

189 & 190 Extraordinary Visit Inside Mt. Shasta - Lowell Johnson

Lowell Johnson

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Could there be entire humanoid civilizations living inside Earth?

Lowell Johnson has seen one such city with his own eyes, and he has phenomenal messages to deliver from his encounter.

Lowell has a remarkable story about finding himself in the underground city of Telos, being invited in to a Counsel meeting of higher dimensional beings.

His is a story that sounds like legend, but Lowell is so incredibly grounded that the truth that resounds through his story is undeniab…

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175. Awakening to Higher Consciousness - Adam Apollo

Adam Apollo

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How can you experience your human energy body? 

Are the chakras more than just spheres of energy along the spine, as is so often explained?

What does quantum entanglement have to do with spiritual awakening?

What role does DNA play apart from containing your ancestral lineage?

In this FASCINATING episode, Adam Apollo dives deeply into these questions and more. Adam has presented at the White House, the United Nations, and at international conferences and festivals. He is a we…

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169. ET-Human Hybrid - Jacquelin Smith

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Are there human-alien hybrids walking among us?

Not only does Jacquelin Smith believe so, she has clear knowledge/memory of her own incarnational origin from before her spirit entered the womb which involved multiple off-planet species. She knows herself to be a hybrid human. This episode is a must listen! Not only does Jacquelin have fascinating experiences to share, she radiates a high vibration which comes through in her voice. She even speaks some light language to amp the vibr…

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162. ETs and Extra Dimensionals - Reuben Langdon


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Reuben Langdon, creator and host of Interview with Extra Dimensionals, pick up where we left off in episode 149. Reuben has been connecting with extra dimensional entities for many years through different channelers, and he shares much of the wisdom garnered from his continuous search for Truth. Some of the topics we hit on this episode include:

  • Various interactions he’s had personally with extra dimensionals, specifically with mantis beings.
  • This “training ground” of the densit…

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101. Alien Encounters - Mary Rodwell

Mary Rodwell(1)

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** More mysterious audio interference in an episode discussing aliens!**

It was a genuine joy and honor to talk to Mary Rodwell, author of Awakening and The New Human. She is the founder of Australian Close Encounter Resource Network (ACERN), and she has counseled, researched, and written about countless cases of extraterrestrial encounters. It was fascinating to discuss the phenomenon of galactic encounters with Mary, but the conversation goes well beyond that. Mary is also a meta…

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