
322. Unlocking Your Higher Self: A Conversation with Practical Mystic Maureen St. Germain


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Are you ready to uncover the truth about self-healing and transformation in the fifth dimension? In episode 322 of Meditation Conversation, I had the honor of connecting with Maureen St. Germain

Akashic records book

Maureen is an esteemed figure with over 25 years of experience in mystical and sacred traditions. Known as the "practical mystic," her vast knowledge and expertise have made her a prolific teacher and facilitator of spiritual wisdom for contemporary life. With a unique focus o…

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321. Powerful Tool to Transform Your Reality - Hope Fitzgerald

Hope Fitzgerald

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Have you ever wondered if there are energetic tools available to help facilitate healing, relationships, manifestation, and spiritual evolution? According to Hope Fitzgerald, featured in episode 321 of Meditation Conversation, there is. After a lifetime of spiritual seeking, Hope received a series of wave visions in 2010 that represented an evolutionary push for the planet. The final vision was of a standing figure eight made of flowing water, which Hope called the Infinity Wave…

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320. Accessing Deeper Truths: Karen Newell's Journey into Sacred Sound

YT - Karen Newell

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Have you ever wondered if there's more to reality than meets the eye? My guest in episode 320, Karen Newell, went on an incredible journey to discover just that through the power of meditation and sound.

Karen has always felt there was more to us than our physical bodies. Dissatisfied with pat answers from religion and science growing up, she sought something deeper. Her quest led her to spiritual teachings and practices like meditation, though sitting still with racing though…

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319. How Mark Barnes is Hacking His Way to 100 Years Old (And You Can Too)

Mark Barnes

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We all face health challenges as we age. By 50, your metabolism slows, chronic conditions emerge, and bad habits accumulate. It's easy to resign yourself to worsening health. But what if you could hack life after 50 - and even reach 100 - while enjoying every step of the journey?

Mark Barnes, educator and entrepreneur, is determined to do just that. After caring for his parents in their declining health, he sought a different path. Mark began researching longevity, forging new…

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317. Your Intuition: The Path to Inner Growth through Meditation with Lauren Leduc

Lauren Leduc

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Visionary teacher Lauren Leduc has embarked on a transformative journey of self-discovery, harnessing the empowering nature of meditation to embrace her sensitive soul and unleash her intuitive superpowers.

I've been able to take this sensitivity and make it into a superpower. Through teaching yoga, through mothering, through being an intuitive now, through art and writing, being able to be in touch with our emotions in that way. It's beautiful. It's a medium for creati…

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316. The Unexpected Calling: One Man's Journey from Mainstream to Spiritual Awakening

Ken Stone

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He was told he would be a healer before he even understood what that meant. Ken Stone's sudden awakening to his extraordinary gifts during a meditation retreat set him on the path of the spiritual guide he has become today. Now a beacon of profound wisdom and transformation, in episode 316 of Meditation Conversation Ken shares the compelling journey that led him here.

On the specific retreat that changed his life, Ken was initially desperate to leave. He had felt intensely cal…

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314. Tap Into Your Subconscious Wisdom Through Quantum Healing and Remote Viewing with Jason Medlock

Jason Medlock

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The fascinating realm of alternative healing invites us to expand our consciousness and transform spiritually. Approaches like quantum healing hypnosis (QHHT) and remote viewing are gateways to self-discovery that tapping into the rich insights of our subconscious minds. My recent podcast guest from episode 314, Jason Medlock, shares valuable perspectives on integrating modalities like these into personal growth.

As a quantum healing hypnotist, mindset and performance coach,…

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313. Exploring the Role of Drumming in Spiritual Awakening - Clementine Moss

Clementine Moss

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Want to explore the synergistic blend of music and spirituality and how it can catalyze personal growth and self-expression? This is what is brought through in episode 313 of Meditation Conversation. My guest, Clementine Moss, is an accomplished drummer and spiritual counselor. Clementine has a unique journey, from rocking out with her Led Zeppelin tribute band, Zaparella, to embarking on a profound spiritual practice. She beautifully intertwines her love for drumming with her…

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312. 5 Ways One Man Turned Personal Ruin into Spiritual Awakening

Roy Coughlan

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The journey of personal awakening often begins when we are plunged into darkness. My guest in episode 312, Roy Coughlan, experienced this firsthand when his real estate businesses collapsed during the 2008 financial crisis. Ensuing legal battles full of corruption left him bankrupt and fighting for his livelihood. In our conversation, Roy shares how he navigated these challenges while maintaining faith and positivity. His is a story of a great awakening into the underbelly of sy…

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311. 5 Eye-Opening Insights on Developing Your Psychic Skills from Intuitive Medium Jamie Butler

Jamie Butler

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Have you ever wondered what it would be like to communicate with spiritual guides or even channel entities from other realms? I am super intrigued by these possibilities, and my recent conversation with intuitive medium Jamie Butler got me thinking about the possibilities of developing my own psychic abilities further.

Jamie has been connecting with spirits since childhood, and uses her rare gifts to teach others about healing, personal growth, and evolving consciousness. (By …

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