226. A Life-Altering Walk-in Experience Revealed with Sheila Seppi
Have you been told that meditating and quieting your mind is the only way to achieve deepened soul transformation? As it turns out, this is a vast universe full of surprising ways that soul transformation occurs.
In episode 226 of the Meditation Conversation podcast, we explore the fascinating realm of soul exchanges to uncover the body’s healing abilities and a newfound alchemy of spiritual transformation.
Very much like a reincarnation, a walk-in will enter in…
270. Exploring Shamanic Drumming for Healing: A Deep Dive with Martin Theis
Discover the journey from suffering to inner peace and joy in the world of shamanic journeys. Martin Theis shares how shamanic journeys have been a key part of his awakening in episode 270 of Meditation Conversation.
We can't take anything with us when we die. When we leave this physical experience, we're not taking anything with us. The only thing we can do with our lives is to give it away, to serve others. - Martin Theis
My special guest is Martin Theis
276. Unlocking the Mind: Psychedelics & Healing with Jahan Khamsehzadeh
Psychedelics have been proven to heal severe depression, addiction and anxiety, but what happens when someone with borderline or schizophrenia takes them? Join us in episode 276 of the Meditation Conversation podcast as we explore the transformative power of psilocybin and its deep roots in human history. But be warned, not everyone is ready for the threshold it demands.
It's quite an anomaly in our paradigm... I focus on psilocybin because I think it can be the mo…
257. Transcend the Ego with Michael Massey
What are you observing about the present times?
Have you observed the intense polarization across humanity?
What is the root cause of the extreme difficulty so many people are experiencing currently, collectively and within their personal lives?
We are witnessing a surge in culture wars, economic disparity, and mental illness.
These conditions come from within the ego. This is now the battleground that will determine our individual and collective futures.
This episode with Mich…
258. Exploring Past Lives & ET Connections - Jenna Layden
Prepare to be enthralled by Jenna Layden's deeply personal journey from being an atheist for 30 years to becoming a shaman and cosmic guide. In episode 258 of the Meditation Conversation podcast, Jenna reveals how an emotional crisis ignited a quest for answers that led her down a path of spiritual discovery. She shares her experiences of supernatural phenomena like past life recall (!) and receiving direct messages, which have shaped her understanding of life and the universe.
238. Stop Stretching, Yogis! - Yogi Aaron
What is the key that unlocks the door to freedom? And what does it have to do with yoga?
Yogi Aaron and I explore this and more in this insightful, provocative, and fun episode. One of the most sought-after teachers today, Yogi Aaron is trailblazing a new path in the world of yoga. He is known for his unorthodox perspectives on stretching and flexibility and how both cause more harm than good, and his revolutionary approach to yoga — Applied Yoga Anatomy + Muscle Activation™ (AYAMA…
230. The Benefits of ET-Human Hybridization Programs - Barbara Lamb
Do you believe in extraterrestrial life? For thousands of years, there has been speculation and debate about the possibility of life beyond our planet. But what if extraterrestrial life not only exists, but is already living among us? Barbara Lamb, a UFO researcher and author of "Meet the Hybrids" and "Alien Experiences" has been researching and working with thousands of people who have had extraterrestrial encounters, and she has uncovered a shocking truth: Extraterrestrial breedin…
224. Human Design & Intuitive Decision Making - Patricia Lindner
Patricia Lindner, an expert in human design and career alchemy, helps those struggling with the mundane chaos of everyday life to unlock and alchemize their power and passion to find their true potential.
"I believe in this path of joy. So if one ball falls down, maybe it is not the ball that makes you feel so happy - and then so what?" - Patricia Lindner
Patricia Lindner is an expert and human design, helping her clients to alchemize and release their purpose, power, passion, and po…
219. Writing as a Path to Awakening - Albert Flynn DeSilver
How can we use writing to start a spiritual awakening, and what are spiritual occurrences?
Can we be aware of more than just our own thoughts and feelings?
Words have the power to transform lives, and Albert Flynn DeSilver has been embodying that truth for decades. We discuss this thoroughly in episode 219.
Albert is an internationally published, award winning writer and Ted speaker. His latest book is Writing as a Path to Awakening. He has served as Marin County, California's ve…
212. Supporting Your Natural Ability to Heal - Greg Wieting
How can we support the body’s natural ability to heal?
Could too much healing too quickly be a bad thing?
What is the role of the nervous system in accessing our own innate wisdom?
Greg Wieting is a healer who helps leaders and entrepreneurs heal the anxiety, depression, chronic pain, and trauma they can't think or talk their way out of. He developed the framework he uses to help others, through healing his own anxiety, depression, and chronic pain rooted in trauma.
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