
162. ETs and Extra Dimensionals - Reuben Langdon


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Reuben Langdon, creator and host of Interview with Extra Dimensionals, pick up where we left off in episode 149. Reuben has been connecting with extra dimensional entities for many years through different channelers, and he shares much of the wisdom garnered from his continuous search for Truth. Some of the topics we hit on this episode include:

  • Various interactions he’s had personally with extra dimensionals, specifically with mantis beings.
  • This “training ground” of the densit…

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158. Modern Mysticism with Michael - A Great Shift

Michael shift

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In episode 154 we talked about how there was this sense that we are on the brink of something… This episode is an exploration into what has happened since then, namely in terms of breakthroughs for many people. There definitely seems to be a collective experience as so many people are having similar experiences simultaneously . We talk about unpleasant physical symptoms (which could be referred to as ascension symptoms) which have been shared experiences among many - from anxiety…

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157. Modern Mysticism with Michael - Supernatural Power and Predictions

Michael Supernatural

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Michael Massey joins again, bringing his unique shamanic perspective to the important topic of how we can idolize supernatural power to our detriment. We must use discernment to realize that not all who wield supernatural powers are using a benevolent force! This can be unexpected by Truth seekers and taken advantage of. In this episode we give some examples and provide some watch outs so you can shore up your powers of discernment.

  • John of God, spiritual powers, how supernatural…

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156. Energy Editing and Quantum Healing - Teresa Kaplan

Teresa Kaplan

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Teresa Kaplan is a psychotherapist turned transformational teacher, healer, and mentor. Over time she has discovered the role of energy in completely healing the root of trauma, and she has evolved her practice to center around Energy Editing for the most accelerated shifting into wholeness. In this episode we discuss:

  • How she went from being a psychotherapist to holistic energy healer.
  • The huge role of the subconscious in dealing with trauma.
  • The intelligence of the human and …

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155. Angel Tales - Catherine Lanigan

Catherine Lanigan

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This conversation with Catherine Lanigan is full of beautiful wisdom and divine inspiration. She is the international bestselling author of over forty published titles in both fiction and non-fiction, including the novelizations of Romancing the Stone and The Jewel of the Nile. Her book The Sweetest Heart was turned into a Hallmark movie. She has won multiple literary awards and her books have been translated into over a dozen languages. She also has many books which speak directly …

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153. Secrets of Abundance - Demetria


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It was pure joy to connect with Demetria of Abundance Angel. Demetria began her career as a CPA, then transitioned into recovering back wages for employees, and ultimately she tapped more and more into her skills of working with energy to help her clients clear out patterns and beliefs which are holding them back so they can align with more abundance. 

This episode is SO powerful, and Demetria opens gate after gate to help us see the Truth about the consciousness of money to help u…

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151. From Rifles to Roses - Iva Nasr


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Iva Nasr grew up against the backdrop of wartime Beirut. Her childhood is weaved with stories of being nurtured by a loving family - buoyed by a supportive international community and exceptional education - and also contending with the very real, ever-present threat of violence as battles from the war erupted regularly around her. She shares the remarkable stories of experiencing the oneness of Creation, not only in spite of such a dramatic childhood, but perhaps even (at least par…

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148. Dr. Jill Bolte-Taylor RERELEASE - My Stroke of Insight

Jill Bolte Taylor-1

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Dr. Jill Bolte Taylor is a Harvard-trained neuroanatomist and author of the NY Times Bestseller, “My Stroke of Insight: A Brain Scientist’s Personal Journey”. On Dec 10, 1996, Dr. Taylor experienced a brain hemorrhage which impaired the left hemisphere of her brain. On the morning of the hemorrhage, she could not walk, talk, read, write, or recall anything. Her recovery took eight years, and she was left with a deeper understanding about how the different aspects of her brain wor…

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147. Mitchell-Hedges Crystal Skull - Bill Homann

Bill Homann

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The Mitchell-Hedges Crystal Skull is a phenomenon which was discovered in a Mayan temple on Jan 1, 1924, by Anna Mitchell-Hedges. Scientists aren’t able to determine its origins or how it could possibly have been created from a single clear quartz. Those sensitive to energies can feel the powerful field which radiates from it and receive messages from it.

Bill Homann is the keeper of the Mitchell-Hedges Skull. Michael Massey and I were incredibly honored to be able to meet it in…

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146. Physical Body Changes using Awareness - Ann Hince

Ann Hince

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Can you heal your own body from the inside, using your awareness and connection to your emotions?

Remarkably, Ann Hince does just that! Ann tragically found her mother dead in the bathtub when she was 19 years old. Twenty years later she was suffering with stress which she knew was caused by never releasing the trauma from her mother’s death. She used Emotional Freedom Technique (“tapping”) for about 15 minutes and opened up a whole world of healing - both emotional and physical.
- …

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