163. Healing with Angels - Dr. T
Dr. T has been dubbed a "human engineer" for the work he does to facilitate healing within his clients. What makes his approach unique is the involvement of angels in his work.
In this episode you will hear Dr. T do an impromptu remote healing session on my children (in particular, my daughter), who were not present. I do not have any recent updates on her scoliosis, but I will say that she was unprecedentedly tired after he worked on her. She fell asleep twice in the car during sh…
156. Energy Editing and Quantum Healing - Teresa Kaplan
Teresa Kaplan is a psychotherapist turned transformational teacher, healer, and mentor. Over time she has discovered the role of energy in completely healing the root of trauma, and she has evolved her practice to center around Energy Editing for the most accelerated shifting into wholeness. In this episode we discuss:
- How she went from being a psychotherapist to holistic energy healer.
- The huge role of the subconscious in dealing with trauma.
- The intelligence of the human and …
146. Physical Body Changes using Awareness - Ann Hince
Can you heal your own body from the inside, using your awareness and connection to your emotions?
Remarkably, Ann Hince does just that! Ann tragically found her mother dead in the bathtub when she was 19 years old. Twenty years later she was suffering with stress which she knew was caused by never releasing the trauma from her mother’s death. She used Emotional Freedom Technique (“tapping”) for about 15 minutes and opened up a whole world of healing - both emotional and physical. I…
55. John Lockley - The Leopard Warrior Returns
Fresh from spending many weeks in the wilderness of the Kalahari Desert, traditional South African shaman John Lockley dives deeply into the wisdom he has cultivated through spiritual practice involving nature, the elements, and his ancestors. In this episode we explore:
- The mystical story of how he was guided to a tracker in Botswana, who was in intuitive communication with a leopard calling for John's presence. This culminated in the creation of the Kalahari retreat.
- Using dre…
48. Weaving Alternative Treatment with Western Medicine - Kristin Silberstein's Healing Journey with Cancer
44. Dr. Sue Morter - The Energy Codes as a Pathway to Experiencing Love and Wisdom
We were so thrilled to speak with Dr. Sue Morter, author of the bestselling book THE ENERGY CODES: A 7-Step System to Awaken Your Spirit, Heal Your Body and Live Your Best Life. Using herself as an experiential laboratory, Dr. Sue has been able to devise various powerful techniques to allow a person to access the multidimensional aspects of self. She teaches her students to embody their soulful selves rather than to feel the soul is something to be experienced outside of oneself.
…37. Harvesting Happiness from the Greatest Challenges - Christine Eartheart of Joy Potential
What a joy it was to talk with Christine Eartheart, teacher to healers through her Joy Potential business, couples counselor through her Center for Thriving Relationships, facilitator of women's circles, Laughter Yoga leader, and indispensable asset to the clients she helps via a combination of counseling, coaching, mind-body techniques, and energy healing. Christine is the embodiment of joy, and her passion is helping others connect with the joy which is available to everyone using…
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