
288. The Powerful Connection Between Meditation and Language Learning - Angel Pretot

Angel Pretot

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Discover the extraordinary story of Angel Pretot, a Frenchman who defied conventional wisdom and mastered English without ever leaving his home country. His groundbreaking method of language learning shattered the belief that immersion was the only path to fluency. What does any of that have to do with meditation and consciousness? Well, it was his unexpected journey towards meditation that added a mystical twist to his already remarkable approach. Prepare to be captiv…

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279. Conversations with God - Neale Donald Walsch

Neale IG

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This is a transcript of a special livestream I hosted for the Conscious Awakening Network, with special guest Neale Donald Walsch.

Kara Goodwin: [00:00:00] Welcome everybody. I'm so excited to see you all. We are joined today by the amazing Neale Donald Walsch, so thank you everybody for joining. You may be here with us live in the zoom chat. We are streaming this on the conscious awakening network and also, recording for the meditation conversation podcast.

 welcome. …

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280. Healing Beyond Belief: Secrets for Relief from Chronic Pain and Trauma - Joshua Cameron

Joshua Cameron

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In the midst of despair and turmoil, Joshua Cameron's life took an unexpected turn. Gripped by chronic pain and haunted by traumatic memories, he yearned for healing. Little did he know that his journey would lead him to an unlikely place of solace. This captivating story unfolds as Joshua, against all odds, finds himself standing on the doorstep of a Mormon church. But what happened next, the profound transformation that awaited him, might not be what you think. Tune …

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285. Journey to Expanded Consciousness: Enhance Your Channeling Skills with Light Language and Toning - Daniel Scranton

Daniel Scranton

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Discovering the power of light language and toning, Daniel Scranton's spiritual journey took an unexpected turn. Seeking inner peace through meditation, he stumbled upon a surprising form of communication that transcended all barriers. This newfound ability allowed him to connect with others on a profound level, tapping into the depths of their emotions and spirits. But what else lies beyond the realm of words and intellect? Stay tuned asDaniel's story unfolds, reveali…

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286. Beyond the Diagnosis: Exploring Alternative Perspectives on Mental Wellness - Dr. Fred

Dr. Fred-2

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A recovering psychiatrist turned Undoctor challenges the reliance on psychiatric medication as he uncovers the irony of masking symptoms while aiming to heal, sparking a conflict between conventional treatment and holistic approaches to mental wellness.

Almost everyone wants to make an impact and make the world a better place. - Dr. Fred

With a flamboyant personality and 4 decade journey in mental health, Dr. Fred has built a bold reputation as 'The Undoc…

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284. Healing Childhood Trauma: A Path to Self-Awareness - Tina Davidson

Tina Davidson

Unravel the enigma of Tina Davidson's life as she embarks on a journey of self-discovery and healing. Brace yourself for an unexpected revelation that will leave you questioning the power of secrets and the transformative nature of emotional honesty. What will Tina unearth as she peels back the layers of her childhood trauma? Find out as her story unfolds.

Part of letting your heart be broken is that willingness to grieve. I must have cried for two years...i…

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283. Aromatherapy: Exploring the Chemical Complexity and Therapeutic Benefits of Genuine Essential Oils with Amy Anthony

Amy Anthony

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Step into the world of Amy Anthony, where the bustling streets of New York City led her to a surprising passion for essential oils. Discover how her journey from herb gardens to aromatherapy certifications took an unexpected turn, leaving an important question lingering in the air: What surprising scents and chemical complexities await those who dive into the realm of genuine essential oils?

Essential oils are incredibly powerful, concentrated substances that ca…

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251. Hand Analysis: Unlocking Your Potential and Life Purpose with Richard Unger

Richard Unger

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Do you yearn to uncover your true life purpose?

Are you searching for a way to gain valuable insights into your path and purpose in life?

Look no further! Join us in episode 251 of the Meditation Conversation podcast as we dive into the fascinating world of hand analysis with our esteemed guest, Richard Unger. In this captivating discussion, Richard unveils the solution you've been seeking to discover your unique life purpose. Through the art of hand analysis, he unr…

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281. Discover the Hidden Language of Animals: Rev Karen Cleveland's Journey into Communication Beyond Words

Rev Karen Cleveland

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Have you ever heard these myths about animal communication?

Myth 1: Animal communication is only possible through verbal language.

Myth 2: Only professional animal communicators can connect with animals energetically.

Myth 3: Animal communication is a form of telepathy and not a real, tangible connection.

But what if I told you that these beliefs are far from the truth?

In this podcast discussion for Meditation Conversation, Rev Karen Cleveland, an expert in a…

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272. Reclaiming Ancient Wisdom: Ancestral Eating with Holistic Hilda

Holistic Hilda

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In a world where adversity seemed to define her, Holistic Hilda's life took an unexpected turn. Born with a heart defect that could have shattered her spirit, she defied the odds and embraced a path less traveled. Little did she know, this journey would unlock the secret to a vibrant and fulfilling life. As she delved into the depths of ancestral eating, she discovered a hidden treasure trove of wisdom, a beacon of hope amidst the noise of modern diets. But what she un…

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