238. Stop Stretching, Yogis! - Yogi Aaron
What is the key that unlocks the door to freedom? And what does it have to do with yoga?
Yogi Aaron and I explore this and more in this insightful, provocative, and fun episode. One of the most sought-after teachers today, Yogi Aaron is trailblazing a new path in the world of yoga. He is known for his unorthodox perspectives on stretching and flexibility and how both cause more harm than good, and his revolutionary approach to yoga — Applied Yoga Anatomy + Muscle Activation™ (AYAMA…
230. The Benefits of ET-Human Hybridization Programs - Barbara Lamb
Do you believe in extraterrestrial life? For thousands of years, there has been speculation and debate about the possibility of life beyond our planet. But what if extraterrestrial life not only exists, but is already living among us? Barbara Lamb, a UFO researcher and author of "Meet the Hybrids" and "Alien Experiences" has been researching and working with thousands of people who have had extraterrestrial encounters, and she has uncovered a shocking truth: Extraterrestrial breedin…
228. Managing Cancer with Meditation - Juni Bucher
Juni Bucher, a breast cancer survivor, uses meditation to manage the anxiety of survivorship and the side effects of treatment. In episode 228, she talks about how she used meditation daily in her cancer treatment regimine.
"Meditation has infinite ways of supporting us when we're in this constant state of panic, fight, or flight, because we are literally in fear of dying. It helps us hack the nervous system and signal, I am okay."
Juni is a breast cancer survivor and certified med…
224. Human Design & Intuitive Decision Making - Patricia Lindner
Patricia Lindner, an expert in human design and career alchemy, helps those struggling with the mundane chaos of everyday life to unlock and alchemize their power and passion to find their true potential.
"I believe in this path of joy. So if one ball falls down, maybe it is not the ball that makes you feel so happy - and then so what?" - Patricia Lindner
Patricia Lindner is an expert and human design, helping her clients to alchemize and release their purpose, power, passion, and po…
212. Supporting Your Natural Ability to Heal - Greg Wieting
How can we support the body’s natural ability to heal?
Could too much healing too quickly be a bad thing?
What is the role of the nervous system in accessing our own innate wisdom?
Greg Wieting is a healer who helps leaders and entrepreneurs heal the anxiety, depression, chronic pain, and trauma they can't think or talk their way out of. He developed the framework he uses to help others, through healing his own anxiety, depression, and chronic pain rooted in trauma.
206. Helping the Blind to See - Nate Zeleznick
Is it possible for visually blind people to energetically sense their surroundings as if they have sight?
Nate Zeleznick is the President and Co-founder of Vibravision®, which merges ancient energetic martial arts with modern science and training technology, to offer the most advanced personal energy management system on the planet. Over the past 20+ years he has mastered the energetic arts, co-founded the only U.S. school allowed to train these capabilities, has received validatio…
205. Overcoming Scoliosis and Autoimmune Disorder - Brenda Carey
How does the subconscious mind equate something being wrong with our health to something being “wrong with me,” particularly in adolescence?
Can pain be the catalyst to finding purpose?
Brenda Carey is passionate about guiding people to Energetically align with their heart’s deepest desire. Her calling is to inspire others from her own personal transformation of the struggles of spinal fusion surgery and autoimmune issues. She is the creator of the holistic health program Inspire…
202. Full Sight to Blind and Back Again - Vanessa Potter
Imagine living your life exactly as you are today, and suddenly over the course of three days your sight continually deteriorates until you are completely blind. As you and the doctors try to figure out what is happening, you realize you also cannot stand up; paralysis is now setting in.
This is what Vanessa Potter went through ten years ago. She went from a busy television producer to full-time healing from blindness and paralysis. She was able to overcome her health issues by imm…
198. The Root Cause of Your Illness - Magic Barclay
How did Magic Barclay go from a Stage 4, terminal cancer diagnosis to helping others heal through a holistic approach to health?
Could a trauma from decades ago be causing health symptoms you are experiencing today?
Magic Barclay joins from Australia in episode 198 to discuss her journey to healing and how she is helping others to their own healing with a wholistic view. Magic is the author of 4 books, and is an expert in many areas related to toxicity and immune function.
- Wha…
197. Transformative Yoga - Lily Allen-Duenas
Lily Allen-Duenas left her secure corporate job, packed up her stuff, sold her car, and moved to Cambodia to teach yoga and dive deeply into the studies of yoga, meditation, Reiki healing, and other modalities. How was she able to recognize the inner guidance that lead to that huge leap? What is the experience of Vipassana retreat like? What do you learn in that discomfort and pain? We get into all of that, and more, in episode 197.
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