things in our lives?
  • How can we get …

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153. Secrets of Abundance - Demetria


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It was pure joy to connect with Demetria of Abundance Angel. Demetria began her career as a CPA, then transitioned into recovering back wages for employees, and ultimately she tapped more and more into her skills of working with energy to help her clients clear out patterns and beliefs which are holding them back so they can align with more abundance. 

This episode is SO powerful, and Demetria opens gate after gate to help us see the Truth about the consciousness of money to help u…

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