

188. Phenomenal Transformation - Timothy Stuetz

Timothy Stuetz

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Decades ago Timothy Stuetz felt God was telling him he was on the wrong path, as two weeks into coming back into accounting work he found himself with a gun to his chest. 

He spent his life following the breadcrumbs which were laid out for him from a benevolent force, leading him away from the hamster wheel of corporate life into meditation, hands-on healing, yoga, qi gong, tai chi, Reiki, and Quantum Energetics. Some of the topics we explore in this episode:

  • How the 80+ childre…

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186. There is No Death, Only Life - Maria Verdeschi

Maria Verdeschi

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How can you differentiate “regular” thoughts from guidance from the other side?

How can you strengthen your own personal gifts of connecting with loved ones?

Maria Verdeschi is an acclaimed Psychic Medium and author of the best-seller There is No Death, Only Life. We have a great chat about the eternal nature of consciousness, and how our lives continue on after our bodies die. She shares affirming stories from her work of how family members have verified their life after death…

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183. Upgrading Your Healing Abilities - Sally Knopp

Sally Knopp

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Why can it be hard for energy healers to affect positive healing change on those they are closest to?

What is the role of the oversoul in your human healing journey?

It was a great joy to connect again with Sally Knopp in this episode! Sally is a multi-diminsional energy healer who blends many different healing modalities and approaches to her own healing art. In this episode she talks about how a recent loss of someone very close to her ignited an upgrade to her healing gifts, bu…

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182. Drawing Unknown Discarnate Spirits - Sunlight Oracle

Sunlight Oracle

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Is your departed loved one connecting with you through art?

Does consciousness live on after death?

How can sobriety ignite a spiritual awakening?

Is mediumship a gift that can develop over time or are you simply born with it?

Sunlight Oracle is a spirit artist and psychic medium based in Los Angeles. She reconnected with her mediumistic gifts after committing to a sober lifestyle. She now connects her clients to their loved ones on the other side through the power of art and me…

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